4 medical reasons to love your dacha

And before you push these desires away from yourself, look at how working in the garden actually has a beneficial effect on our health! Just remember: this is the very case when it is very important to know when to stop.

The older we get, the more important it is for us to maintain social connections, especially with loved ones. And, oddly enough, a summer house can help with this: according to a study published in 2016 in the Journal of Public Health, people who regularly work in their garden plots have significantly higher self-esteem, as well as higher levels of happiness and happiness. better health.

As a rule, it is customary to involve other family members in gardening work – and this strengthens ties within the family and helps people, especially the elderly, feel part of a larger community.

2. Great stress reliever

A meta-analysis of studies published in 2017 in Preventive Medicine Reports confirmed a direct link between regular gardening and reduced symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety.

Measured work, the results of which are clear and visible, contact with nature, as well as a large amount of sunlight and regular physical activity – all this is an almost ideal combination for a strong nervous system and good mood.

3. Helps strengthen bones

When working in the garden or vegetable garden, we spend more time in the sun – and get vitamin D. In addition to all the other benefits of the “sunshine” vitamin, it helps us better absorb calcium, thereby strengthening bones and joints. Most importantly, don’t forget sunscreen and a hat.

4. A simple way to feel happier

Increased quality of life as well as happiness is another beneficial effect of gardening, confirmed by the results of a 2017 meta-study. Gardening also teaches us to believe in the future and expect changes – always and certainly for the better.

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