10 Party Games for 5-Year-Olds Indoors You Must Know

At a celebration, music is essential and children of any age love to dance, which is why this is a game for children’s parties that is a success. The idea is to play their favorite songs while the kings of the dance floor dance but, the moment the music stops , they must turn into statues and not move an eyelash. Anyone who moves or laughs, something quite likely, eliminated!

It is a classic and is perfect for children aged 8 – 12 (although you can adapt it to almost any age). The treasure hunt game is an entertaining clue game , ideal for little detectives and adventurers. You must hide a treasure in the form of a gift or a good bag of candy and give an initial clue, which will lead to the next one if, of course, they know how to interpret it.

Object hunting is one of those fun games that never fails. We fill a box with objects of different shapes and colors: plastic cups, caps, pens, stuffed animals… There must be as many objects as there are guests at the birthday party except one. We play music for the children to dance and, when it stops, everyone has to run to the box and take out an object. The child who does not succeed will be eliminated. We take an object out of the box and repeat. This is until there are one or two children left and we give them a prize at the end.

The treasure hunt game i birthdays party for kidsThe treasure hunt game i birthdays party for kids

4. In and out – Jump game with children
Mark a large square with strings and explain that the inside of the square is considered ‘in’, and the outside ‘out’. Before the game begins, the children must stand outside and in threes, the organizer says out loud: ‘inside, outside, inside, outside…’ and the children have to jump in the square.

The word game must go faster and faster and randomly: ‘inside, inside, outside, inside, outside, outside…’. Since time is short and with every word change the children have to obey and jump, the risk of them making a mistake is high. Those who make mistakes are eliminated. The winner gets a point with each victory and the person with the most points wins a prize.

5. Electric hair – Experiment game for children
Blow up several balloons and distribute them among the children so that they rub the inflated balloon against their clothes. When it is well electrified, they should place it in their hair. You’ll see what happens! What an interesting experiment with balloons ! With their knees tied with a scarf, they must travel a set distance without the hair balloon falling out. If they fall along the way, they must return to the starting line. The first to reach the finish line wins.

6. The offices – Imitation game for children
‘I stand up, I sit down again because we are going to play the offices  The children imitate different jobs with their hands to the rhythm of the song: seamstress, sweeper, teacher, doctor, baker.But we still have more ideas for moving games.

  1. Egg Race – Team Game for Kids
    Boil as many hard-boiled eggs as there are guests. Form two or three teams(depending on the number of guests) and give each team a soup spoon and an egg. Don’t tell children that eggs are cooked to keep things exciting.

The teams for this game at your party must form a line and the first must run with the egg on top of the spoon to a defined point and return, without dropping the egg on the ground. If you drop it, pick up the egg and start again.

When you reach the starting point, you hand the egg and spoon to the next member of your team and so on until all members of your team have made the route with the spoon and the whole egg. The first team to finish wins.

  1. Step on balloons – Coordination games for children
    A balloon is tied to each child’s ankle. To the sound of the music, they go out onto the dance floor. The game consists of having coordinationand stepping on the opponent’s balloon, saving your own. Children who lose their balloon leave the track. The last one to keep their balloon wins.

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