How to create an editorial calendar according to Facebook

A content calendar is a tool that allows the community manager or social media manager to plan, organize, and schedule the content that will be published on the profiles they manage. Having an editorial calendar is essential when developing a solid content strategy and will help to achieve the objectives that have been defined, to develop the actions and to carry out a subsequent follow-up of the topics that have been published.

Creating a content calendar will help achieve the objectives set out in the company’s marketing strategy

Many companies do not know how to create their own content calendars, although in many cases it is as easy as having a spreadsheet (for example, an Excel document) in which to write down what is going to be shared throughout the month and the results that are obtained. The complexity of the calendar will depend on the number of social profiles that the company has, its objectives and the resources that it dedicates to it. There are also tools that can help us create a content calendar.

In addition, Facebook has published a guide in which it explains step by step how to create a content calendar, and bases it on three key elements:

-When to publish: It is necessary to know when the audience is connected to social networks. To know this data, you must analyze previous publications and observe at what times of the week the most interactions are obtained. It is also advisable to schedule content at different times of the day, to try to reach all possible users, and to monitor the content.

All social networks have their own analytical tools. In the case of Facebook, there is Page Insights, which offers detailed information on the interaction of the audience with the contents of the page, the hours in which more users are connected, as well as information on the type of content that receives the most interactions or the percentage of fans that a post has reached.

-What to publish: A content calendar should contain different types of content, which focus on different themes and objectives. For example, it is convenient to program content to attract followers, which can be photographs of new products or success stories. Informative content should also be planned, with tips and articles that explain how to do something or provide in-depth information on a topic. Finally, fun content must also be included, which entertains the audience and attracts their attention.

In the content calendar you can include the text or image that will accompany each publication.

-Where to publish: Not all content can be published on all social networks. It is necessary to create specific content for each platform in which you have a presence. Also analyzing where the target audience is located is essential to know in which profile to publish. For example, if the audience is on Facebook and Instagram, the same content can be shared on both networks (although changing the message on each of them, adapting it to the particularities of each platform).

Content Calendar Template

Facebook has also released a blank content calendar template, which is available for the user to download and use, which will help you plan, organize and schedule your social media content.

If you are interested in this template, you can download it in PDF format here.


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