5 Summer Pleasures That Will Extend Your Life

We’ll tell you what you should definitely do this summer to not only have great fun, but also increase your chances of longevity.

Firstly, sunlight and the vitamin D produced under its influence are good for our immunity: and the less we get sick, the longer we will live.

Secondly, communication with friends will fill us with the joy of life (and people who remain optimistic in the most difficult situations live longer than pessimists).

Finally, thirdly, coffee itself prolongs life: two cups of coffee a day adds 9 minutes to life expectancy. It’s all about the antioxidant properties of coffee, which reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart disease. By the way, decaf coffee works too!

2. Have sex more often

In the summer, our libido becomes brighter, we want sex more often – and we shouldn’t deny ourselves this pleasure! Regular and frequent (at least several times a week) sex can extend our life by several years – but only if this sex ends in orgasm.

Oxytocin, which is released during sex, helps relieve stress, lowers levels of the hormone cortisol and keeps our heart healthy – very beneficial!

3. Don’t forget to use sunscreen

Skin cancer affects more people than all other forms of the disease combined. Every hour in the world one person dies from this disease.

Using sunscreen and sunglasses is something we can do to reduce the risk of this disease.

Don’t take unnecessary risks!

4. Go shopping

Great news: Those who go to the grocery store every day have a significantly lower chance of dying prematurely. A Taiwanese study of 2,000 men and women over the age of 65 found that those who choose to do their own shopping as they get older increase their chances of longevity by 28%.

ocial interactions, physical activity, and constant memory training are three factors that make the body work and resist aging. Shopping is not only pleasant, but also very, very useful!

5. Play games outdoors

A combination of several factors at once: physical activity (the more we move, the longer our life expectancy), fresh air and sun, communication with friends, and also stress reduction, which is very important for life expectancy.

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