Biohacking for beginners: simple ways to unlock your body’s potential

1. Intermittent fasting

This is not a diet, but an eating regimen in which during the day you eat only during a limited period of time, and the rest of the time you fast. For example, you can only eat for eight hours, from noon to 8:00 p.m., followed by a 16-hour fasting period until noon the next day. At the same time, during the permitted time, you can eat whatever you want and in the quantities you want.

Research shows that intermittent fasting allows the body to burn fat reserves more efficiently , normalizes blood pressure and heart rate, promotes tissue regeneration and protects against cancer and diabetes.

However, if you already have diabetes or problems with regulating blood sugar levels, low blood pressure, eating disorders, are constantly taking any medications, are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should approach intermittent fasting with great caution. It is better to consult your doctor before starting to practice it.

2. Elimination diet

The name reflects the essence of this diet (elimination – exception) – you consistently completely exclude any product or group of products from your diet, and then very gradually return it, observing what happens to the body.

This method will help if you suspect you are allergic to certain foods, or think that they increase the level of inflammation in the body. The most common suspects are dairy products, red meat and refined carbohydrates.

The elimination diet includes three stages:

  1. Complete exclusion of a product or group of products from the diet;
  2. Two week waiting period;
  3. Slow return of the excluded product to the diet

At the last stage, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of symptoms such as skin irritations and rashes, pain in the body, loss of strength, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and other abnormal manifestations. All this may indicate that you should not return these foods to your diet.

3. Cold therapy

We are talking about regular immersion in cold (below 15 degrees Celsius) water. This could be winter swimming in open water, swimming in an ice hole, ice baths, dousing with ice water, or a cold shower.

A review of hundreds of studies on this topic published in 2020 in the International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health showed that cold water benefits the cardiovascular, immune, endocrine systems, and mental health.

But keep in mind that contact with ice water is a great stress for the body and can lead to cold shock, hypothermia and sudden death. Therefore, you need to do this under the guidance of a professional. You need to start with short periods of immersion and then gradually increase the time spent in ice water to develop tolerance in the body to low temperatures

4. Caffeine

This substance is known for its ability to increase alertness, productivity and concentration. Therefore, if you have so far avoided drinking coffee, black or green tea, or dark chocolate, then you are in vain. In addition, in addition to caffeine, these products contain many other substances that are very beneficial to health.

To take a biohacking approach to caffeine consumption, start with small doses at the same time of day, and record how you feel minutes and hours later.

Do you feel more energetic and more focused, or do you feel anxious, lethargic, suffer from heartburn or headaches? Change the dose until you find the one that is optimal for you.

5. Bulletproof Coffee

This is a trendy “biohack” drink that is considered ideal to drink in the morning for breakfast. The recipe for making it is as follows:

  1. Brew a cup of coffee in a French press using freshly ground coffee beans.
  2. Add a tablespoon of coconut oil, rich in medium chain triglycerides.
  3. Add one or two tablespoons of unsalted butter.
  4. Mix everything in a blender for 20-30 seconds. Drink warm.

Studies show that such coffee not only satisfies hunger in the morning, helps to wake up and perk up, but also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, liver disease, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, and also helps normalize weight.

True, the biological mechanisms of this effect of “bulletproof” coffee are not fully understood. In addition, experts are concerned that this drink contains too much saturated fat. Therefore, you should not get carried away with it.

6. Meditation and yoga

In this case, there are no contraindications, so such practices may well be in your daily schedule. Yoga will help stretch and relax your tense muscles, while meditation will clear your mind, give you clarity of thought and help you fall asleep peacefully and soundly. 

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