Full List of Playable Fighters in Tekken 8

Get ready for Tekken 8 with the full list of playable fighters! From Kazuya Mishima to Steve Fox.This post lists all the playable characters in Tekken 8, along with their biographies. You’ll learn about the fighters’ motivations, their connections to other characters, and the key events that shaped their fates.

List of Playable Fighters in Tekken 8

Tekken 8 takes place six months after the dramatic conclusion of Tekken 7, and features an epic clash of iconic characters like Kazuya Mishima and Jin Kazama, whose age-old rivalry reaches its climax. However, in addition to the beloved franchise veterans, Tekken 8 also introduces new faces, bringing a fresh dynamic to the eternal struggle for power and revenge.

Kazuya Mishima

Citizenship: None (renounced Japanese citizenship)

Fighting style: Mishima Karate


Kazuya Mishima is a sinister figure whose name strikes fear into the world. Ruthless and cold-blooded, he will stop at nothing to achieve his ultimate goal: absolute domination. His diabolical power seems to know no bounds, and the G Corporation he leads has become a formidable weapon in his hands.

Having triumphed over his father, the legendary Heihachi Mishima, Kazuya felt the time had come to strike the decisive blow. Without its leader, the Mishima Zaibatsu was vulnerable, and Kazuya was quick to take advantage of this weakness. He unleashed all his might on the once-mighty corporation, seeking to wipe it off the face of the earth once and for all.

Kazuya’s ambitions are grandiose – he wants to subjugate the entire world. The brutal war he unleashed split humanity into two camps. Many fell victim to the ruthless aggression of the G Corporation, and eventually it took a dominant position on the world stage. However, this was not enough for Kazuya – he continued to ruthlessly press his opponents, leaving them no chance to resist.

The Union of Nations, shocked by such a blatant disregard for all norms of international law, called an emergency meeting in New York. World leaders came from all over the world to discuss how to jointly counter the threat posed by the G Corporation and impose tough sanctions against it. But in the midst of the meeting, Kazuya Mishima himself suddenly appeared in the hall. With undisguised contempt, he declared that he was not going to retreat and would continue the war until victory. And then he struck his first blow, attacking a defenseless city.

Jin Kazama

Nationality: Japan

Fighting style: Karate


Jin Kazama is a tragic figure, torn apart by internal contradictions. He hates the cursed blood that he inherited and strives to rid himself of this burden with all his might. In his quest to end the devil’s bloodline once and for all, Jin is willing to take extreme measures.

Teaming up with Lars Alexandersson, his loyal comrade-in-arms, Jin devised a daring plan codenamed “Lightning.” Their goal was to eliminate Kazuya Mishima, another carrier of the devil gene whose existence posed a threat to all of humanity.

In the past, driven by a desperate desire to free himself from the curse, Jin plunged the world into chaos. He sought to resurrect Azazel, the progenitor of the devil gene, in order to destroy him in a decisive battle and thereby free himself from his burden. Jin was ready to sacrifice his own life for this lofty goal.

And so, after a fierce battle, Jin managed to defeat Azazel. But the victory did not come easy to him – exhausted, he lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep. While Jin was in oblivion, the world was rapidly changing. Corporation G, led by the ruthless Kazuya, began an aggressive expansion, subjugating country after country.

Long months passed before Jin finally woke up. His mortal battle with Azazel had left its mark on him – he now had the ability to control his inner devil power. This ability became both a blessing and a curse for him.

Realizing the full weight of his guilt for the war he had unleashed and the destruction he had caused, Jin vowed to put an end to Kazuya’s tyranny. He understood that this was the only way he could atone for his sins and return the world to its long-awaited peace. Ahead of him lay a decisive battle, the outcome of which would determine the fate of humanity. And Jin was ready to fight to the end to free the world from the power of the devilish evil.


Nationality: Mexico

Fighting style : Wrestling


King is an extraordinary and multifaceted figure. As a professional wrestler, he shines in the ring, demonstrating impressive strength and an unbending will to win. However, behind the bright lights of the arena, his true calling is hidden – the management of an orphanage, which has become the work of his life.

In a world devastated by the merciless war between G Corporation and the Mishima Zaibatsu, the number of orphaned children in desperate need of help and support has reached unprecedented levels. And King, with his huge heart and unwavering determination, could not stand aside. He took responsibility for the fates of these unfortunate children, striving to give them hope for a better future.

But in order to provide his charges with a decent life, good will alone is not enough. You need funds – and a lot of them. And here King’s talent as a wrestler comes to the rescue. He understands that he must go beyond the usual performances and put on a real spectacle that will shake the audience to the core and make them fork out money for a good cause.

But he can’t do it alone. King realizes that to realize his grandiose plans, he needs loyal allies – as selfless and purposeful as he is. And so he tirelessly works on himself, honing his skills as a fighter and bringing his body to perfection. King is preparing to meet those who will share his aspirations and help make his dream come true.

Jun Kazama

Nationality: Japan

Fighting Style : Kazama’s Traditional Fighting Style


Jun Kazama is a woman whose life has been full of incredible events and tragic losses. Since childhood, she has shown an extraordinary ability to find a common language with animals, which largely determined her future destiny. Jun devoted herself to studying traditional martial arts of the Kazama style, striving to achieve harmony between body and spirit.

Her talent and dedication to protecting nature led her to join a conservation organization. It was there that she crossed paths with Kazuya Mishima, a powerful and dangerous man suspected of smuggling rare animals. This investigation became a turning point in Jun’s life.

What began as a confrontation between them gradually evolved into something more. At the second King of Iron Fist Tournament, Jun and Kazuya developed a special bond that could not be denied. Soon after, Jun realized that she was carrying their child, Jin.

Determined to give her son a calm and safe childhood, Jun returned to her native land – the remote mountains of Yakushima. There, amidst the wild nature and far from the bustle of the big world, she raised Jin, passing on to him her knowledge and life principles. It seemed that nothing could disturb their peaceful life.

But when Jin turned fifteen, the irreparable happened. A mysterious creature known as the Ogre attacked Jun, and she disappeared without a trace. This event became a real tragedy for young Jin, who lost the person closest to him overnight.

Paul Phoenix

Nationality: USA

Fighting style : Universal fighting style based on judo


Paul Phoenix is ​​a colorful and extraordinary personality in the world of martial arts. His unbridled energy and passion for battle have earned him the reputation of one of the hottest and most unpredictable fighters. Paul is obsessed with the idea of ​​​​becoming the greatest warrior in the universe, and this desire drives him throughout his life.

The King of Iron Fist Tournament 7 was another opportunity for Paul to prove his superiority. Blinded by dreams of a fabulous prize pool, he was absolutely confident in his upcoming victory. However, fate decreed otherwise – the tournament was suddenly interrupted after the mysterious disappearance of its organizer, leaving Paul with nothing.

Instead of the expected riches, Paul received only miserable crumbs, which was a real blow to him. Overnight, he found himself on the brink of poverty, and all his hopes collapsed like a house of cards. But Paul is not one to give up easily. He decided to put everything on the next tournament, believing that this time luck would be on his side.

To increase his chances of success, Paul offered to share the future winnings with his long-time friend and sparring partner Marshall Lo. Together, they went to the mountains to prepare for the decisive fight in solitude and silence. There, far from the bustle of the cities, Paul and Marshall subjected themselves to grueling training, honing their skills to perfection.

Marshall Law

Nationality: USA

Fighting style : Martial arts


Marshall Law is a legendary martial artist whose name is known far beyond his hometown. He is the proud owner of his own dojo, where he has trained generations of talented students. However, hard times have come in Marshall’s life, which has put everything he has achieved in jeopardy.

The motorcycle accident that killed his son was a major blow to Law. Marshall went into debt to pay for the medical bills and provide the best care for his child. This decision had disastrous consequences for his dojo – mired in financial problems, Law began to pay less and less attention to running the school, and the number of students began to decline rapidly.

In a desperate attempt to save the situation, Marshall set out to find an outstanding master who could take over the dojo and lead it out of crisis. But luck turned against him – all negotiations ended in failure, and while Law was away, his school was completely confiscated to pay off outstanding debts.

Having hit rock bottom, having lost everything that was dear to him, Marshall Law came to a bitter realization – in this world, everything is decided by money. And the only chance to get his life back is to hit the jackpot at the upcoming tournament and get the prize money he so desperately needs. But he can’t do it alone, and so Law turned to his old friend Paul Phoenix with an offer to share the future winnings.


Citizenship: None

Fighting style : Brute force


Jack-8 is the crowning achievement of G Corporation, a perfect humanoid weapon that embodies the most advanced technology and boundless ambitions of its creators. This latest prototype of the Jack series is the result of the tireless work and unwavering dedication of the brilliant engineer Jane.

Long ago, Jane herself was saved by one of the “Jacks”, and this experience changed her life forever. Having joined the G Corporation, she dedicated herself to creating the perfect fighting machine, capable of surpassing all existing analogues. Day and night, Jane worked on improving the design of the “Jack”, striving to bring her brainchild to absolute perfection.

Although the Jack series had long since taken a firm place in the G Corporation arsenal, Jane did not rest on her laurels. In her new projects, she placed special emphasis on the development of artificial intelligence, giving Jack-8 the ability to learn with astonishing speed and accuracy. This revolutionary breakthrough allowed the machine to significantly expand its combat capabilities.

Jane did not limit herself to improving the “brain” of her creation. She also sought to give Jack-8 unprecedented firepower, equipping him with super-powerful special weapons and an innovative electromagnetic pulse weapon called the “Gamma System”. This destructive force, contained in an indestructible body, made Jack-8 a formidable opponent.

Lars Alexandersson

Nationality: Sweden

Fighting Style : Iron Fist Fighter Fighting Style


Lars Alexandersson is an extraordinary and charismatic personality. Being the illegitimate son of Heihachi Mishima himself, he was doomed to a difficult fate from a young age. But instead of accepting the role of a puppet in the hands of his powerful father, Lars chose his own path – the path of fighting for justice and freedom.

Service in the elite unit “Tekken Forces” created by Zaibatsu “Mishima” became a harsh school of life for him. Lars quickly proved himself as an outstanding fighter and leader, earning the respect of his comrades and earning the high rank of officer. But the further he went, the more clearly he realized that he was serving the wrong cause and that his true calling was to protect the weak and fight injustice.

And then Lars made a fateful decision – to rebel against the Mishima Zaibatsu and his father. He managed to attract many of his comrades from the Tekken Forces who shared his ideals, and led a coup d’état that shook the very foundations of the corporation.

Soon after the coup, the world found itself under the heel of another tyrant, Kazuya Mishima, who headed the G Corporation. And Lars realized that his mission was not yet over. He created a new rebel army, called “Yggdrasil”, and began to gather forces for a decisive battle with the usurper.

Lars proved himself not only as a brave warrior, but also as a far-sighted strategist. He managed to form an alliance with his long-time enemy Jin Kazama, realizing that in the face of a common threat, old feuds must be forgotten. Together, they devised a daring plan to destroy Kazuya and free the world from his tyranny: Operation Lightning.

Ling Xiaoyu

Nationality: China

Fighting style : Chinese martial arts based on Baguazhang and Piguaquan


Ling Xiaoyu is a Chinese girl whose story is full of tireless search, undying hope, and endless devotion. From a young age, she devoted herself to the study of martial arts, achieving great heights in this. But the true meaning of her life was not the improvement of her body and spirit, but her fiery feelings for Jin Kazama – a man who occupied a special place in her heart.

When Jin suddenly disappeared, Xiaoyu couldn’t accept the loss. She knew she had to find him, no matter what it took. And so began her long and dangerous journey to find her beloved.

The first step was to infiltrate the Mishima Zaibatsu building, a powerful corporation with which Jin was inextricably linked. Xiaoyu hoped to find at least some clues there, some leads that would help her track down the missing man. She risked everything, but fear was nothing compared to the desire to see Jin again.

And so, having obtained the bits of information, Xiaoyu set out on her journey. Half a year of wandering around the world, countless dead ends and disappointments – it seemed that fate was testing her strength. But with each passing day, Xiaoyu’s determination only grew stronger. She knew that there were no obstacles that could prevent her from achieving her goal.

In her travels, Xiaoyu found herself on the brink of despair more than once. Every thread snapped, every hope collapsed. But she did not give up. Every time it seemed that there was no way out, Xiaoyu found the strength to go on. After all, somewhere out there, perhaps very close, was Jin – the man for whom she was ready to go through any trials.

Nina Williams

Nationality: Ireland

Fighting style : Assassin’s art


Nina Williams is a figure as mysterious as she is dangerous. She is the embodiment of death itself, a ruthless and impeccable killer whose name inspires fear even in the most powerful and influential people in the world. During her long and bloody career, she has earned the nickname “The Silent Assassin”, and these are not just words – Nina is really capable of approaching her prey as silently as a shadow and delivering a fatal blow before anyone has time to suspect anything.

Her path to the heights of mastery was long. Years of grueling training, constant balancing on the edge of life and death, merciless competition in the world of professional killers – all this hardened Nina, turning her into an ideal killing machine. She learned not only to masterfully control her body, turning it into a deadly weapon, but also to control her emotions, cutting off everything unnecessary and focusing only on the goal.

Nina worked for the Mishima Zaibatsu for a long time, leading the elite special forces unit, the Tekken Force. It was the perfect environment for her – a world of cruelty, intrigue, and merciless struggle for power. But even there, among the best of the best, Nina stood out for her composure and unrivaled skill.

But at some point, something went wrong. Nina was given the task of finding and eliminating Jin Kazama, a key figure in the struggle for control of the Mishima Zaibatsu. And for the first time in her life, she failed. This failure was more than just a professional defeat for her – it called into question everything she had achieved, her entire reputation and self-esteem.

After leaving Tekken Force, Nina worked as a freelance assassin for a while, but it no longer brought her the same satisfaction. It was as if she had lost the purpose, the meaning of her existence. And then fate gave her an unexpected gift – an offer from Kazuya Mishima himself, the new leader of the G Corporation, which is striving for world domination.

Kazuya immediately recognized a kindred spirit in Nina, as ruthless and ambitious as he was. He offered her not just a job, but a place in the highest echelons of power, the position of commander of the G Corporation forces. And Nina accepted, because this was her chance to find meaning again and channel her destructive energy in the right direction.

Leroy Smith

Nationality: USA

Fighting style : Wing Chun


Leroy Smith is a legendary man whose name has become a symbol of hope and justice for the people of New York. He is a hero who was able to single-handedly challenge the powerful gangs that held the city in fear and defeat them. But the road to this triumph was long and full of trials.

Leroy grew up on the streets of New York, learning from a young age how cruel and unfair this world is. He saw how gangsters terrorize civilians, how corruption and lawlessness permeate all spheres of life. And at some point, he realized that he could no longer stand aside – someone had to fight back against evil and stand up for the weak.

Thus began his crusade against crime. Alone, relying only on his own strength and unbending will, Leroy challenged the most powerful and ruthless gangs of the city. It was a war to the death, and every day could be his last. But Leroy did not retreat, driven by his belief in justice and the desire to help those who could not stand up for themselves.

And in the end, he won. New York was freed from the criminal yoke, and the name of Leroy Smith became a symbol of hope and courage for millions of people. But this victory brought him not only glory, but also a bitter realization of the true scale of the evil he was fighting.

Leroy learns a shocking truth from one of the defeated gang leaders: it turns out that the powerful Mishima Zaibatsu corporation was behind the bloody rivalry between the criminal groups half a century ago. This news shocks him to the core: how could a company now embroiled in a world war have been behind crime and violence in his hometown for so long?

It became obvious to Leroy that the Mishima Zaibatsu was the root of all evil, the source of suffering and injustice not only in New York but throughout the world. And then he made a decision – to go to the King of Iron Fist tournament organized by this corporation and challenge the very heart of darkness.

Asuka Kazama

Nationality: Japan

Fighting Style : Kazama’s Traditional Fighting Style


Asuka Kazama is a bright and original personality. She is a representative of the famous Kazama style, the embodiment of harmony of spirit and body, grace and strength. However, behind the external beauty and elegance lies an unbending will and a sharp mind, allowing Asuka to emerge victorious from any conflict.

Her victory over the young heiress Lily in the King of Iron Fist tournament was a triumph of her fighting prowess. It seemed that this success should have brought Asuka only fame and recognition, but instead it turned into the beginning of a strange and disturbing period in her life.

From that very day, Asuka began to feel someone’s intense and unkind gaze on her. Wherever she went, whatever she did, the invisible pursuer was always there, like a shadow, ready to strike at any moment. At first, Asuka tried not to pay attention to it, writing it off as her imagination or random coincidences. But with each passing day, it became increasingly clear that there was something more behind it.

And soon the secret was revealed in the most unexpected and unpleasant way. Returning one day to her native dojo, Asuka found it completely bought out and turned into some kind of dollhouse, strewn with pink decorations. It didn’t take a genius to guess who was behind this farce – of course, Lily, whose irrational behavior and obsession with Asuka had reached their peak.


Nationality: Monaco

Fighting style : Self-taught style


Lily is a girl who strangely combines the sophistication and refinement of a socialite with an unbridled passion for struggle and rivalry. Born into the family of a wealthy oil magnate from Monaco, she was surrounded by luxury and comfort from childhood. It would seem that a carefree life in high society, full of balls, receptions and social events, awaits her. But in Lily’s soul there was always a fire burning, a thirst for adventure and struggle, which no prohibitions or conventions could extinguish.

Unbeknownst to her father, a man of peace and far from violence, Lily began to practice martial arts. She quickly realized that she had found her true calling – in sparring and duels she felt truly alive, as if her whole body was filled with energy and strength. And the more she trained, the stronger became her desire to find a worthy opponent, someone who could throw her a real challenge.

Thus began her journey around the world in search of the strongest fighters. Using her family’s private jet, Lily visited the most remote corners of the planet, stopping at nothing in her quest for perfection. She fought in the ring and on the streets, in the dojo and in tournaments, gradually honing her skills and acquiring a reputation as a fearless and indomitable warrior.

But there was one unfulfilled goal in her life, one unhealed wound – defeat at the hands of Asuka Kazama in the King of Iron Fist tournament. Twice Lily tried to defeat her eternal rival, and twice failed. These defeats became a real obsession for her, an obsession that did not give her peace neither day nor night.

And then Lily decided on a bold and provocative step. Using her almost unlimited financial resources, she bought the Kazama family dojo – Asuka’s holy of holies, the place where the centuries-old traditions of her clan were kept. But Lily did not stop there – she decorated the entire dojo with roses, as if mocking the harsh and ascetic spirit of this place.

The crowning glory of her triumph was the formal challenge to Asuka. Sitting in her luxurious apartment, stroking her beloved cat, Lily anticipated her rival’s anger and indignation. She imagined Asuka, seething with rage, accepting her challenge, and how they would meet in a decisive battle – a battle not only for the dojo, but also for the right to be called the strongest.

Bryan Fury

Nationality: USA

Fighting style : Kickboxing


Bryan Fury is the embodiment of chaos and destruction, a cyborg whose heart burns with an unquenchable thirst for violence. Having received at his disposal an eternal generator, this inexhaustible source of energy, he has acquired limitless possibilities for sowing death and suffering. And he did not fail to take advantage of them.

Even as the flames of war between G Corporation and the Mishima Zaibatsu began to fade, Brian showed no signs of stopping. As if possessed by demons of destruction, he continued his bloody advance, taking the battlefield to the most remote corners of the world. His name became synonymous with horror and despair, and his actions became a nightmare for law enforcement agencies around the world.

It seemed that nothing could stop this mad cyborg, driven only by a thirst for blood and chaos. However, fate decreed otherwise. In one of the urban conflicts, Brian’s path crossed with an elite counter-terrorist unit of the international police – the same one where he once served, while still a human.

This encounter was a kind of shock for him, awakening long-forgotten memories of a past life. Of the times when he was not a killing machine, but a living, feeling being, with his own dreams, attachments and fears. And at that moment, something deep inside him trembled, as if the remnants of humanity were trying to break through the cold shell of a cyborg.

But this internal struggle did not pass in vain for Brian. Either from the excessive stress of endless battles, or from the overwhelming emotions, his eternal generator failed, overheating right in the middle of the battle. This caused a real storm of sensations in his artificial brain – a feeling of boundless power and pleasure, painting everything around him in a bloody crimson.

When Brian came to, all that was around him was devastation and desolation. He was alone in the midst of ruins that he had probably created in a fit of madness. And then a voice came from under the rubble – the voice of a man who seemed to have known him in the past. But Brian was no longer in the mood for conversation – the remnants of humanity had retreated again, and in their place came animal rage and maniacal laughter.


Nationality: South Korea

Fighting style : Taekwondo


Hwarang is the embodiment of the spirit of a true warrior, for whom the path of martial arts has become not just a hobby or profession, but the meaning of his entire life. Being a recognized master of taekwondo, he always strived for perfection, honing his skills and tempering his body and spirit in endless training and fights. But there was one special goal in his life, one rival, the confrontation with whom determined his entire future destiny – Jin Kazama.

Their first fight, which ended in a draw, was a real revelation for Hwarang. He saw in Jin not just another opponent, but a fighter equal to himself in strength and skill, someone who could throw him a real challenge and make him give it his all. Since then, thoughts of revenge haunted Hwarang, turning into an obsession, a goal towards which he went with manic obsession.

And so, six months later, fate brought them together again in the Middle East. But what appeared before Hwarang’s eyes shocked him. Jin, whom he remembered as a worthy and noble opponent, appeared before him in the form of a monstrous demon, with black wings behind his back and eyes blazing with hellfire. This was no longer just a fight between two martial artists – it was a life-and-death battle with a creature of the underworld itself.

Gathering all his will, all his skill and courage, Hwarang rushed into battle. It was the most difficult and exhausting battle of his life, requiring his complete dedication and extreme concentration. But in the end, his efforts were rewarded – he managed to defeat the raging demon and throw him to the ground.

However, the moment of triumph was short-lived. At the very last moment, when Hwarang was about to deliver the decisive blow, the forces of the Union of Nations intervened on the battlefield. Taking advantage of the confusion, Jin slipped away again, dissolving in a cloud of dust and leaving his opponent with nothing.

Claudio Serafino

Nationality: Italy

Fighting Style : Sirius Archers Exorcism


Claudio Serafino is a legendary figure in the world of exorcism. As the leader of the Sirius Archers, an ancient order that has stood against the forces of evil for centuries, he possessed boundless spiritual power and an unbending will. But even for such a powerful warrior, dark times came when the usual foundations were shaken and the boundaries between good and evil became blurred.

It all started with his meeting with Heihachi Mishima, who told Claudio about Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima, carriers of the sinister Devil Gene. Realizing the scale of the threat these two posed to the world, Claudio decided to take an unexpected step – to join forces with Heihachi, despite the categorical disapproval of his own order.

At the same time, Claudio was on the trail of Ling Xiaoyu, a girl obsessed with finding Jin Kazama. Seeing her as a potential ally, he decided to get closer to her, hoping to use her obsession for his own purposes. After all, born in the house of the “purifying blue flame”, Claudio firmly believed in his destiny to defeat the Devil at any cost.

However, Heihachi’s pedantry and the collapse of their shaky alliance were a real blow to Claudio, undermining his faith in his own strength and principles. And the mass desertion of members of the order, unable to withstand the pressure of circumstances, plunged him into despair.

In this dark hour, Claudio’s unexpected light came from Xiaoyu and her unwavering devotion to Jin. Struck by her strength of spirit and purity of purpose, he suddenly realized the depth of his own mistakes. In a burst of sincere remorse, Claudio opened up to Xiaoyu, confessing all his sins and asking for forgiveness. And, wanting to atone for his mistakes, he vowed to help her find Jin.

But deep down, Claudio knew that redemption would not be easy. He knew that if Jin succumbed to the influence of the devil gene and betrayed Xiaoyu, he would have to stop him at all costs, even if it cost him his life.

Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo

Nationality: Peru

Fighting style : Mixed martial arts


Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo, or simply Azucena, is a woman who combines charm and innocence with an indomitable spirit and fearlessness. Her life journey is a story of how dreams and hard work can lead to success, even against all odds.

Born into a family of coffee plantation owners, the Ortiz family, located high in the mountains, Azucena absorbed love and respect for this noble craft from childhood. Watching her father at work, she dreamed of one day becoming the best coffee farmer in the world and making her family famous throughout the world.

But Azucena would not be herself if she simply followed the beaten path. Her lively mind and creative nature demanded something new and unknown. And she plunged headlong into experiments on breeding new varieties of coffee, introducing the most daring and innovative ideas.

At first, her endeavors were met with only skepticism and rejection. But Azucena is not one to give up easily. Each time she faced another rejection, she only became more convinced of her rightness and redoubled her efforts. And her persistence bore fruit – a few years later, coffee beans grown using Azucena’s method received the highest rating at a prestigious international fair, instantly making her a rising star in the industry.

Inspired by her success, Azucena decided not to stop there. With her inherent positive attitude and creativity, she challenged herself by trying her hand as a model and dancer. And then she even enrolled in business administration at the best university in the country to gain all the necessary knowledge to develop the family business.

And at some point, perhaps under the influence of the omnipresent caffeine, Azucena realized that in order to become the best in the world, stability alone is not enough. You need adventure, risk, adrenaline. And then, one fine day, catching a runaway alpaca with a cup of coffee in her hand, she suddenly realized what she was missing.

Her physical strength and endurance, earned through years of training at high altitude, are her greatest weapons. And Azucena has decided to use them to break into the American MMA scene and, at the same time, advertise her signature Azucena coffee blend.

No sooner said than done. In just a year of hard training and spectacular victories, Azucena soared to the very top of the rankings, becoming a champion and a living advertisement for the Ortiz farm. Coffee sales skyrocketed, and Azucena’s name was on everyone’s lips.

And her ambitions did not end there. Now her eyes have turned to the “King of Iron Fist” – the most prestigious and popular tournament of recent years. Azucena firmly knows that victory here will bring her closer to her cherished goal of becoming the best in the world. And although the date of the tournament has not yet been determined, she is sure that this day is not far off.


Nationality: Unknown

Fighting style : Ninjutsu


Raven is a man of mystery, shrouded in an aura of mystery and danger. He is an elite agent and master of ninjutsu, whose skills and abilities border on the supernatural. Working for the independent forces of the United Nations, he carries out the most difficult and delicate missions around the world, preventing conflicts and restoring peace where there seemed to be no hope.

But even for a skilled warrior like Raven, the current situation in the world looks extremely alarming. A fierce struggle for power between two powerful corporations – the Mishima Zaibatsu and the G Corporation – threatens to plunge the entire planet into chaos and destruction. And Raven, with his sharp mind and strategic thinking, understands that incredible challenges await him.

To be ready for the challenges ahead, Raven decides to go back to his roots and re-train with his ninjutsu master. He knows that only through constant self-improvement and pushing his own limits will he be able to stay at the top of his game and effectively carry out his mission.

Although the management admires Raven’s determination and approves his request for additional training, they set a strict condition – his absence will only be paid for half a year. This imposes certain restrictions, but Raven is not one to back down from a challenge.

He decides to focus on improving those skills and techniques in which he has already achieved high mastery. Every day, every hour of his stay in the dojo, he uses with maximum efficiency, polishing his skills to shine and bringing them to absolute perfection.

And his efforts pay off. By the end of his allotted time, Raven has mastered a new art, “Shadow Clone,” which allows him to create illusory copies of himself and confuse his opponents. This skill becomes his trump card, a secret weapon that can turn the tide of any battle.

Receiving the order to return, Raven leaves the training grounds with a feeling of deep satisfaction. He knows that he is now ready for any challenge that fate has in store for him. His body and mind are in perfect harmony, and his new skills make him invincible.


Nationality: Germany

Fighting style : Bajiquan


Leo is a fighter who combines physical strength and intellectual acumen. As a descendant of two outstanding scientists – world-famous archaeologist Niklas Kliesen and genius geneticist Emma Kliesen – Leo inherited from them not only a love of knowledge, but also martial arts skills, in particular, Bajiquan.

However, Leo’s life was not cloudless. The mysterious death of his mother was a real shock for him and left him with many questions. What exactly happened to his mother? What secrets did she take with her to the grave? And who is behind her death?

Driven by a thirst for truth and justice, Leo embarks on a dangerous investigation. Risking everything, he penetrates the heart of G Corporation and obtains classified information that sheds light on the last days of his mother’s life. And what he learns shocks him.

It turns out that Emma Kliesen was involved in research into the infamous Devil Gene – the very power that gives its bearer incredible power, but demands a terrible price in return. And when her work was completed, the head of G Corporation, Kazuya Mishima, gave the order to get rid of her as an unnecessary tool.

This brutal truth, coupled with the shocking revelation from the Mishima Zaibatsu that Kazuya himself is the devil incarnate, is a revelation to Leo. The pieces of the puzzle fall into place, painting a picture of a monstrous conspiracy and inhumane experiments in which his mother has become nothing more than expendable material.

Pain and anger flood Leo’s heart, threatening to swallow him whole. But at that moment, the words of his long-lost father float into his mind – wise advice he once gave his son. “Listen, Leo. Like a lost coin, truth is found only when your heart is calm and open.”

And Leo realizes that his father was right. Blind rage and thirst for revenge will not lead him to his goal, but will only lead him astray. To get to the bottom of it, he needs to calm his mind, put aside his emotions, and act with cold blood and calculation. Only then will he be able to find the missing pieces of the puzzle and restore the full picture of what happened.

Inspired by this realization, Leo sets out on a new journey – this time not in pursuit of ghostly shadows of the past, but in search of concrete answers and irrefutable evidence. He knows that his path will be long and full of dangers, but he firmly believes that the truth is worth fighting for.

Steve Fox

Nationality: UK

Fighting style : Boxing


Steve Fox is a truly legendary figure in the world of boxing. His phenomenal technique, impeccable sense of rhythm and ability to control the fight earned him the love and admiration of millions of fans around the world. But behind the glitter of fame and triumph of victories there was a deep personal drama – the story of a man desperately trying to find his place in life and find his true identity.

Growing up within the walls of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Steve has long considered it his home and family. But the shocking discovery that he is nothing more than the result of a scientific experiment, a genetically engineered specimen, turns his world upside down. Shocked and devastated, Steve decides to find his real parents and learn the truth about his origins at all costs.

Fate brings him together with Nina Williams, the woman whose genetic material was used to create him. However, meeting his biological mother does not bring Steve the relief he longed for. On the contrary, Nina’s coldness and indifference, unwilling to acknowledge him as her son, only worsens his emotional wounds.

For Steve, knowing his roots was the meaning of life, an anchor that held him in a raging sea of ​​uncertainty. With the loss of this illusion, he loses his last hope of finding integrity and harmony. He falls into despair, loses interest in boxing and in life itself, and becomes a pale shadow of his former self.

And in this dark hour, Steve’s loyal friends, Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law, come to his aid. They see his pain and confusion, and decide to pull their friend out of the abyss of depression at all costs. Their offer to take part in the tournament and share the prize money initially seems ridiculous and absurd to Steve. But gradually, through the veil of despondency, a weak ray of hope begins to break through in his mind.

Steve remembers the power of his fists, how many times they helped him overcome adversity and achieve the impossible. It is at this moment that he realizes that boxing is not just a sport or a profession, but a part of himself, his essence and purpose. That it was in the ring, in a fair fight one on one, that he always felt truly alive and whole.

Having decided to return to big-time sports, Steve, however, refuses his friends’ offer to train in the mountains the old-fashioned way. He understands that in order to find himself again and find his place in the world, he needs not just to remember the past, but to create something fundamentally new. Something that would reflect the man he is today – a man tempered by the pain of loss and who has gone through the crucible of doubt.


Citizenship: None

Fighting Style : Kuma’s Shinken Enhanced by Heihachi’s Style


Kuma is a creature in which animal power and human qualities, loyalty and courage, playfulness and hard work are intertwined. Being a pet and loyal companion of the legendary Heihachi Mishima, he was always not just a pet, but a full-fledged member of the elite squad “Tekken Forces”, ready at any moment to stand up for the defense of his master and his empire.

However, don’t think that Kuma is just a ruthless fighting machine. Deep inside his bear soul lives a true altruist and humanist, always ready to help those who need it. More than once or twice he took part in the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters in Southeast Asia, sparing no effort or time to ease the suffering of the victims.

At first, the locals treated Kuma with caution and distrust, seeing him as nothing more than a huge, ferocious beast. But soon his irrepressible energy, friendliness, and dedication to his work melted the ice in their hearts. Gradually, Kuma became a true favorite of the townspeople, a symbol of hope and protection in difficult times.

But one day, the irreparable happened. Heihachi Mishima, having gone to the decisive battle with his sworn enemy Kazuya, disappeared without a trace. For Kuma, this was a real blow – the loss of not just a master, but also a mentor, a friend, the meaning of his entire life. He waited for Heihachi to return for a long time and in vain, not losing hope that he was still alive and would return home one day.

While Kuma was indulging in melancholy and anticipation, the situation in the corporation was rapidly deteriorating. Taking advantage of the leader’s absence, the G Corporation unleashed a series of crushing blows on the Mishima Zaibatsu, putting it on the brink of total destruction. And when Kuma, having come to his senses, rushed to the corporation’s headquarters to organize a defense, it was already too late.

The Mishima leadership, despairing of receiving help from their loyal protector, capitulated to the enemy. For Kuma, this was not just a defeat, but also a deep personal insult. After all, he is the keeper of Heihachi’s legacy, and if the Zaibatsu falls, its master will have nowhere to return. And the loyal bear could not allow this.

And then Kuma makes a fateful decision. He vows to fight for the corporation until his last breath, even if he has to stand alone against the entire might of the G Corporation. Following the precepts of his teacher, he begins training with tripled strength, perfecting the legendary Mishima style. And when he dons the armor and belt of Heihachi himself, it is as if he acquires a piece of his indestructible spirit.


Citizenship: None

Fighting Style : Advanced Manji Ninjutsu


Yoshimitsu is a legendary warrior and guardian of ancient traditions whose life is inextricably linked to the fate of the Manji clan, a secret organization of noble thieves dating back to the Sengoku era. As the current head of the clan, he bears the great responsibility of not only preserving the unique legacy of Manji ninjutsu, but also of using these skills for the good of society.

Six months ago, Yoshimitsu took on a special mission: commissioned by an investor in a project to help refugees, he was to find archives that would shed light on the dark past of the Mishima Zaibatsu Corporation. This task required not only impeccable mastery of the art of espionage and infiltration, but also a keen analytical mind capable of unraveling a tangle of secrets and intrigues.

Following a trail of clues gathered by his loyal clan comrades, Yoshimitsu eventually found himself in an old underground cavern, a place steeped in dark legends about exorcism rituals carried out there by the Mishima in the past. Relying on the high-tech sensors of his reinforced armor, he made his way deeper and deeper through the crumbling tunnels until he finally reached his destination: a secret repository of ancient manuscripts.

And the moment Yoshimitsu touched the dusty scrolls, something unexpected happened. The faint demonic aura emanating from the archives resonated with Yoshimitsu’s cursed blade, a legendary sword passed down from head of the Manji clan for centuries. The blade, known for its insatiable thirst for blood and its ability to drive its wielders mad, instantly awakened and unleashed a wave of destructive emotions on Yoshimitsu’s mind.

In a desperate attempt to calm the rage and lust for violence that raged within him, Yoshimitsu plunged the cursed sword into his own flesh, hoping to quench its bloodlust. But this only fueled the blade’s fury, threatening to consume its wielder entirely. Only through the centuries-old wisdom of the clan elders, who taught Yoshimitsu ancient techniques to suppress the sword’s evil will, was he able to harness its destructive power – but at a cost.

Since that fateful day, the cursed blade has called to Yoshimitsu incessantly, whispering to him of the mysterious source of its insatiable rage. “Find it and destroy it!” the sword demanded, and Yoshimitsu knew he had no choice but to obey its call if he wanted to retain control of his own mind and body.


Nationality: Saudi Arabia

Fighting style : Hand-to-hand combat


Shahin is a man whose fate is inextricably intertwined with tragedy and loss. Having lost his family at an early age, he knew the pain of loss and the bitterness of loneliness. But it was in this dark hour, when it seemed that life had lost all meaning, that chance brought him together with Salim, a boy who became not only a friend to him, but also a guiding star that illuminated the path in the darkness.

Saving Salim from an assassin, Shahin first used the fighting skills his father had taught him not to destroy, but to protect. And in that moment, he realized his true purpose: to be a shield for those who need it. Salim, wise beyond his years, saw in Shahin not just a bodyguard, but a true friend and brother in spirit.

By accepting Shahin into his family, Salim gave him not only shelter and support, but also a new meaning in life. Together they grew and matured, each developing their talents – Salim absorbing knowledge like a sponge, and Shahin honing his fighting skills. And although life took them down different paths – one to the top of the oil business, the other to the battlefield – their friendship remained unbreakable, cemented by a common desire to protect the weak and uphold justice.

But fate is cruel. In one fell swoop, Shahin lost not only his best friend, but also a part of his soul. Having learned that none other than Kazuya Mishima and his sinister G Corporation were behind Salim’s death, Shahin vowed to find the truth at any cost and avenge the death of his adopted brother.

Returning to the home that has become his home, Shahin brings the terrible news to Salim’s family. But instead of tears and despair, he finds determination and a thirst for justice in their eyes. Salim’s younger brother, Zarif, hands Shahin the cherished blade – a symbol of their family’s heritage and honor. And in that moment, Shahin understands that his mission is not just revenge, but a duty to the memory of his friend and to all who suffer under the tyranny of Corporation G.

Looking at his reflection in the polished steel of his sword, Shahin vows to be an unyielding warrior, a punishing hand that brings retribution to evil. He knows that his path will be full of dangers and hardships, that he will have to look into the darkest depths of the human soul. But he is ready to accept this challenge, for in his heart burns an unquenchable flame of justice.

Sergey Dragunov

Nationality: Russia

Fighting style : Combat Sambo


Sergei Dragunov is a man of mystery. A master of combat sambo who has earned himself the menacing nickname “The White Angel of Death,” he inspires fear and awe with his mere presence. His fighting prowess is so flawless and deadly that it seems almost supernatural, beyond human capabilities.

When the world was shaken by the brutal battles between the Mishima Zaibatsu and the G Corporation, Dragunov, driven by a goal known only to him, entered the King of Iron Fist tournament. But fate decreed otherwise – the mysterious disappearance of the tournament organizer, Heihachi Mishima, cut the competition short halfway, leaving all participants bewildered and confused.

For Dragunov, who was used to seeing things through to the end, this was a real blow. He returned home, where in recognition of his tireless service to duty he received something unprecedented – an extended vacation. For a man whose legendary work ethic was the talk of the town (he was even said to continue working in his sleep), this was like a step into the unknown, a leap beyond the familiar world.

Finding himself in the unfamiliar surroundings of his own office, the usually cool and unperturbed Dragunov suddenly discovered a strange, almost boyish excitement within himself. Like a spring compressed to the limit and finally released, he jumped to the safe and tremblingly pulled out a tattered notebook with a creepy cover.

For an outside observer, the sight of the menacing “Angel of Death”, almost dancing with excitement, leafing through the pages of a mysterious notebook, might seem frightening, if not sinister. Could it be that in his hands is that same legendary “List of the Angel of Death”, which terrifies enemies with its very name?

But no – if we looked closely, we would see something completely different. A touching domestic scene: a stern warrior, sipping aromatic sbiten and with obvious pleasure looking through a list of… personal affairs and desires, which he had been patiently accumulating for so long, waiting for a free minute. Here he is smiling at something, humming a simple tune under his breath, here he is nodding to himself, immersed in pleasant memories and dreams…

However, even in this moment of spiritual weakness and relaxation, Dragunov cannot change his indomitable nature. Having read the notebook to the end, he, without thinking twice, chooses the most difficult and ambitious task – the one that will require complete dedication and unparalleled skill from him. And, having set this new goal for himself, he fearlessly rushes towards it.

Feng Wei

Nationality: China

Fighting style : Taijiquan


Feng Wei – this man dedicated his life to studying the ancient scrolls of the “Fist of God”, striving to reach the heights of martial arts and become an unrivaled warrior, the Dragon God himself. But his path to perfection turned out to be winding and full of temptations.

The crushing defeat at the hands of Leroy Smith, a Wing Chun master, was not just a blow to Feng’s pride, but also a profound shock to the foundations of his worldview. Leroy’s words about the heartlessness of his technique and the unworthiness of comparison with his teacher, the legendary Wu Zihao, made Feng doubt the correctness of his chosen path.

After all, it was Wu Zihao, the very same “Fist of God”, under whose guidance he had learned the basics of martial arts, who always preached the harmony of heart and technique as the basis of true mastery. Unlike Feng, who saw strength and steadfastness as the only path to greatness, the teacher called for compassion and humanity.

Now, faced with defeat at the hands of a fighter who espoused seemingly contradictory principles, Feng found himself at a crossroads. He remembered that fateful night when, driven by pride and a thirst for superiority, he killed his own teacher. At the time, he thought he had found the truth, but the fight with Leroy called into question the very essence of his beliefs.

Torn apart by his inner conflicts, Feng decides to redouble his efforts to achieve perfection. He uses his rage and frustration as fuel for grueling training, traveling the world and challenging the best martial artists. Each victory brings him closer to his cherished goal, but at the same time, it devastates his soul further.

And now, six months later, fate presents Feng with a temptation in the form of Nina Williams, a representative of the sinister G Corporation. She offers him a chance to take revenge on Leroy in exchange for the corporation’s support. Feng understands perfectly well that this is a deal with the devil, but the thirst for revenge blinds him. He accepts the offer, rejecting the very idea of ​​​​a “heart” as an absurd weakness unworthy of a true warrior.


Citizenship: None

Fighting Style : Kuma’s Shinken Enhanced by Heihachi’s Style


Panda is a funny creature, the embodiment of devotion, courage and selfless love. Being not just a pet, but also a loyal bodyguard of the charming Ling Xiaoyu, she is ready to do anything for the protection and well-being of her ward. And when fate separates Xiaoyu from her beloved Jin Kazama, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances, Panda, without hesitation, sets off after her to search.

For Panda, this is not just a whim or a caprice – it is a sacred duty, the meaning of her entire life. She cannot allow Xiaoyu, overcome by despair and melancholy, to rush into the unknown alone. And so, without a second’s hesitation, Panda follows her to the very walls of the ominous building of the Mishima Zaibatsu, ready to protect her mistress from any danger.

When they finally meet, Xiaoyu shares her triumph with Panda – she managed to obtain valuable information that could shed light on Jin’s whereabouts. Now they have a long journey around the world ahead of them, full of adventures, mysteries and, perhaps, disappointments. But Panda is not at all afraid – on the contrary, she is amazed by Xiaoyu’s resilience and determination and firmly decides to be with her until the end.

However, being a kind and cheerful creature, Panda cannot allow this journey to turn into a hopeless chase after a ghost for Xiaoyu. She takes on the role of not only a bodyguard, but also a loyal friend, almost a sister – someone who will remind Xiaoyu of the joys of life and will not let her get lost in the labyrinth of her own experiences.

With her characteristic optimism and lightness, Panda turns every stop into a small holiday. She coordinates Xiaoyu’s outfits so that she always looks impeccable and is not embarrassed when meeting Jin. She takes her on walks and excursions, introduces her to local attractions and culinary delights, forcing her to forget about the hardships of the journey, at least for a while, and enjoy the moment.

Six months later, when hope of finding Jin has almost faded, it is Panda’s unbending spirit that keeps Xiaoyu from falling into despair. Moreover, Panda is even more determined to stay by her side no matter what happens. Because she knows that only together, by supporting and inspiring each other, can they overcome any challenges and see things through to the end.

Lee Chaolan

Nationality: Japan

Fighting style : Martial arts


Lee Chaolan is an ambiguous and contradictory figure. As the adopted son of Heihachi Mishima, he grew up in an atmosphere of cruelty and irreconcilable rivalry, which could not help but leave an imprint on his character. However, unlike his adopted father and brother, Lee managed to direct his hatred and anger into a creative channel, becoming the head of a successful company Violet Systems, specializing in the production of humanoids.

But old grudges still lingered. Lee dreamed of revenge against Heihachi and Kazuya, and meeting Lars Alexandersson, an implacable opponent of the Mishima Zaibatsu, seemed like a sign of fate. At first, Lee saw Lars as just a convenient tool for achieving his own goals, but gradually the man’s sincerity and nobility began to change his views.

Lee was inspired by Lars’s ideas of peace and justice, realizing that revenge was a road to nowhere. And then he made a fateful decision – to join forces with Lars and his rebel army “Yggdrasil”, becoming its staff officer and putting all his resources to serve the common cause.

And these resources were impressive. Lee, like no one else, knew the strengths and weaknesses of his adopted brother Kazuya, who had taken over G Corporation and unleashed a brutal war across the world. And he did not hesitate to use this knowledge to create a powerful weapon capable of turning the tide of battle.

Together with the brilliant scientist Dr. Bosconovitch, Lee designed the enormous flying boat Vidofnir and developed mobile combat units on motorcycles, which allowed the rebels to deal a crushing blow to the G Corporation forces on several fronts at once. But his main creation was the unique combat suit Violet, which incorporated the most advanced technologies and reflected Lee’s own aesthetic preferences.

Alisa Boskonovich

Nationality: Russia

Fighting Style : Highly mobile, jet-powered fighting style


Alisa Bosconovitch is a unique creation, an android in which the highest technology and a spark of humanity are amazingly intertwined. Created for the sole purpose of protecting Jin Kazama, the former head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, she has long been an obedient tool in the hands of her master, without any doubts or hesitation.

One day, Alice lost control of herself and entered into a deadly battle with Lars Alexandersson, a man for whom she had deep feelings without realizing it. This battle became a kind of moment of truth for her, when the program embedded in her artificial intelligence came into conflict with the nascent humanity within her.

As a result of that battle, Alice’s systems were shut down, seemingly forever. But thanks to the selfless efforts of Lars and his comrades, a real miracle happened – Alice was brought back to life and joined the rebel army fighting for freedom and justice.

However, Alice’s story did not end there. On the contrary, it was then that her true path to realizing her own personality and gaining free will began. Alice began to notice strange glitches in her work – information about Lars increasingly surfaced in her thought processes, causing emotions that were incomprehensible to her and even an increase in temperature.

Frightened and confused, Alice turned to her creator, Dr. Bosconovitch, for help. And after weeks of hard work, she received not only an update to her systems, but also a shocking revelation: there had been no malfunction. Everything she had experienced—her nascent feelings, her doubts, her desire for freedom—was a manifestation of her own personality, carefully hidden all this time.

Moreover, Dr. Bosconovitch informed Alice that from now on she was free from Jin’s control and could choose her own path. These words were a real revelation for her, because for the first time in her life she had the opportunity to act according to her own will, and not on the orders of her master.

And looking into the kind eyes of her creator, in which something vaguely familiar and dear flashed for a moment, Alice made a decision. She swore to herself that from now on she would fight on Lars’s side – not at someone else’s behest, but at the call of her own heart.


Nationality: Unknown

Fighting style : Ancient art of killing


Zafina is an amazing person, who harmoniously combines deep spirituality, mystical abilities and unbending will. Born into a family of exorcists, whose history goes back centuries, she was surrounded by secrets and ancient knowledge from childhood. But instead of closing herself off in a narrow circle of initiates, Zafina decided to use her gift for the benefit of people, helping them with her astrological predictions.

However, fate had another test in store for her. When the epic battle between Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima resulted in the awakening of the primordial devil Azazel – an evil that Zafina’s family had kept silent about for centuries – an incredible responsibility fell upon her shoulders. Although Jin managed to defeat Azazel in battle, his spirit was indestructible and continued to pose a deadly threat to the entire world.

In a desperate attempt to prevent Azazel’s revival, Zafina took extreme measures. Using secret techniques passed down through her family for generations, she sealed the devil’s spirit in her left hand. But this sacrifice did not come easy – Azazel’s power was so great that it began to gradually take over Zafina’s body and mind.

Exhausted and exhausted, on the verge of losing control, Zafina arrived at the Sirius Vault, the headquarters of an ancient order of warriors known as the Sirius Arrows. There, among loyal allies, she found not only protection and support, but also true friends. Ling Xiaoyu, showing amazing sensitivity and care, helped her regain her strength, and Claudio Serafino, using his sacred knowledge, placed a seal on her hand that restrained Azazel’s influence.

Touched by their dedication and selflessness, Zafina decided to reveal the terrible truth to them. And in response, she received not only understanding, but also a promise of all possible help and support in the fight against the impending threat. Inspired by this, Zafina began to look for a way to change her seemingly predetermined fate with renewed vigor.

Devil Jin

Citizenship: None

Fighting style : Unknown


Devil Jin is the embodiment of primal fury and boundless power, born from the cursed blood that flows through the veins of Jin Kazama. This is not just an alter ego or a dark side of the personality – it is an entirely different entity, in which there is nothing human left.

When Devil Jin takes over Jin’s mind, something terrifying happens. His body undergoes a horrific transformation: his skin turns an ash-gray color, an ominous mark appears on his forehead, and massive black wings spread out behind his back. But the most terrifying thing is his eyes, blazing with hellish fire and expressing nothing but hatred and a thirst for destruction.

Victor Chevalier

Nationality: France

Fighting Style : Super Spy Techniques


Victor Chevalier is a legendary man whose life embodied the ideals of honor, duty, and self-sacrifice. A descendant of noble knights, he dreamed of dedicating himself to serving those in need of protection and help from a young age. And fate gave him such an opportunity.

Following in the footsteps of his father, a renowned naval officer, Victor joined the French Navy. But unlike many of his peers, who saw it only as a chance to quickly move up the career ladder, he sought real challenges. Again and again, Victor was sent to the most dangerous operational zones, where the risks were greatest and the chances of survival were minimal.

At the same time, Victor was not a reckless adventurer. He devoted all his free time to grueling training under the guidance of his father’s friend – an experienced mercenary from the East. It was these skills and knowledge that repeatedly saved his life in the most desperate situations and allowed him to return from each mission as a winner.

The fame of the fearless and elusive fighter quickly spread throughout the fleet. Victor became known as the “Ghost Raven” – a nickname that inspired fear in enemies and hope in the hearts of allies. But he himself remained indifferent to honors and admiration. The only thing that truly excited him was the opportunity to help those who needed it.

Realizing that his naval service places certain restrictions on his actions, Victor decides to transfer to the UN. There, he hopes to gain greater freedom and the opportunity to act in the interests of all mankind, rather than individual states. But soon he begins to notice alarming signs of an impending threat.

A powerful corporation, whose thirst for power knows no bounds, begins buying up entire armies and establishing its control over the world. Realizing that there is no time to think, Victor decides to act. He uses all his connections and influence to achieve the creation of independent armed forces capable of repelling the impending threat.

This is how the Raven unit is born – an elite team of fighters personally selected and trained by Victor. They carry out daring special operations around the world, disrupting the corporation’s plans and protecting innocent people. And Victor himself takes on the role of leader and strategist, directing the actions of his subordinates and making the most difficult decisions.


Nationality: Unknown

Fighting style : Unknown


Reina is a girl whose story is shrouded in mystery. She is the embodiment of grace and deadly strength, a fighter whose lightning-fast movements can disarm any opponent. But behind her incredible abilities lies something more – a mystery that has yet to be solved.

All that is known is that Reina is a student at the prestigious Mishima Polytechnic School, where the best of the best study. But what brought her there? What secrets does her past hold? And what is her true goal? These questions remain unanswered.

Eddie Gordo (DLC character)

Nationality: Brazil

Fighting style : Capoeira


Eddie Gordo is a man with a difficult fate, whose life became the embodiment of the idea that it is never too late to change and embark on the path of redemption. He went through a long and thorny path, full of pain, loss and difficult moral choices, but in the end he managed to find the true meaning of his existence.

From a young age, Eddie devoted himself to the study of capoeira, a graceful and deadly martial art that he saw not only as a means of self-expression, but also as a means of exacting revenge. The death of his father at the hands of Kazuya Mishima was a deep trauma that shaped the rest of his life. Years of rigorous training under the wise master turned Eddie into an unrivaled fighter, but they could not heal the wound in his soul.

When his mentor fell ill with an incurable disease, Eddie, driven by desperation and loyalty, made a deal with Jin Kazama, the leader of the Mishima Zaibatsu. In exchange for medical care for his teacher, he agreed to join the Tekken Force and take part in brutal and destructive missions. Eddie knew full well the price he would have to pay for this choice, but he saw no other way to save the man he loved.

However, fate decreed otherwise. Despite all his efforts, Master Eddy still fell victim to the disease, and his sacrifice was in vain. Broken by grief and guilt, Eddy left the Tekken Forces and went to the lair of his sworn enemy – G Corporation’s Millennium Tower, where Kazuya Mishima himself resided.

In a fierce battle, breaking through crowds of corporation soldiers, Eddie managed to reach the top of the tower and meet face to face with Kazuya. But the forces were unequal, and in this duel Eddie suffered a crushing defeat. Lying on the brink of death, he almost resigned himself to his fate – to die without having accomplished revenge and without atoning for his sins.

But fate gave him a second chance. Saved at the last moment by the mysterious ninja Yoshimitsu, Eddie was given the opportunity to look at his life in a new way. And meeting an old friend from the past who shared his desire to free the world from Kazuya’s tyranny became a turning point for him.

The man’s words that everyone, even those who have stumbled and fallen, can always rise again, sank deep into Eddie’s soul. He realized that his true calling was not revenge, but the protection of the innocent and the fight for justice. And from that moment on, his long and difficult ascent to redemption began.

Lidia Sobieska (DLC character)

Nationality: Poland

Fighting style : Karate


Lidia Sobieska is an extraordinary person who combines an unbending spirit, an unwavering belief in justice, and a keen understanding of the challenges that the modern world faces. Her life, full of tragic losses and incredible trials, tempered her character and turned her into a true leader – someone who is capable of not only inspiring people by her example, but also making difficult decisions for the common good.

From an early age, Lidia experienced the pain of loss and the injustice of a cruel world. The loss of her father in a terrorist attack against her grandfather, the then Prime Minister of Poland, left an indelible mark on her soul and on her face – a scar above her left eye became an eternal reminder of that tragedy. But instead of breaking under the weight of grief, Lidia found an unbreakable determination to fight injustice in all its forms.

Her fearlessness, integrity, and willingness to stand up for her beliefs have earned her love and respect not only in Poland but also far beyond its borders. However, Lidia understands that in a rapidly changing world, determination alone is not enough. To stand up to powerful and unscrupulous organizations like the Mishima Zaibatsu and the G Corporation, she needs allies – those who share her desire for justice and are willing to risk everything for the sake of the common cause. And Lidia finds such people in the most unexpected places.

Her old friend Eddie Gordo, who finds himself on the other side of the barricades, becomes not an enemy for her, but a potential ally. Lydia sees him not as a traitor, but as a victim of circumstances – a man whose hand was forced to commit unrighteous acts. And she extends a helping hand to him, offering a chance for redemption and hope for a better future.

Thus, joining forces with Eddie and other fighters who have seen the light and turned away from the dark path, Lydia creates a new squad – motley, diverse, but united by a common goal. Together they are ready to fight back the forces of chaos and destruction that threaten the entire world.


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