10 Signs an ENFP Doesn’t Like You

Wondering if an ENFP has feelings for you? Learn the signs an ENFP doesn’t like you to decode their true intentions and feelings towards you. If an ENFP (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception) doesn’t like someone, they might display some subtle (or not-so-subtle) signs due to their typically warm and open nature. Those who discover they have the ENFP personality, also known as “activists,” need to understand how this group behaves. Here below, we separate the main points:

Strong points

  • Curious: can’t help but discover something new
  • Enthusiastic: they are excited without needing a specific reason
  • Excellent communicators: regardless of the topic, they will always be willing to talk
  • Spontaneous: they are authentic and do not usually lie about what they feel
  • Empathetic: understand the pain of others and are willing to help


  • Unfocused: cannot do just one thing, especially if they find it a discouraging activity
  • Disorganized: because they lack focus, they end up creating their own mess
  • Excessively accommodating: they like stability and end up accepting the status quo easily
  • Extremely optimistic: they believe that everything will always work out, regardless of the situation
  • Difficulties following rules: do not believe in processes and standards, unable to engage in following them.

The ENFP personality, as we have already mentioned, is the activist personality. People who identify this way are often cheerful and love to socialize. To give you an idea, only 7% of the world’s population has this personality. Those who identify with the ENFP personality tend to be very creative and become unmotivated by activities that seem boring or uninspiring. They don’t like routine, and tend to always focus on the future – which can make it difficult to complete or procrastinate tasks

You Must Know The Signs an ENFP Doesn’t Like You

Signs an ENFP Doesn't Like YouSigns an ENFP Doesn't Like You

  1. Reduced Enthusiasm: ENFPs are generally enthusiastic and engaging. If they are less animated or seem disinterested when around you compared to others, it might be a sign.
  2. Limited Depth in Conversations: ENFPs love deep, meaningful conversations. If their interactions with you are consistently superficial and they don’t seem interested in going deeper, this could be indicative of their feelings.
  3. Avoidance: If an ENFP starts avoiding you, takes longer to respond to messages, or frequently cancels plans, these could be signs they’re not very fond of the interaction.
  4. Minimal Effort: ENFPs are known for their effort in maintaining and nurturing relationships. A lack of effort in communication or planning activities with you might suggest disinterest.
  5. Closed Body Language: While ENFPs are typically open and expressive, closed body language like crossed arms, lack of eye contact, and physical distance might indicate discomfort or dislike.
  6. Direct Communication: Although ENFPs are generally diplomatic, if they feel a strong aversion, they might directly express that they are uncomfortable or unhappy in the relationship.
  7. Lack of Sharing Personal Thoughts and Feelings: If an ENFP doesn’t like someone, they might hold back on sharing their thoughts and feelings, which is contrary to their natural inclination to share and connect deeply.

Remember, these signs can vary based on individual differences and contexts. It’s always good to communicate openly if you sense something is off, as assumptions can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.

While these signs may indicate that an ENFP does not like you in a romantic sense, it is essential to remember that every individual is unique, and communication is key in any relationship.

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