What Does It Mean For Instagram Stories To Appear Green

Instagram users who are constantly interacting on this platform have been noticing the different changes made by the creators of this social network. One of these changes that has been noticed is that in some Instagram stories, some users have seen that they usually see stories with the green circle instead of the one predetermined by the application.

Now, many will ask what does this green circle mean? What this green circle means is that you are on the best friends list of one of your followers. Which means that you are lucky to belong to this group and that you have the privilege of seeing the stories that are only for this listing.

Index(  )

  1. Why do some stories appear in a colored circle?
    1. How can you view your best friends list?
    2. What to do to add or remove members from the list?
  2. How do you know which friends have you on their ‘Green List’?

Why do some stories appear in a colored circle?

Within the latest updates of the Instagram platform, it has been observed that some stories appear with a colored circle like the rainbow and that it has a different meaning than the green circle that is that of best friends.

This circle of colors had its first appearance on Instagram in June 2020 that was in honor of the LGBT community, this month is when it is commemorated as gay pride month. Therefore, Instagram decided to pay tribute to those who are participants of this community with a circle of colors similar to those of its flag. However, nowadays in order for you to get this colored circle you will have to use specific hashtags so that the colored circle can appear.

Now, within the Hashtags that you will have to use to make the colored circle appear, you will find the following: #orgullo, #gay, #lesbian, #lgbt, #pride, #trans, #transgender . These are some of the ones you can use to make the colored circle appear and it should also be remembered that it will last only 24 hours from the moment it is published.

How can you view your best friends list?

The way to see the list of your best friends is very simple to do, because you will only have to enter your account and go to the option to view your profile where three lines will appear at the top , there you will touch and you will get some options In these options you can find the “Best friends” and that is where you can access to see who are on your list.

What to do to add or remove members from the list?

One of the advantages of the best friends list is that we have the option of being able to change it whenever we want, that is, you can add or remove whoever you want . In addition, you will be the only person who will have the opportunity to see the list of best friends and the people you have added.

On the other hand, one of the advantages of this option is that there is no limit established by the Instagram platform with respect to the users that you can have added to this list. Besides, it will only be you who decides with whom to share the stories in this group and it is where you can give access to users who you think can see the type of content you want to share and you can also modify them to eliminate whoever you do not want to see it. .

In addition, the users that you add and remove from this list will not know that you did it, since Instagram does not send a notification to the users who belong to this list. Another advantage of this option is that you can renew the list of best friends whenever you want and the only way that the users that you have in your list of best friends realize that they are in it, is through the green circle that will appear when they see your story.

Now, to add and remove friends from your list, you must follow a series of very simple steps to comply with and you can do it from your mobile phone in the Instagram App, the steps to follow are the following:

You must enter the Instagram application and enter the option to view your profile, once you are there you will have to select the three lines that appear at the top that indicate the settings. After logging in, you will see a series of options where you will see the “Best friends”, this is the one you must select to do the process of adding and removing people from this list.

Having already selected this option, you will get a section where it will give you the option to add or delete the users you want, but you can only add one at a time, as well as delete you will have to do so. Besides, the App in that configuration will show you two divisions where one will be “Your list” and the other “Suggestions” . So the first is where the users that you will have as best friends will be and the other is where suggestion users appear to add to the list if you want.

On the other hand, to add the friends you want you will have to go either to the “Search” option and this is where you can write the name of the user you want on your list. After the user appears you will only have to click on the option that appears “Add” and voila, you will have your friend in that list.

How do you know which friends have you on their ‘Green List’?

The easiest way to know if you belong to a list of best friends, is to get into your profile, go to the top where the three lines are and select it, at once a window will appear with different options where the of “best friends”. Once it appears you will be able to observe the users that you have as best friends and if you see that there are some that you did not add, this means that they have added you to this list.

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