8 Principles of Assessment in Learning

8 Principles of Assessment in Learning _ how to do assessment in learning? In order for the evaluation you do to really give a true picture of the student’s learning outcomes, then in doing the evaluation you need to observe the following evaluation principles:

  1. Oriented towards achieving competence 
    The assessment that you carry out must function to measure student achievement in achieving competence as specified in the curriculum.
  1. Valid (measuring what should be measured)
    The assessment you make must be able to measure what should be measured. For that you need a measuring tool that can produce valid and reliable measurement results.

    Example: at the end of science learning students are expected to be able to practice good and correct grafting methods. To achieve these competencies you cannot assess only by using a written test (paper and pencil test) if that’s all you do you will only be able to measure students’ knowledge of grafting.

In order for you to know the student’s skill in grafting, you need to assess it for the student’s work. For this purpose. You can give assignments (tasks) to students to practice how to graft.

3. Fair 
Your assessment must be fair for all students. Students must get equal opportunity and treatment. Examples of unfair assessments that we often find in the field, for example in a written test the teacher provides 10 questions.

All students are required to work on item numbers 1-5 and each student is given the freedom to choose 2 of the 5 item questions number 6-10. From this example it appears that all students receive the same treatment only for working on item numbers 1-5 but do not receive treat the same for 2 choice questions taken from item numbers 6 – 10

4. Objective
In assessing student learning outcomes you must be able to maintain the objectivity of the assessment process and results. objectivity can affect the assessment at the time of implementation. Scoring, and making decisions on student learning outcomes. Hallo effect, carry over effect, order effect, and mechanic effect can be the cause of the high element of subjectivity in the scoring results.

5. Continuous 
The assessment that you do must be planned, gradual, regular, continuous and continuous to obtain information on student learning outcomes and development. decision-making for achieving student learning outcomes should not be made based solely on information on student learning outcomes at the end of the semester test but must be decided based on information on student learning outcomes from various sources obtained on an ongoing basis.

6. Comprehensive
The principle of comprehensiveness in assessment means that the assessment you need must be able to assess the overall competencies contained in the curriculum which may include cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.

7. Open
The evaluation criteria should be open to various groups so that the results of student learning are clear for interested parties.

8. Meaningful
The results of the assessment should have meaning for students and also interested parties. The evaluation results should be able to provide an overview of the level of achievement of student learning outcomes, student strengths and weaknesses, interests, and student potential in achieving the competencies that have been set.

These are the 8 Principles of Assessment in Learning , I hope this article is useful for all of you. Hello literacy

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