Sweet cherries: benefits and harm to human health

Anna Krivosheeva talks about the negative consequences of eating “bird berries”:

– Large amounts of cherries can cause bloating and gas . Cherries should be consumed with caution during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for people with diabetes. Also, the consumption of berries should be limited to people with allergies.

Endocrinologist Anna Krivosheeva highlights the following positive properties of the berry:

With this berry you can prepare a variety of dishes: jam, pies, muffins, casseroles, dumplings, ice cream, compotes and jelly, salads, mousses and cocktails. We offer several simple recipes.

1. Cherry jam

To please yourself with summer berries in the autumn-winter period, you can preserve them.


2. Homemade ice cream with cherries

An ideal dessert on a hot day, it contains no artificial additives.

If you do not use an ice cream maker, then every hour you need to remove the ice cream from the refrigerator and mix it with a mixer or blender.

3. Dumplings with cherries

A healthy and satisfying dish for the summer menu. This recipe makes about six servings.

  1. Mix milk with eggs and salt.
  2. Add flour gradually to form a soft, elastic dough.
  3. Cover the dough with a napkin or cling film.
  4. Prepare the filling: wash the berries, remove the seeds, cut into pieces.
  5. Roll out the dough and cut out circles using a glass.
  6. Place the filling on the dough pieces and sprinkle with sugar (half a teaspoon).
  7. Make dumplings by pinching the edges of the dough.
  8. Cook the dumplings in boiling water for about 5-7 minutes.
  9. Place the dumplings on a plate, brush with butter and sprinkle with sugar.
  10. Serve with sour cream.

How to choose cherries at the market or in a store

In order for the purchased cherries to be beneficial, you need to know how to choose them. Here are some recommendations.

Tip 1. Buy cherries in season

At the end of June – mid-July, the berries are at the peak of ripeness. During this period, fruits contain the greatest amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Tip 2. Pay attention to the appearance and smell of cherries

The following parameters are important:

  • the skin is clean, smooth, without dents, dark spots and signs of rotting;
  • the berries should be dense and elastic to the touch;
  • uniform color;
  • glossy surface;
  • the aroma is pleasant: the smell of fermentation indicates that the cherries are stale.

Tip 3. Check for the presence of the stalk

Without a stalk, a hole is formed in the berry, where dust, dirt and microbes enter. 

Tip 4. Look at the color of the stalks

They should be green. Dry and discolored indicate that the cherries have either been stored for a long time or are overripe.

Tip 5. Do not buy cherries where moldy berries are found

If you find spoiled fruits already at home, then you need to throw them away, as well as those that came into contact with moldy ones.

Inspect the remaining berries to make sure they are not too soft or showing signs of mold. Then wash thoroughly before use.

Tip 6. Look at the color of the leaves

If cherries are sold on branches along with leaves, then there should be no small red spots on them – a sign of coccomycosis (a fungus that spoils not only the leaves, but also the berries).

How to properly store cherries

With the right approach, cherries can remain fresh for up to 7-9 days. Here’s how to best organize storage:

  • put the berries in the refrigerator, preferably in a compartment where there is no excess moisture in a paper bag or in a plastic container;
  • If possible, place the cherries in a separate compartment, since proximity to other products can reduce the shelf life of the berries. For example, bananas and apples emit ethylene, which quickly spoils cherries;
  • do not wash berries before packaging;
  • Fresh cherries can be frozen. This will help preserve maximum vitamins for a long time (12). It is important to pre-rinse the berries or disinfect them with steam. Pack the cherries into freezer bags. If your refrigerator has a blast freezing function, you should use it.

Questions and answers

Endocrinologist Anna Krivosheeva answers popular questions about cherries.

Is it possible to eat cherries every day? In what quantities?

It is recommended to eat no more than 200-300 g of berries per day.

Is it possible to eat cherries on an empty stomach?

It is not advisable to eat cherries on an empty stomach.

Is it possible to eat cherries while losing weight?

When following a diet for weight loss, cherries can be included in the diet in limited quantities in the first half of the day.

What is the difference between cherries and sour cherries?

These are two different woody plants belonging to the Rosaceae family.

From a nutritional point of view, cherries contain more fiber and have a lower glycemic index, so it is better for people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders to give preference to cherries.

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