How to Stay Warm Without Electricity or Gas

Learn how to stay warm without electricity or gas using these creative and effective tips. Stay cozy and comfortable in challenging situations.

With the arrival of low temperatures and increases in electricity and gas rates, many are looking for alternative ways to keep the house at a warm temperature without requiring stoves or air conditioners. , it’s important to have alternative methods to keep yourself and your family warm and safe. Here are some creative and effective ways to stay warm without relying on traditional heating sources.

How to Stay Warm Without Electricity or Gas.

How to Stay Warm Without Electricity or GasHow to Stay Warm Without Electricity or Gas

Electricity and gas prices are out of control and forecasts suggest that the trend will not change in the short term. Experts predict increases in energy prices until at least next spring. In this context, there are currently sustainable and cheaper alternatives on the market for heating your home in winter.

Here are several ways to heat your home with low energy consumption:

1. Bioethanol fireplaces and stoves

Biomass is one of the best-known alternatives. In the absence of a conventional fireplace or stove, we can opt for bio stoves and independent or tabletop fireplaces, for prices starting at 62 euros. They are placed in the home without the need to change the architectural structure, they only work with ethanol without consuming electricity or gas and due to their insulation technology they do not expel any waste, making them perfect for both exteriors and interiors.

Polyfuel stoves

They are similar to pellet stoves, but in this case they also work with other materials, such as almond shells or olive pits, and cost around 1,000 euros. Polyfuel stoves do not expel toxic gases when producing energy, which is why they respect the environment. Initially, they involve a larger investment as they are not cheap, but it is a payment that pays for itself over time, as it does not require the use of electricity or natural gas .

3. Infrared heaters

Infrared heaters are ceramic plates that are installed on the wall and provide heat to the room through infrared radiation. They do not generate any type of waste, are silent and easy to install. Furthermore, they transform 95% of the power into thermal radiation, so the energy consumption required for their operation is much lower than normal.


They make a home, their appearance is warm and they are decorative. Those made of wool and long hair are the champions of insulation and heat. Those made of coconut, seaweed, jute or sisal are good alternatives for allergy sufferers.

One tip: avoid the ones with non-slip latex on the bottom because they are made with irritating chemical adhesives. The only ‘but’ about carpets is that so that they do not become a problem due to the accumulation of dust, you must vacuum them frequently.


Heat escapes mainly through the windows. One way to avoid this is to dress them with thick fabric curtains , such as velvet or rustic linen. In addition to sheltering the windows, they are elegant and comfortable. Remember to open the curtains when the sun hits the windows, so you will heat up for free. Keep in mind that to ventilate, just open the windows for 10 minutes a day .

You can also find thermal curtains that are made with insulating fabrics that protect the interior from the transfer of cold in winter (and heat in summer, so they are also ideal for saving on air conditioning). There are some that come with a thermal lining that can be removed and put on comfortably. 

  • Very cold walls. Identify them by touching the walls with your hand. They will surely be those facing north. They are the most suitable for covering them with wood panels, cork or fabrics. Also to place shelves well filled with books that will keep the heat inside the house.
  • Aluminum panels. Make them yourself with cardboard sheets covered in aluminum foil. Place them discreetly between the wall and the radiator. They will prevent heat from being lost through the wall, reflecting it back into the room.
  • Humidity. It should not exceed 60% because the sensation of cold increases noticeably. If this is the case, install a dehumidifying device.  Choose a model that is silent!
  • Rearrange the furniture.  Thinking about a logical layout of furniture is a simple way to save money without using gas or electricity, and still keep the house warm. If any furniture is covering the radiators, this will prevent the heat from being distributed correctly throughout the room. 


Your physical health and that of your pocketbook depend on the heating system you choose. Even that of the planet, since the production of heat affects climate change. Take note of more tips that will help you reduce your consumption and, therefore, save on heating and electricity at the end of the month: 

1. Solar energy

The greenest option is solar- powered heating . You can install a practically autonomous system with about 15 m² of solar collectors. These are capable of heating a heating system through radiators, walls or underfloor heating.

2. Natural gas

It is relatively cheap and clean heating. It is important that the boiler be highly efficient. Whichever heating system you choose, you should install programmable thermostats in each room to heat only the spaces that are used.

3. Heat pump

Although the performance of the models has improved, electricity is expensive. It is profitable in places where the temperature does not drop below 0 °C, but it creates drafts that affect people with allergies or respiratory problems. It is essential to carry out good maintenance so that molds and bacteria do not appear.

4. Accumulators

If they are turned on at times when the price of electricity is lowest, they give a good result. Install an app on your mobile (such as Boltio or Precio Luz) to find out the price of electricity. 


  • Savings . Experts agree that 21º C is the temperature at which most people feel comfortable. Each degree more represents an 8% increase in the energy bill.
  • Contrast . Make sure that the difference between the outside and inside temperatures is not excessive because the exaggerated contrast causes a lowering of the defenses.
  • In the bedroom . You don’t need more than 15 or 17 °C in the room to sleep comfortably. The higher the temperature, the more difficult it is to rest.

Staying warm without electricity or gas is possible with some creativity and resourcefulness. By following these tips and utilizing alternative methods, you can stay cozy and comfortable even in challenging situations

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