How CHILI works

As soon as you can, you love to sit on the sofa to enjoy the movies and TV series present on the video on demand platforms. More and more often, however, you happen to not be able to find what you are looking for because in the catalogs of these services there are no first-run films or series just aired on pay TV platforms. I understand your disappointment, but I think I can suggest a solution that can solve the problem: CHILI .

CHILI is in fact the main Italian platform dedicated to the rental and purchase of films in digital format. In its catalog it is possible to find very fresh contents, such as the first-run films that have just come out of cinemas and many American anime and cartoons. All without having to subscribe (you only pay for the content you are interested in) and with the ability to access your favorite content from all devices: computers, TVs, smartphones and tablets.

But it doesn’t stop there! In fact, CHILI also offers the opportunity to purchase DVDs, Blu-rays and merchandising dedicated to the world of cinema at very advantageous prices, with the possibility of taking advantage of special promotions linked to pre-orders of the titles still in the room. I bet you would like to know more, right? Well, below you will find all the details on how CHILI works , what content it offers and how much it costs to rent or buy content within it. Happy reading and, above all, good viewing!


  • Minimum requirements
  • Supported prices and payment methods
  • How to join CHILI
  • How CHILI works on PC
    • Browse the catalog
    • Purchase and rent content
    • Free movies
    • Play purchased or rented content
    • Manage the account
  • How CHILI on TV works
    • Smart TV app
    • Alternative solutions
  • How CHILI works on smartphones and tablets

Minimum requirements

Before getting to the heart of the tutorial and explaining how CHILI works , it seems only right to make an overview of what are the minimum requirements for using the platform. In other words, it refers to the characteristics that PCs, TVs, smartphones and tablets must comply with in order to access the contents offered by the latter.

Starting from the computer world, CHILI is compatible with all PCs equipped with Windows 7 or later and with all Macs equipped with macOS 10.11 El Capitan or later. In the browser field , however, the supported ones are the following: Chrome , Firefox , Microsoft Edge and Safari (it is important to update the browser to the latest version available , in order to avoid possible problems).

If you are wondering how CHILI on TV works , however, you should know that you can use the official CHILI app for Smart TVs , for example, from Samsung , LG , Philips , Sony , Panasonic , Hisense , Sharp and Haier or for devices smart to connect to your TV such as Chromecast , Android TV and Amazon Fire TV Stick / Cube . On a mobile level, then, it might interest you to know that the app is also available for Android (compatible with Android 4.4 and later) and iPhone / iPad (compatible with iOS 13 or later).

By the way, if you have an Android device without Google services , you will be happy to know that the CHILI app is also available on the HUAWEI AppGallery (you might be interested in my tutorial on how to install apps on HUAWEI ). In addition, CHILI is also available on the Samsung Galaxy Store , which is the official digital store pre-installed on Samsung devices. In short, you shouldn’t have too many problems finding the app, as it is present almost everywhere.

Regarding the speed of the Internet connection , these are the minimum requirements to reproduce the contents of CHILI in the various resolutions available.

  • Contents in SD (standard definition): at least 1 Mbps.
  • HD content (720p): at least 2.5 Mbps.
  • HD + / Full HD (1080p) content: at least 4.5 Mbps.
  • 4K HDR / Ultra HD content: at least 10.5 / 12.5 Mbps.
  • Content in 8K: at least 60 Mbps.

I remind you that you can perform a speed test to understand the speed of your Internet connection, as well as that of course you must have a suitable TV to play content such as 4K and 8K. For more information, you can refer to the official CHILI guidelines . I also recommend that you also monitor the CHILI minimum requirements page and the page relating to the association of devices to the account ( maximum of 5 devices ), as a platform of this type is constantly evolving and therefore there may be changes.

For the rest, pay attention to the fact that in some cases the application may have more limited functionality than the website accessible from the browser, for example you may have to go through the latter to buy or rent content . For this reason, in the course of the guide I will use the portal to carry out the main practical examples related to the operation of CHILI.

In any case, given the many variables that come into play when referring to the compatibility of such a platform, you may want to take a look at the official guidelines of the platform for more information. In any case, the app installation procedure is the standard one for the various platforms, so you may want to deepen, for example, my guides on how to download Android applications , how to download apps on iPhone , how to download apps on LG Smart TVs and how download apps on Samsung Smart TV .

Supported prices and payment methods

After having indicated everything you need to know about the minimum requirements and compatible devices , I think it is good to carry out an in-depth analysis also with regard to prices and payment methods supported by the CHILI platform.

Well, net of the promotional initiatives that are occasionally launched by the platform, the prices of the films generally start at 2.99 euros for rental and 6.99 euros for purchase in digital format. However, in the promo you can also go down to 0.99 euros for the rental and lower prices also for the purchase .

If you are wondering how the rental on CHILI works , you should know that the contents have a deadline of 28 days and must be viewed within 48 hours of their first reproduction . In the case of purchase, however, they do not expire and can be reproduced as many times as you wish (only through the website and the CHILI applications). More info here .

For the rest, there is the question of DVD and Blu-ray prices , which start at 0.99 euros for rather dated films. In any case, going beyond these quick indications that I have given you, you can better understand the prices by connecting to the official CHILI portal and taking advantage of the filters made available. For example, by checking the DVD box on the left and selecting the DVD / Blu-ray Price option (from the lowest) through the menu at the top right you can take a look at the lowest cost proposals from that point of view.

A separate discussion should be made for merchandise , which generally includes different types of products: from mugs to action figures , passing for example through t-shirts and books . In any case, it is more difficult in this context to provide you with even general information regarding prices, also because often the eStore , as the section of CHILI dedicated to merchandise is defined, often consists of active partnerships for a certain period of time , so it’s all constantly evolving.

For the rest, it must be said that CHILI also has a section dedicated to free films with advertising , which I will explore later in the tutorial. In short, as you can see, the offer of the Italian streaming platform is quite wide and constantly updated.

How to join CHILI

To rent or buy content on CHILI , you need to register for an account . Subscription to the platform is totally free, takes a few seconds and can be done from all devices: PCs, Smart TVs, smartphones and tablets. Don’t worry: I’ll tell you how to do it right away.

To proceed from a computer , just go to the main page of CHILI , press the account icon located at the top right and select the Log in or register box from the menu that appears on the screen. At this point, move to the REGISTER tab and fill out the form that is proposed to you, entering all the required data: email and password to access the platform, name , surname and telephone number (the latter is not mandatory).

Once this is done, take a look at the section Express individual privacy consents , ticking the boxes you deem appropriate and press the SIGN UP button to complete the account creation process.

If you want, you can speed up the CHILI registration procedure by authenticating with your Facebook or Google account : just press the button Continue with and confirm the connection of the profile on the page that appears on the screen. In any case, once this is done, you will be inside the platform

How CHILI works on PC

Now that you have the possibility to use CHILI after registering on the platform , I would say that it is time to take action and see in detail how the Web version of CHILI works , which is accessible from any device that meets the minimum requirements I have indicated. previously.

Browse the catalog

The first thing I recommend you do now that you are inside the platform is to browse the catalog . In fact, CHILI has so many possibilities that you could get lost in the content offer.

To be clear, starting from the CHILI homepage it is possible to access various sections , namely Films and TV series , Free Films , Highlights and eStore . I’ve covered the prices and a few possibilities above , but the main page of the website goes way beyond that. In fact, just scroll down to find information relating to, for example, First Visions , Recently Added titles and active promotional initiatives .

To better understand the offer of the platform, I suggest you click on Show all , present next to the names of the various lines. In this way, you will be able to take a look at, for example, all available Prime views . In fact, each area of ​​the portal includes specific indications for the various types of content , as well as special filters to sort the results, for example, by genre , year , title , popularity and price .

On the other hand, as regards the indications relating to visual quality and pre-order (yes: it is also possible to pre-order the upcoming contents to look at them in the future as soon as they are available), generally these indications are provided directly by placing a special stamp in the content box . In short, browsing the official CHILI website to find content that interests you is really child’s play.

Among other things, there are some handy features designed to make everything even more convenient. I refer mainly to the heart icon present at the top right: the latter refers to the so-called wish list , so there is a function for adding favorites (you can add content to this list via the heart button present in the ‘special page, among other things there is also the classic Like button). You’ll then noticed the presence of the search bar on the top left and top right of the ‘ shopping cart icon and’ account icon (from which you can access the section My CHILI where are thepurchased or rented content and allows you to adjust your profile settings ).

What is the ☰ icon located at the top left for? Simple: to reach the Home , Catalog , Movies , eStore , Highlights and TV Series sections more quickly . In this regard, I recommend that you try to click on the Catalog box , as in this way you will be able to further deepen the content offer of CHILI and use additional filters (relating, for example, also to DVD / Blu-ray).

For the rest, if the visualization of the entire catalog seems a bit chaotic to you (on the other hand, it is designed for those who want to deepen all the available titles a bit), you can safely return to the Home section and take advantage of an interface more modern. In any case, in general everything is very convenient and therefore you should not have any particular problems.

Purchase and rent content

Now that you know how to browse the CHILI catalog , it is time to deepen the purchase and rental of content (as well as the preorder, of course ).

I’ll tell you right away: it’s all extremely simple. In fact, once you have selected the content box of your interest, a page will appear on the screen indicating which options are available for viewing it. In cases that guarantee the most possibilities, there are generally three buttons: Rent , Buy and Blu-ray / DVD . Once you have pressed the key related to the mode with which you want to continue, you will be given all the necessary information on the screen to complete the transaction .

To be clear, usually for rental and purchase you are asked to select the reproduction quality (for example, HD) and press the Watch it now or Add to cart button to continue. In any case, once you reach the Cashier , you will be asked to set a valid payment method (among those I indicated ), apply discount codes if necessary and confirm the purchase .

In the case of the purchase of a Blu-ray or DVD , the procedure to follow involves adding the product to the cart (first by pressing the Add to cart button and then on the GO TO CART button ) and acknowledging any costs. additional shipping costs . Furthermore, among the purchase options there is also the possibility to indicate the number of copies to buy. For the rest, once you have pressed the GO TO CHECKOUT button , the procedure to follow is the same as that indicated above (only that you will clearly be asked to enter the shipping address ).

For the rest, I remind you that CHILI also allows the purchase of two other types of content, namely merchandise and pre-order films . In the case of merchandise, just press the ADD TO CART button , select the GO TO CART item and continue just as if it were a DVD or Blu-ray.

For the contents that have yet to be released but which you want to pre-order to see them as soon as they become available, instead, just click on the Pre-order button , choose the playback quality and press the Book now button : by doing so, you will reach the Cashier section and you can continue just like you do for the purchase of films. If you have doubts about everything, you can refer to my specific tutorial on how to buy or rent a movie with CHILI .

Free movies

One of the sections that you may not know about CHILI is the one related to free movies with advertising . Yes, you got it right: the Italian streaming platform also allows you to watch some content without paying anything, so there is not only the purchase and rental of content .

To access the free content, just click on the Free Movies box on the CHILI homepage and then click on the WATCH FOR FREE button or connect to the section dedicated to CHILI free movies . In these cases, obviously, there is no type of request for data related to shipping or the like, as you just need to select the content box of your interest and click the Play Free button .

By doing so, net of the presence of some advertisements , the content will be launched and you can enjoy it. I take this opportunity to give you a quick on the CHILI player playing : simply, the lower left corner there are the buttons Play / Pause and to go forward / reverse by 30 seconds , while in the lower right peeps icon to put in full screen . In the center, of course, there is the playback bar , while the cartoon icon at the top right refers to the language .

Finally, right at the top right there are also the buttons to set Quality (gear icon), Volume and possibly Mirroring of the content (making it play, for example, on an available TV). In short, the viewing experience is the classic one offered by all the main streaming services. For the sake of completeness, you should also know that some content available for free with advertising can also be purchased or rented for uninterrupted viewing .

Play purchased or rented content

Excluding the reproduction of free content , which for obvious reasons is simplified, you may be interested in learning more about how to access the content you have purchased or rented on CHILI .

In this case, in fact, once you have completed the transaction in the ways I explained above , if the contents you have chosen are already available (and therefore it is not a preorder), all you have to do to to access it, click on the account icon , located at the top right and select the My CHILI box .

In this way, the boxes of the purchased contents will appear on the screen , with lots of indications about, for example, the quality you have chosen. In any case, the tabs available on this page are three: Movies , TV Series and Collections (you can clearly use them to switch from one type of content to another). In addition, there are filters available at the top right , for example, to quickly find the most recent content you have purchased .

For the rest, net of the considerations I made earlier on the difference between rental and purchase of films , you can start the content of your interest by simply clicking on the Play button in its box.

Of course, in case you were wondering, you can watch the content purchased or rented on CHILI also through other devices compatible with the platform, such as TV, smartphone and tablet: there will be a way to learn more quickly later in the tutorial.

Manage the account

Before briefly delving into the functioning of CHILI on other platforms (spoiler: the user experience is almost identical to the one I have already indicated for PC , which is the most complete), I think you may also find some useful information on managing the ‘CHILI account .

Well, if you need to edit your personal information , your payment details and / or to manage devices connected to your account CHILI (perhaps because you have exceeded the 5 limit), you can go to the section My Account of the platform, accessed by pressing on the profile icon located at the top right and selecting the appropriate item from the menu that appears on the screen.

On the page in question, you will find all the information linked to your account and the options to change it. For example, by clicking on the Edit item in the My data section you can change your personal data; clicking on Reload on the balance you can recharge your personal account of CHILI, while clicking on Delete for one of the devices associated with your account, you can remove it from your profile.

How CHILI on TV works

The contents of CHILI can also be enjoyed directly from TV , using the official CHILI application via Smart TV or devices that I have already mentioned above . Below you can find quick information about the official CHILI app for Smart TV and alternative solutions if you have a non-smart TV .

Smart TV app

If you have a Smart TV for which the official CHILI app is available , all you have to do is install the app from the appropriate official store to start enjoying the contents of the platform.

Obviously the variables involved are many , so I suggest you consult my guide on how to install apps on Smart TVs for more information, in which I have provided information about all the various types of televisions available on the market.

In any case, once the CHILI application is launched , you will simply be prompted to log into your CHILI account (or create a new one ). At this point, everything is almost identical to what happens on a PC , net of the presence of the Menu icon at the top left. From the latter you can access sections such as Home and Catalog , as well as browse all the available contents . Obviously there is also the search function and the My CHILI area to see the contents you have purchased or rented.

In short, there is really nothing complex about using the CHILI Smart TV app: simply, in this case you have to use the buttons on the remote control to navigate. In short, if you have already used any streaming service from your TV in the past, you will surely find yourself at home.

Alternative solutions

If you have a traditional ( non-Smart ) TV or a Smart TV on which the CHILI app is not available, you may want to consider using alternative solutions to view the CHILI content in this way anyway.

For example, you may want to use the Amazon Fire TV Stick , which is a thumb drive that you plug into your TV’s HDMI port to make it smart. The Fire TV Stick includes its own operating system and has the Amazon Appstore digital store , which also allows you to download the official CHILI app .

For all the details of the case on this type of product, which is generally referred to as the HDMI dongle , I suggest you consult my tutorial on what the Amazon Fire TV Stick is and how it works , in which I have dispelled almost every possible doubt about this possibility.

Then there is also the possibility of using Chromecast to send movies, TV series and cartoons from your smartphone (or tablet) to your TV. In this case, all you have to do is start the CHILI app on your Android or iOS device , press the transmission icon located at the top right (the screen with the Wi-Fi waves next to it) and select the name of your Chromecast from the list of available devices. Then you have to start playing the content of your interest and this, in a completely automatic way, will be projected on the TV .


Google Chromecast, Anthracite Gray, Start Streaming

See offer on Amazon


Chromecast supports content up to Full HD resolution; However, a more advanced version is available, with Google TV , which has an integrated remote control and app store, so it allows you to directly start Android apps without going through the transmission of content from smartphones or other devices.

For more details, you can refer to my tutorial on how Chromecast works . In short, the possibilities available to you even if you have a non-smart TV are certainly not lacking, aiming to purchase an HDMI dongle .

How CHILI works on smartphones and tablets

To conclude the study of the CHILI platform, I will focus for a moment on how it works in the mobile environment, therefore on smartphones and tablets , where, among other things, it is also possible to take advantage of the possibility of downloading the contents locally and watching them in offline mode (on Android). Below you can find all the details of the case.


At the level of smartphones and tablets, one of the most popular operating systems is Android . In this context, you may clearly want to know more about how CHILI works on this platform.

Of course, I have already explained to you everything you need to know about installing and spreading the CHILI app in the initial chapter of the tutorial , but here I will quickly delve into the interface and the download function made available by the platform. streaming on Android.

Well, once you start the app and log in with the CHILI account (in reality you can also choose to explore the contents without logging in), you will find yourself in front of the Home screen of the platform, in which all the featured content , organized into specific categories . From here you will notice that everything is extremely similar (indeed, almost identical) to what is illustrated in the chapter for TV . The sections are in fact the same and just click on the ☰ icon, present at the top left, to access the additional options .

What changes is the ability to download content for offline viewing . Doing this is very simple: once you have reached the My CHILI section , that is the one containing the content you have purchased or rented, just tap the  button next to the title of a content and press the Download option . By doing so, you will later be able to play the content even without having an Internet connection available from the DOWNLOAD area of the My CHILI section (among other things, from the latter you will be able to see the download status).

Note : starting from September 2021, due to a policy change by Google, it is no longer possible to purchase content directly from the CHILI app downloaded from the Play Store, but only from the versions installed starting from the Samsung Galaxy Store (pre-installed on Samsung devices) and from the HUAWEI AppGallery (you may need to reinstall the app if you already have one of these versions and are still unable to make purchases). Alternatively, you can clearly buy the contents via browser , just as indicated in the chapter on the PC .

iPhone and iPad

Contrary to what happens on Android , the CHILI application for iPhone / iPad , in this case called CHILI Play , only allows you to view the contents rented or purchased on CHILI (as well as to download the contents).

However, the registration to the platform, the rental and the purchase of the contents must be carried out via the browser , therefore going through the indications I have previously provided . In any case, net of this due clarification, I have already explained to you in the preliminary chapter all the issues relating to supported devices and installation . Here I will therefore focus only on how the CHILI iPhone and iPad app works.

In fact, you should know that the graphical interface is completely different from that of the other official CHILI apps, so you may clearly be wondering how CHILI Play works . Well, once you log in with your account, you will access a simplified Home section that will show you your latest purchases and will recommend some content that may be of interest to you .

However, by clicking on the box of the latter (also valid for the Trends section ) and on the HOW DO I WATCH IT button , it will be explained to you that from this application you can only watch the contents you have purchased or rented at most, transmit them via Chromecast . In short, as I said earlier, the purchase of content and other features must be done in another way, perhaps through a browser.

In any case, to play content that you already have available, just move to the MY CHILI section , press on the content box of your interest and tap the DOWNLOAD button . This way, you can then start playing it later from the Download section . In short, on the iPhone / iPad the official CHILI app works a little differently, but following the directions I just provided you shouldn’t have too much trouble enjoying your favorite content.

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