10 Best Quotes of Rousseau Will Change Your Mind

10 Best Quotes of Rousseau Will Change Your Mind.Rousseau.Jean-Jacques Rousseau argues that learning must be done through experience rather than analysis.

10 Best Quotes of Rousseau Will Change Your Mind.

Best Quotes of Rousseau

Best Quotes of Rousseau Best Quotes of Rousseau

You forget that the fruits belong to all and that the earth belongs to no one.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Speech on inequality, 1755

“I conceive in the human species two kinds of inequalities. One which I call natural or physical … The other which one may call it moral or political inequality. “
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Speech on inequality, 1755

“The first who, having enclosed a piece of land, took it into his head to say: this is mine, and found people simple enough to believe it, was the real one. founder of civilian life. “
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Discourse on inequality, 1755

“By the nature of the right of property, it does not extend beyond the life of the owner, and the instant a man dies, his property no longer belongs to him.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Speech on political economy, 1755

“Real needs are never in excess.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Julie ou La nouvelle Héloïse, 1761

“No one wants the public good unless it matches his own.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Letter to Bishop de Beaumont

“The sight of injustice and wickedness still makes my blood boil with anger; acts of virtue where I see neither boastfulness nor ostentation always make me tremble of joy and still tear me with sweet tears. “
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Rêveries du promenade solitaire, 1776-1778

“When I pay a debt it is a duty that I fulfill; when I make a donation it is a pleasure that I give myself.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Rêveries du promenade solitaire, 1776-1778

“Anyone who wants to be free is indeed.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778 – Correspondence

“To form your own opinion is no longer the behavior of a slave.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778

“Man derives the good he does from his heart, not from his purse.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau – 1712-1778

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