Science or natural science is a translation of the word natural science . Natural means natural and related to nature, while science means knowledge. So science can literally be interpreted as the science of nature or the study of events that occur in nature. This statement is in accordance with what was stated by Powler (Samatowa, 2006: 2) that ” Science is a science that deals with natural phenomena and objects that are systematically arranged regularly, generally accepted in the form of a collection of observations and experiments “. In addition, Carin (1993) defines scienceas “Knowledge that is systematic and regularly arranged, generally accepted (universal), and in the form of a collection of observational and experimental data”.
Referring to the definition of science, it is concluded that the essence of science includes four main elements, namely:
1) Attitude: curiosity about things, natural phenomena, living beings, as well as cause-and-effect relationships that create new problems that can be solved through correct procedures.
2) Process: problem-solving procedures through the scientific method, the scientific method includes preparing hypotheses, planning experiments or experiments, evaluating, measuring, and drawing conclusions.
3) Products: in the form of facts, principles, theories, and laws.
4) Application: the application of the scientific method and concepts of science in everyday life.
Hendrodarmojo (Samatowa, 2006: 3) suggests that there are several details of the nature of science including: a) Science is a building or series of concepts and conceptual schemes that are interconnected as a result of experimentation and observation, b) Science is a building of knowledge obtained by using the observation method , c) Science is a system for understanding the universe through data collected through observation or controlled experiments, and d) Science is a problem-solving activity by humans who are motivated by curiosity about the nature around them and curiosity to understand, master, and manage it in order to fulfill need.
It is hoped that in the science learning process at elementary schools these four elements will emerge, so that students can experience the learning process as a whole, understand natural phenomena through problem solving activities, scientific methods, and imitate the way scientists work in discovering new facts. This is in accordance with the objectives of teaching science in elementary schools, namely that each student has a good personality and can apply a scientific attitude in developing the potential that exists in nature to serve as a source of knowledge that can be applied in everyday life.
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Based on the description above, it is clear that science does not only consist of a collection of knowledge or various kinds of facts that can be memorized, but consists of an active process of using the mind in studying natural phenomena that cannot yet be explained in the environment around students. So that science learning in elementary schools is more emphasized on developing students’ creativity in managing their thoughts and being able to connect one phenomenon with other phenomena in their environment, which of course can strengthen students’ understanding in understanding the object being observed.
- Science Learning Objectives in Elementary Schools
The Science subject in Elementary Schools is one of the learning programs that aims to foster and prepare students to be responsive in dealing with various phenomena that occur in the surrounding environment that are related to students’ daily lives. This is in accordance with the objectives of learning Science in class, namely to develop students’ cognitive, affective, psychomotor and creativity . The description above, is in line with the opinion of Abruscato (Khairudin et al, 2005: 15) suggests that “Science learning in class can: 1. develop students’ cognitive, 2. develop students’ affective, 3. develop students’ psychomotor, and 4. train students to think critically ”.
In addition, Mangunwijaya (1998: 220) describes that, the purpose of learning science education is “Students understand the concepts of science education and their interrelationships, and are able to apply scientific methods in solving problems faced by realizing the greatness of His creator.
According to Carin (Khaerudin et al, 2005:11) suggests that basically the goals of science in schools are:
1) Increase curiosity (Curiosity ). The Basic Science program will pay attention to students’ curiosity about the universe by a) encouraging students to investigate nature with technology, b) developing students’ abilities to ask questions about the universe, c) developing students’ abilities to identify human adaptation problems
2) Develop skills for investigation (Skill For Investigation) The Basic Science program will develop skills for investigating the universe, solving problems, and making decisions. This can: a) enrich students’ understanding and ability to use the Science process, b) early students’ understanding and ability to solve problems and make strategic decisions.
3) Science, Technology and Society ( Nature of Science, Technology and Society).
The Basic Science program seeks to develop students’ understanding and attitudes about the nature, limitations, and possibilities that will arise from Science and Technology. This can: a) make students recognize and apply knowledge, attitudes and thinking habits, b) increase students’ understanding of science and technology, c) help students become more aware of the interactions of science and technology with society, d) assist students in the use of knowledge Science and technology, attitudes, and decision-making skills.