Weatherby Healthcare malpractice insurance FAQs

Photo of torso of male physician wearing a white coat and holding a stethoscope

Do I have malpractice insurance coverage when I work an assignment with Weatherby?

Yes, Weatherby Healthcare malpractice insurance is available for contracted physicians and advanced practice providers who work assignments for Weatherby. In some instances, Weatherby coordinates with the facility to provide professional liability insurance.

Graphic stating that Weatherby provides malpractice insurance for its locum tenens physicians

What are the claim limits on the malpractice policy provided by Weatherby?

Standard coverage is a claims-made policy with limits of $1,000,000 per claim and $3,000,000 annual aggregate per provider, although this can vary by contract or state. For example, Virginia law requires limits that are increased annually until a $3,000,000 per claim limit is achieved in 2031. Other states have patient compensation funds, discussed below, which may limit liability and/or act as an excess layer of coverage.

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What is the difference between a claims-made policy and an occurrence-based policy?

A claims-made policy covers a claim made against the insured during the policy period that is reported as soon as practicable. The claim must have occurred after the policy retro date and prior to the policy expiration date.

An occurrence-based policy covers claims arising from an incident that took place during the policy period, regardless of when the claims are made.

Will I be covered if a claim is made after my assignment has ended?

Yes, the coverage applies even if you’re no longer working for Weatherby when a claim is made. Weatherby can procure an optional extended reporting period endorsement (“tail coverage”) under the current policy, should the need arise.

Graphic stating Weatherby's malpractice coverage applies even if you're no longer working for Weatherby when a claim is made.

Is there coverage for other administrative actions, like board investigations or peer reviews?

Yes, the insurance coverage obtained by Weatherby provides defense costs, typically up to $25,000, for responding to such actions if they arise out of your assignment.

Are there any exclusions to the policy?

Yes, any criminal or intentional acts or omissions are excluded from the policy. Additionally, the policy only covers care you’ve been approved to do within your scope of work.

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What should I do if I’m notified about a claim made against me?

You should immediately contact CHG’s claims management team at CHG is Weatherby’s parent company, which handles all malpractice claims. The team will then begin creating a file and put you in touch with experienced local counsel to assist you with the case.

Will I get help from Weatherby if a claim is made against me?

Yes, the claims management team has extensive experience and expertise in handling these cases and can offer personalized assistance should any issues arise.

Graphic stating that Weatherby's claims management team is experienced and can offer help if needed.

What happens if a claim is decided against me in excess of what the malpractice policy will pay?

While this situation is uncommon, you would be responsible for any additional liability. For this reason, some providers opt to purchase secondary coverage.

Can I continue to work with Weatherby if a claim is made against me?

A claim will not automatically disqualify you from continuing to work with Weatherby. If a claim is made against you, the quality management team will review your case and decide whether you can continue working for Weatherby. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

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What is a patient compensation fund?

Some states administer a patient compensation fund (PCF) to compensate individuals harmed by acts or omissions alleged to have occurred in the course of treatment by a medical provider or entity that participates in that state’s fund.

What states have patient compensation funds?

Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Does Weatherby enroll all providers in the various patient compensation funds?

Providers with assignments in Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin will be enrolled in their state’s PCF.

Who can help me if I have additional questions?

Please get in touch with your consultant directly for additional information or call 954.343.3050.

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