How to Block WhatsApp on My iPhone with Face ID

WhatsApp is one of the most used applications worldwide. Users constantly interact through the application on various topics and inside information. That is why it is reasonable that they want to protect the information of their WhatsApp conversations . This article addresses how you can block your WhatsApp with Face ID or Touch ID.

It also shows you the risk factors that can interfere with the security of your WhatsApp. That is why we recommend you continue reading the article until it is finished. So you will be more informed and you can block WhatsApp on your iPhone with Face ID and be safe.

Index(  )

  1. How do I know if my iPhone supports unlocking via Touch ID?
  2. Is it possible for someone to unlock my WhatsApp with fake fingerprints or faces?
  3. What are the risk factors that can interfere with the security of my WhatsApp?
    1. Virus
    2. Malicious apps
    3. Malicious use of third parties

How do I know if my iPhone supports unlocking via Touch ID?

Without a doubt, iPhone devices have advanced technological support and give you many options to protect your application equipment, such as WhatsApp. If you use this application as a means of communication, but you want all your conversations to be kept private and that others do not access your chats, you can block the WhatsApp application with Face ID .

But before doing so, it is important to know the iPhone models that are compatible with the lock that Touch provides. The quickest way is to head to settings, then account. Next, click on Privacy, swipe up and select the Screen lock option. You will be able to visualize different available options. If you see among those options Require Face ID or Touch ID you will know that your mobile is compatible , slide the button to activate.

On the other hand, if you have doubts about it. It is always advisable to seek specialized help. Therefore, you can get this information on Apple’s technical support page . Models are shown where you can check yours. In addition, you will be able to learn more about this blocking function.

Is it possible for someone to unlock my WhatsApp with fake fingerprints or faces?

The communications that we establish with other people through WhatsApp may be of a confidential nature, personal information that is stored in the chats of this application. That is why you are forced to protect your equipment and applications using the lock with your fingerprint or your face.

You may wonder if after blocking your WhatsApp using Face ID or Touch ID , no one will violate your privacy with fingerprints or fake faces. But you can rest easy because by blocking your WhatsApp with your fingerprint or your face , in no way will anyone be able to impersonate this identity. The system will mark that the fingerprint or face is unrecognizable, that is, it does not correspond to your established pattern. It will be impossible to unblock your WhatsApp.

What are the risk factors that can interfere with the security of my WhatsApp?

However, we are not except that the protection of our WhatsApp application is violated and all your information may fall into unknown hands. That is why you must be very aware of the risks that can interfere with the security of your WhatsApp.


Every time you browse the web from your mobile device or open messages from unknown contacts with misleading offers about events or prizes, you risk your device being infected by viruses . Therefore, your WhatsApp application and the information stored in the chats are compromised.

Malicious apps

We live in the age of technology, so it is to be expected that very attractive external applications will appear at all times that under misleading slogans offer you to perform tasks that the WhatsApp application itself does not allow. Many of these applications do not work and are actually malicious software .

So before downloading these external applications, stop to consider the risks. Because many of them are maliciously designed and can contain harmful information and hack all the information on your WhatsApp .

Malicious use of third parties

Another risk that can interfere with the security of your WhatsApp application is malicious use by third parties. Outsiders could access your application and use your information stored in your chats for malicious purposes . Hence, it is important to avoid these risks by protecting your application with Face ID blocking, in case you do not want to put a password on your applications .


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