What clothes should not be worn on a plane

A flight, especially a long one, is a serious test for our health. And how we will feel during and after the end of the trip depends, among other things, on what we will be wearing.We tell you which items of clothing and shoes are best to avoid in order to increase your comfort and protect your health.

Strictly speaking, you should not wear unsuitable underwear at all: a tight bra or panties can seriously impair blood circulation, but such underwear is especially dangerous during a flight.

If you have small breasts, it is better to avoid wearing a bra altogether, and if for some reason this does not suit you, wear a soft sports bra, without wires or push-up.

2. Excessively tight clothing

During a flight, we swell a little, and even clothes that fit us perfectly can become a little tight at the end of the flight and impair blood circulation. What can we say about tight-fitting trousers or blouses!

When getting ready for a flight, give preference to loose-fitting clothes; it is better to choose trousers with elastic, and blouses and sweaters – in the form of a tunic.

3. Clothes are too light

Even if it’s really hot outside, take something warm into the cabin: the air conditioning on the plane usually works well and due to the temperature difference you can easily catch a cold – this is hardly a suitable start or end to your vacation!

4. Jewelry and bulky accessories

First of all, massive or long jewelry will create problems for yourself: they can “squeak” during a metal detector check, and too long or sharp earrings or pendants can be regarded as a bladed weapon (there have been precedents).

As for long chains or bracelets, it is better to avoid them altogether, as they can create a potentially life-threatening situation and even prevent a successful evacuation. It’s best to remove your favorite jewelry before your flight and stash it in your bag.

5. Open shoes and high heels

The shoes you wear on the plane should be comfortable – this is a rule that can save your life. Long, sharp heels can puncture a temporary ladder and endanger the lives of many people; flip-flops and other shoes that are poorly secured to the foot can fly off at the most inopportune moment and cause injury.

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