How to get rid of social phobia (step by step)

In this article, we will show you how to get rid of social phobia step by step , as well as what are its symptoms, causes and treatment options. We will show when social anxiety disorder is a mental health problem, how much and in what areas it negatively affects the life of a person who suffers from it.

We are the first and at the same time the only Czech and Slovak company that uses a holistic approach for the treatment of mental disorders and prevention in the field of mental health. This is why we have such a high success rate in treating mental and psychological disorders.

Finally, here you will find insights from my holistic therapeutic and coaching practice, as well as the stories of our clients with social phobia. We will share with you the results of our collaboration and the creation of tools for the successful treatment of this phobia.

This is the greatest ultimate guide ever created. Here you will find all the important information and questions to the answers you are looking for, so do not forget to read until the end.


Social phobia, sometimes also referred to as social anxiety disorder, is a type of anxiety disorder that causes extreme fear in social settings and various social situations. People with this disorder have trouble talking to people, meeting new people, and participating in social gatherings.

It is essentially an anxiety disorder characterized by feelings of fear and anxiety in social situations and interactions, causing significant distress and impaired ability to function in various and important areas and aspects of daily life.

Social phobia and anxiety is more than shyness. It is a fear that does not go away and affects a person’s daily activities, self-esteem, relationships and even work or school life. People who suffer from it may understand and realize that their fears are irrational or unreasonable, but feel powerless to overcome them.


Social phobia can have a number of different symptoms that can vary slightly. Each person can have a slightly different form of fear in this mental disorder, different manifestations and, above all, it can stem from completely different causes and therefore the symptoms can also be different. Let’s take a look at the least common and most important symptoms of social phobia, which are divided into physical and psychological symptoms, by which you can tell if you belong to people who have a problem with this type of phobia.

For people who suffer from social phobia, social interaction can cause the following physical symptoms:

  • Problems with speaking and communicating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Redness
  • Hand shake
  • Tight throat
  • Breathing problems – rapid and shallow breathing – shortness of breath
  • Increased heart rate (palpitations)
  • Muscle tension
  • Urgent need to urinate

Psychological symptoms include:

  • Fear and anxiety (can lead to panic attacks)
  • Avoiding social situations or trying to blend into the background if you must participate
  • Worries that you will be embarrassed in a social situation
  • Trouble making eye contact
  • Worrying that others will notice that you are stressed or nervous
  • Shame and a feeling of utter helplessness
  • Needing alcohol or drugs to cope with social situations – interactions
  • You worry days or weeks before the event (social situation – interaction)
  • Negative self-evaluation thoughts (low self-esteem)

People with social phobia tend to avoid all social situations and interactions, including:

  • Asking questions
  • Job interviews
  • Shopping
  • Visiting public toilets
  • Making phone calls
  • Eating in public

Symptoms of social phobia may not appear in all social situations. You may have limited or selective anxiety. For example, symptoms may only appear when, for example, you eat food in front of people or talk to strangers. But symptoms can also appear in all social situations and environments. This is very individual.


The causes that cause social phobia are countless, and even the symptoms of the phobia and anxiety disorder itself, as well as the treatment itself, can be very different. The most common causes of this anxiety disorder and phobia include:

  • Bullying
  • Family conflict
  • Sexual abuse
  • Trauma
  • Bad upbringing
  • Low self-esteem and associated fears
  • In general, various forms of fear and phobia, and especially agoraphobia, which can lead to social anxiety
  • Addictions (mainly porn, but also other addictions)
  • Malfunctioning of the brain -over or under activity in certain parts of the brain related to hormones and the development of anxiety and depression
  • Impact of technology – people are spending less time in face-to-face meetings and interactions, but instead using online services such as telephones, social networks, video calls and losing social skills and opportunities to develop
  • And more…

Other causes of phobias can be fears. A person suffering from social phobia may have various reasons for fearing certain social situations and interactions. But in general, it’s mainly fears like:

  • Being observed, evaluated and judged by others in social situations and in public
  • Being embarrassed, ridiculed or humiliated and showing it by blushing, sweating and other ways
  • Being the center of attention that I will act unnaturally and be disabled
  • Getting in trouble for offending someone


The consequences of social phobia associated with great isolation and excessive stress can cause many serious problems such as the emergence and development of depression , anxiety through the use of alcohol or drugs, the emergence of addiction to the worst and thus self-harm and finally suicide.

Social phobia and social anxiety is a very debilitating mental disorder that attacks the most important aspects of the personality. It can affect a person’s ability to:

  • Work and maintain stable employment
  • Disrupt or make it completely impossible to do business and build a business
  • Poor social skills that do not improve
  • Problems with study and subsequent education even outside the school system
  • Develop relationships with people outside your family
  • The ability to maintain a partner relationship
  • It disrupts a person’s intimacy and ability to get to know each other
  • To move outside the comfort zone
  • Maintain good mental and physical health and resistance to stress
  • Cope with the problems and obstacles of everyday life
  • Happiness and satisfaction in life
  • And more…

Basically, this mental disorder affects all vital and necessary areas of life for our survival. It is a disorder that destroys our personality and ability to function in life.

Just calculate how much time, energy, effort and money your life with social phobia is costing you. Realize how many possibilities, happiness, experiences and life you lose every day, week, month and year that you suffer from this treatable disorder. And now realize how much you could gain, what kind of life you could have, what all you could do, have and who you could be if you healed and got rid of social phobia?

The key to all of this is right in front of you. Our online harmony of life program focused on mental disorders and health will guide you step by step up to


The treatment of social phobia should often include several very important and key aspects in order for lasting recovery to occur. A major key component of treating this phobia is learning to work with your fears. This means mastering their fear – getting it under control and learning to face it. I personally focus with clients on getting rid of their fear completely and processing it so that it can never again limit them and prevent them from becoming the best version of themselves. Of course, all this includes working with negative thoughts, which also very often accompany this type of phobia. You want to control your life, you must first control your mind.

The second important aspect of treating social phobia is working with hormones in the body, including brain stimulation. An insufficient balance of serotonin and other hormones and neurotransmitters that affect our mood, cognitive function and much more. Serotonin is a brain chemical that helps regulate mood. Malfunctioning of the amygdala (the part of the brain that controls the response to fear and other feelings or thoughts associated with anxiety) can also cause this disorder and many other mental disorders, including anxiety. Among other hormones that are associated with this second phobia and social anxiety disorder is the love hormone oxytocin , which according to the study is also important for the treatment of this mental disorder. There are a whole other series of studies andresearch that confirms this claim that oxytocin can help improve social skills and positively influence the course of the phobia itself.


Another key aspect for treatment is learning and improving social skills such as – posture, eye contact, proper communication distance, general verbal and non-verbal communication, and more.

Reprogramming the subconscious and generally subconscious patterns of thought and behavior is another factor that needs to be included in the treatment of social phobia. Reprogramming the subconscious is necessary to change the learned patterns of thought and behavior that trigger and cause the fear associated with the phobia itself. We simply operate on autopilot and our subconscious controls 95% of our lives, including how we make decisions, what we do and our reactions to individual sensations, situations and social interactions. Changing the subconscious mind leads to changing our habits and modifying our thinking, feelings and behavior. This can be achieved in a very quick and effective way through our subliminal hypnotherapy suggestive recordings and mind programming through recordings, and guided meditations and visualizations.

In some cases, it is necessary or even necessary to reduce the intensity of social stress and anxiety (fear) experienced by an individual with this phobia. All of this is caused by an overload of the nervous system, which then reflects on the very reaction to internal and external stimuli, poor hormonal balance, brain biochemistry and thus on the psyche itself. The nervous system can be burdened by, for example, inflammation, a virus, a pathogen or other microbes. The solution is a complete change of lifestyle and mainly diet, when it is necessary to heal the intestinal microbiome and the permeability of the intestine, which is connected with this and causes an overload of the nervous system. We discuss this topic in more detail in the video below.


Online program harmonie života mi hodně prospěl. Děje se to víceméně z pohodlí domova, takže není důvod se bát. Opravdu jsem se bála jít s někým mluvit o svých problémech (sociální fobie), ale tímto způsobem jsem to mohla udělat přímo z domova. Navíc jsem mohla na programu pracovat kdykoli během dne, což bylo opravdu užitečné, protože mám čas až v noci. Online program byl komplexní a velmi dobře propracovaný. Opravdu mi to pomohlo posunout se v mém životě kupředu a nyní se cítím mnohem pozitivněji ohledně své budoucnosti. Dostala jsem skvělou pracovní příležitost a hlavně se už nyní dokážu seznamovat a komunikovat s muži a to zcela beze strachu. Ještě je tam trochu studu, ale na sebevědomí se pracuje neustále. Mám za sebou neuvěřitelný pokrok a další na mě ještě čeká.{

Pavla Kopáčková

Social phobia has become an invisible threat to my quality of life. I have always been a very shy, anxious and insecure person and as a result I have missed many opportunities. Social phobia was crippling and wreaked all kinds of havoc on my life. Despite the fact that I knew I had a serious problem, I agreed to conventional treatment (medication and a psychologist), which turned out to be very ineffective. The Complete Harmony of Life Online Course was amazing and helped me tremendously. The program helped me reclaim a large part of my life one step at a time. It has improved my quality of life immensely. I will continue to practice the skills I have learned here as I become a more complete version of myself. I am extremely grateful for this program and would recommend it to anyone suffering in these areas.{

Jakub Kovařík

Harmony of Life is a great program that covers many different aspects of dealing with social anxiety. The best are the subconscious reprogramming recordings that help create new and healthy patterns of thinking, feeling and ultimately changing my reactions and behavior in social situations in a very positive way. Having everything so well structured was really helpful and led to meaningful results with this program. Although I still suffer from some aspects of social anxiety, this program really helped me overcome a lot of negative thoughts and especially fears that I had. I’m not afraid to go out and talk to people. I definitely care less about what other people think of me. I realized that life is short and every moment I don’t enjoy it is wasted.{

Adam Bartos


I had a pretty normal childhood up until the fourth grade. I am an introvert by nature and a bit quiet. In my first primary school, I learned slowly and lagged behind the other children. At the age of 9, I transferred to another elementary school, where it all began.

Unfortunately, kids from several schools were merged into this school and I ended up in a class with a bully and a few of his friends. It didn’t take them long to figure out that I was shy and not good at defense. It started with constant name-calling and taunting and humiliation by these bullies. The teacher saw what was happening and did nothing about it.

As a shy child, I had a hard time defending myself, so the bullies took their bullying up a notch. They started making up rumours, stories and slandering me. As a result, all the other kids started avoiding me and I lost all the friends I had. Soon after, it became popular at school to join in on my person’s bullying, to the point that practically all the kids my age joined in on the bullying.


All this caused consequences that negatively affected my future life. I closed in on myself, I lost almost all my friends, I started to believe that I am ugly, stupid and useless. My self-esteem was literally shattered and I began to fear integration into society. I was afraid to approach people, communicate, establish relationships with women, and everything culminated in panic attacks and anxiety about social ties.

It was very difficult for me, but I found a local psychologist and tried to do something about it again. I started going to therapy. I was first introduced to the concept of cognitive behavioral therapy. Unfortunately, the therapist had no idea how deep my social phobia and anxiety was. His idea of ​​cognitive therapy was for me to read his book, follow some of his advice, and try to overcome my fear. After eight sessions I was still not cured. For this reason I decided that there was nothing more he could do for me and he even told me that.

At that point I fell into extreme depression. I felt that my anxiety would never go away, that I would never be happy and that I would never have a meaningful relationship. I got to the point where I had to drink every day to sleep (5-6 beers before bed) or I couldn’t sleep at all. Alcohol became my crutch and my best friend. At this point I realized I had to try to do something because this was my slow death.


I started looking for information on the internet. I was looking for everything that could help me and lo and behold, the wonderful website appeared. At this point I didn’t care what the cost was and I was determined to do something about my social phobia. I was determined to give it my all. I ordered coaching with Jirka and recordings for reprogramming the subconscious. I started listening to recordings regularly every day even during sleep. The coaching techniques worked wonderfully and gradually I started to see bigger and bigger results.

For the first time, I began to realize how negative my self-criticism and self-evaluation was. How negatively it affects my life and relationships. One of my biggest negative thought processes was finding someone I could fully open up to.

It went so far that my fear of the opposite sex completely disappeared. I started to feel confident when communicating with women. I made huge progress with my anxiety and social phobia and felt better than ever.

As the coaching and the power of the recordings worked and everything went on, my anxiety continued to decrease. I began to reevaluate my beliefs and attitudes towards things and gradually my life began to change for the better. These resources helped me change many incorrect and irrational beliefs I had about myself all these years. When I moved, I found a new job and started doing great.

I still have a lot of work to do, but my life has completely changed. I am grateful for this opportunity and the opportunities given to me through coaching and recordings as well as the amazing support.

The author of the story is Martin Fiala

Join Martin and access our online life harmony program below.


The real and functional way to get rid of social phobia is in the connection of all important aspects and a holistic (complex) approach. All key aspects of this anxiety disorder need to be brought together and addressed one at a time for lasting results. One part cannot be solved without the other.


This includes acquiring and developing social skills, reprogramming the subconscious mind, mastering the mind including fear, emotions and negative thoughts associated with phobias, brain stimulation and hormone solutions to achieve hormonal balance and change brain biochemistry. Furthermore, it is crucial to work on self-confidence, to get rid of the causes – trauma, bullying, abuse, addiction and much more.

Therefore, in the next parts of this article, we focus on the most important aspects that lead to the treatment of this phobia and the improvement of the quality of life. Therefore, do not forget to read until the end.


Every phobia, including the social one, is basically fear. Fear that can paralyze us, prevent us from doing certain things, visiting certain places and achieving certain goals. If we can master our mind – let go of our fear and overcome this limit in our mind, we can free ourselves from these invisible shackles that hold us back and prevent us from happiness.

It’s not just about fear, but it’s also important to learn to work with the mind, get rid of stress and especially long-term (chronic) stress, get rid of negative thoughts and master the feelings and emotions that are associated with the phobia itself. Stress can not only cause social phobia, but also significantly deepen it and worsen its symptoms. For example, meditation , breathing techniques, sports and physical activities, relaxation and meditation music, progressive muscle relaxation and much more can help to reduce stress . Do not hesitate to use our guide – how to calm down and calm your mind, where you will find functional tips for relaxing the body and calming the mind. It is important to find the source of chronic stress and create a strategy for solving it.


If you want to take control of your life and become a conscious creator of your own reality, you must first take control of your mind. This means identifying your fears, anxieties and doubts. Grab a pen and paper and write down all your fears. Write what you are really afraid of and why? Give yourself a week to do it. Another way to find out what you are afraid of and identify your inner demons and fears is to consciously expose yourself to situations that are not pleasant and cause your fears and anxieties. At that moment, turn to yourself and try to identify what you are really afraid of and why? And write everything down.


Now all that remains is to find a suitable method to get rid of these fears. We will guide you through this process step by step in our online life harmony course , where you will find many different simple and functional techniques and tools. These methods will help you not only get rid of fear and stress, but also learn to work with the negative thoughts and feelings that accompany social phobia.


The subconscious mind affects 95% of our life. How we think, how we feel, how we react and act is influenced by our subconscious. Our habits and routines are the result of the work of our subconscious. That is why it is important to change your subconscious programs, patterns of thinking and behavior as well as beliefs. It is the best and fastest way to achieve change and permanent healing.

Therefore, we worked with clients who suffered from social phobia to understand what these people are afraid of, what prevents them from changing, what subconscious programs, including triggers, are associated with this type of phobia. We have come to the point where we have been able to collectively identify the causes, triggers, and targets for changing the programming in the subconscious mind that modifies thinking, feeling, and behaving in a way that is associated with a healthy self-esteem person.


For these purposes, we have created a set of subliminal hypnotherapy suggestive recordings and mind programming. The results are indeed remarkable and fascinating. There was a relatively rapid and, above all, permanent modification of behavior and feelings in many social situations and interactions, as well as an improvement in overall social skills and a reduction of fear. You will be able to purchase this set of recordings soon. All these recordings are already part of the online course of the harmony of life, where there are other sets of recordings for overcoming and getting rid of fear, anxiety, depression and much more. In addition to the recordings, you will find over 300 videos that will guide you step by step to recovery, including mind control, work with hormones and brain stimulation, lifestyle and diet modification, a set of visualization and therapeutic techniques and tools for modifying behavior, changing reactions, thinking patterns and behavior, habits and much more.

Reprogramming the subconscious is used to modify behavior. In other words, it means that the patterns of thinking and behavior that cause problems in this area and cause fears and social phobias will change. Along with this, new beliefs, thought patterns and behavior programs are created that help create healthy relationships, improve social skills, increase self-esteem and are linked to natural communication, social interaction and self-confidence.


The correct function of the brain and receptors (brain biochemistry) and the hormones associated with it are among the other components that need to be addressed for the permanent recovery of the phobia. Among the main hormones that are associated with social phobia are mainly serotonin and oxytocin, but also, for example, dopamine , which confirms this2012 study .

An insufficient balance of serotonin, but also other hormones, mainly happiness hormones and neurotransmitters that affect our mood, cognitive functions and much more, are associated with the emergence and development of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, social phobia and general anxiety disorders and many others .

However, the problem is that the function of the brain to produce hormones such as serotonin and other hormones is impaired. A nerve cell that sends signals using serotonin first releases serotonin into the space between the nerve cells. A nerve signal is produced when serotonin binds to a receptor cell. Serotonin is then released from the receptors and pumped back into the cell of origin. In people who suffer from mental disorders, this system in the brain is disrupted and many problems occur, such as mood swings, loss of motivation, impaired cognitive function and much more.


Treatment with antidepressants and other pharmacological drugs may seem successful on the one hand, but in fact it leads to even deeper and bigger problems. The problem is that the brain works like a muscle, and the muscles need to be trained in order to avoid slackening and in this case also laziness of brain function.

Many antidepressants cause them to artificially create and produce hormones such as serotonin and other neurotransmitters that are responsible for our mood and mental well-being. Because the hormones produced are synthetic (artificial), the brain weakens. In other words, the brain and other parts simply become lazy because they rely on these hormones to synthetically produce the drugs for them and don’t have to “work” as hard.

The same phenomenon occurs if a person who has gained muscle mass stops exercising and performing physical activity. Muscles also weaken, lose their strength and volume if we do not exercise, and it is the same with the brain, which works like a muscle and needs to be trained just like muscles. It is equally important to train your mind.

Therefore, it is necessary to start stimulating the brain so that it begins to produce these specific hormones again in abundance, and the neurotransmitters begin to function properly. We cover this topic in detail in our online course on the harmony of life , which is focused on mental disorders and mental health, where we devote an entire comprehensive lesson to this topic.


It is especially important to stimulate the brain if we want to get rid of antidepressants and begin to gradually wean them off. Most people begin to gradually stop taking antidepressants, but eventually they get to the point where the drugs no longer produce enough hormones, such as serotonin and other hormones responsible for our mood and mental well-being, and at the same time, the brain is already weak and lazy to make these hormones on its own. Then the so-called “side effects of antidepressants during withdrawal” occur – there is a dramatic deterioration of the psyche and manifestations of anxiety, depression, phobias and other mental disorders. This is why people often go back to anti-depressants and get into a vicious cycle that keeps repeating itself and they can’t get off the anti-depressants and get well. And yet it is so simple. Methods, techniques, tools and strategies to stimulate the brain can be found in our online course Harmony of Life.


The problem of low self-esteem can cause feelings that I am not good enough, pretty, smart, funny, and we can feel like something less. Such negative self-evaluations can cause fear of social interactions and situations. We can simply start avoiding people, establishing contacts, relationships, getting to know and communicating with others. In the end, there is a withdrawal into oneself, one’s inner world and a feeling of complete solitude, which is constantly deepening. Sometimes we can even think that we are strange and that no one understands us, and we begin to close ourselves off from the outside world again.

The beginnings of social phobia can also look like this. If we add to that bullying, humiliation, ridicule and other insinuations from those around us, then we have a very high probability that we may develop a mental health problem, a low self-esteem complex and even a social anxiety disorder. Sometimes it can be caused by the pressure of the environment and especially the media, social networks and especially Instagram, influencers who present themselves, celebrities and others in the best light and show the illusion of beauty, happiness and some kind of ideal life. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different.

Everything can look good, nice and perfect on the internet. You just need to pay an expert or learn how to shoot, take pictures, edit properly and everything can look absolutely perfect. But is this the real reality?

All of this can have a huge impact on the emergence and development of social phobia. If we add to this trauma from the past, bullying, family conflicts, improper upbringing, we have a fairly good basis for the development of this anxiety disorder.


There is irrefutable scientific and medical evidence and studies that self-esteem is very closely related to mental health and the development of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, social phobia and social anxiety disorder and many others.

Research from 2014 confirms that low self-esteem is indeed linked to the development of social anxiety disorder and phobia.


The solution, of course, is to increase self-confidence and focus on real inner values. Changing the way we look at ourselves and the way we perceive ourselves is a key ingredient in treating this phobia. Other key aspects include identifying your weaknesses that need to be embraced. It is equally important to reveal your strengths that need to be developed.

Focusing on real inner values ​​instead of fake outer ones can be a great start to building your inner confidence. Self-love and self-acceptance is a key ingredient to a contented and happy life. Learning to love myself and accept myself as I am is the greatest gift. We deal with this topic in great depth and step by step in our online course the journey of self-love .


Social skills training should be an integral part of social phobia treatment, which is used to improve social skills in people with mental disorders of this type or developmental disorders. Social skills training can be used by teachers, therapists, coaches, or other professionals to help people with anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, and other diagnoses.

This method should be used as part of a combined treatment program. If we want to solve a problem, it is necessary to look at it objectively and see the connections in a wider spectrum and then set goals and strategies to achieve them. Certainly, for a person who suffers from this type of phobia or anxiety, it will not be enough to get rid of their fear if they cannot use eye contact, verbal, non-verbal communication and cannot develop a conversation. One will not work very well without the other, and the same applies to other factors in the treatment of this and other mental disorders. These include subconscious reprogramming, brain stimulation and hormone work, healing the past, trauma and much more.


Social skills training generally begins with an assessment of your specific skill deficits and their impact on your life. It is important to ask yourself which social interactions you find the most challenging, or which skills you think you could improve. The goal of this process is to identify the best targets for social skills training for your particular situation.

Once we have identified specific target areas together, we will introduce techniques to improve social skills. Changes should always be made in one area to ensure you are not overwhelmed with information and techniques. Here it is necessary to proceed gradually.

Subsequently, we will help you describe a specific skill, explain how to perform it, and, through visualization techniques, help model behavior through adjustment at the subconscious level, but we also use special methods to adjust the conscious model of behavior. Complex behaviors, such as how to continue a conversation, can be broken down into smaller parts such as introducing yourself, how you address yourself, the conversation itself, and ways to leave the conversation.

This study confirms that social skills training and development has a significant effect on the treatment of social phobia and improves a person’s social behavior.


Trauma from the past, as well as bullying, abuse, including sexual abuse, but also bad upbringing is a predisposing factor for the development and emergence of mental and psychological disorders in adulthood, including social phobia and anxiety.

There is a lot of research and professional studies that show that people often develop social anxiety as a result of traumatic experiences and anxiety-filled environments. They usually develop social phobia during childhood or adolescence.

There is a connection that a person with PTSD may have difficulty communicating and interacting socially with others for fear of coming into contact with memories related to the trauma. All of this can promote the development of social phobia and social anxiety. Additionally, many people with PTSD experience high levels of shame, guilt, and self-blame, and these feelings can lead to the development of social anxiety disorders, including social phobia. There is evidence that post-traumatic stress disorder is associated with the development of this phobia and social anxiety disorder. People with PTSD can often experience depression, which can lead to social withdrawal, isolation and lack of motivation, which could contribute to the development of social anxiety disorders.

Overall, the research suggests that the link between PTSD and social anxiety disorder is complex and stems from many factors including a person’s upbringing and the circumstances in which they were raised, history of trauma and psychological injuries such as fear of being judged negatively by others, and much more. Further studies are helping to reveal the exact relationship between PTSD and social anxiety disorders.

Post-traumatic stress disorder arises on the basis of a strong traumatic experience, or a very strong emotional situation and burden from the past. Therefore, it is necessary to take this trauma into account and heal it in order to heal social anxiety disorder as well.


Social anxiety and phobia is based on the assumption that you are not good enough to interact with, interact with or in front of people, make friends, date or network. You are very ugly, your conversation is boring, your body is weird, fat, you are not interesting, etc.

Advertising, marketing, social media, influencers, media play on these neuroses and complexes that most of us unfortunately have by saying yes to you! Your body is ugly, your face and clothes are ugly and you are ugly and fat, no one likes you and many more. And WE have a solution that you should buy with your money. It simply creates feelings of low self-esteem, which it attacks and tries to induce in us and erode us into doing so. They end up offering a “solution” that is equally dysfunctional and just trying to line their pockets.

The real solution is to focus on real inner values ​​and not fake outer values ​​like appearance and appearance. The next step is to focus on your inner self-worth, build it and increase your self-confidence. It also comes with self-love and the ability to learn to love myself as I am. Accepting your weaknesses and developing your strengths.

Addiction to social networks and the internet in general can cause many different and serious problems, including mental health issues from depression to anxiety to social phobia.


A 2020 study shows that pornography has a negative effect on our mental health and contributes to the emergence and development of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety or social phobia.

This claim is supported and developed by research from 2019 , which confirms a negative effect not only on mental health (depression, anxiety and phobias), but also on reduced satisfaction in relationships and related problems.

We even have several clients who developed social phobia, anxiety and depression due to addiction to pornography and work in this area. Some of our clients worked on webcam servers as models or prostitutes. It went so far that they developed many mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and phobias.

In clients with porn addiction, it got to the point where they had social phobia, didn’t want to go out and preferred to sit at home watching porn. Anxieties and depression about life soon set in. It was very similar with clients from the erotic chat. We also help these people with mental health issues, to overcome addiction, depression, anxiety, phobias and other related problems. If addictions are resolved and subsequent recovery occurs, depression, anxiety, and phobias disappear if the cause was addiction and work in this area.


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