Deductible expenses, what it is

What are the deductible expenses ? Today I have an expense, tomorrow I pay less taxes. This very simple concept has for years guided the management of economic activity by VAT numbers, committed to always keeping the expenses incurred during work documented so as to be able to download them, that is to subtract from the wages at the end of the year to pay less taxes.

The only limit was that of the inherence of the expense, that is, the cost had to be related to the activity and not extraneous.

Well this way of behaving has now been upset by the new flat rate regime, the only subsidized regime still valid for those starting a new business or for those with a low turnover.

Things have changed

In the new system, the income on which to pay taxes is no longer calculated as the difference between fees and deductible expenses, but is determined on a flat-rate basis (hence the name given in practice to the new regime) by the Tax Authority by applying a variable percentage to the revenues based on the performed activity.

In the flat-rate regime, the tax authorities are no longer interested in the costs incurred by the VAT number.

Therefore the concept of deductible cost disappears. In the flat rate the tax is no longer interested in the costs incurred by the VAT number.

There is only one exception, that of contributions paid to the compulsory social security fund. The sums paid to INPS or other funds are in fact the only expense that those who apply the flat rate can download.

As far as the INPS is concerned, the deduction is possible in full following the “cash” rule, ie the contributions are deductible in the year in which they are paid. Therefore, in the tax return that will be completed in 2017 on the 2016 income, only the contributions that were actually paid from January to December 2016 can be deducted.

These rules apply both to the management of artisans / traders (the cashier to which individual entrepreneurs must register) and to the separate management (the cashier to which self-employed workers and those who do not belong to any Order or Register are required to register. ).

Who is subscribed to an order

On the other hand, members of an Order must pay contributions to the specific social security fund every year (for example Inarcassa for engineers and architects, Inpgi for journalists and so on).

The deductible contributions are only those paid to the Order on a subjective basis.

In this case the deductible contributions are only those paid to the Order on a subjective basis. The part of the objective contribution, on the other hand, is non-deductible.

Those who have chosen to build a supplementary pension can also deduct the contributions paid to the supplementary pension.

Those who have chosen to build a supplementary pension can also deduct the contributions paid to the supplementary pension. In this case, contributions can be downloaded up to a maximum limit of € 5,164.57 per year.

Obviously, in order to deduct these expenses, all the documentation certifying the payment of the costs must be presented to the accountant. Therefore bank receipts, postal bulletins and all forms concerning the expenses incurred must always be kept.


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