How to log out of Facebook on all devices

Facebook is a social network that can be used both on the mobile phone, on the tablet, on the computer… and on any other connected device, simultaneously. Whenever you finish using it, you must close the session, so that if another person accesses the device they do not have access to the account. This, which is sometimes forgotten on a single computer, is more difficult to manage if sessions are open at different access points.

How to log out of Facebook on all devicesHow to log out of Facebook on all devicesHow to log out of Facebook on all devices

Once the sessions that you left open have been closed, it is advisable to change the password of your Facebook profile

But there is a way to perform a forced closure of all open sessions on Facebook, without having to go to each specific device – perhaps you no longer have access to that hotel computer you used on vacation – and something so drastic is not necessary how  to delete your account

The blocking is done remotely, both from the Facebook app and from the computer, as we told you. This way you will be able to regain control over all your sessions and, if you wish, for peace of mind, you can change the password of your account.

How to log out of Facebook from your computer

-Login to your Facebook account in the settings menu, represented by an arrowhead pointing down, and select the “Settings” option.

-Once inside, select the second option called “Security and login” in the large side menu, represented by a yellow shield just below the “General” option.

-This option opens a window that shows all the devices that are currently connected to Facebook and have an open session with your account.

-Next to each open session there are three vertical points, if you enter them you can close the session one by one, but if you scroll the screen to the end there is a button called “Close all sessions” that will do a massive and automatic closing of open Facebook sessions.

-When you press this button, Facebook will close all open sessions automatically, leaving only the session open from the account where you started the general closure. That is, in this case it will leave your computer session open.

How to log out of Facebook from mobile

The procedure is basically the same as doing it from the computer. You must search the Facebook app for the three vertical stripes and enter the “Settings and privacy” / “Settings” / “Security” / “Security and login” option.

Once inside, a window is displayed that shows all the devices where your account has been logged in. You can see the last two or if you click on “see all” all existing open sessions with your profile will be displayed.

You can close the sessions one by one by entering the menu of each detected device, pressing the three vertical dots and selecting the “log out” option. If you want the closure to be massive and automatic, scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap the “Exit all sessions” button


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