How to Write a Letter by Mail That Will Get a Reply

Media workers know firsthand how many emails they receive in their inbox. And let’s face it, we don’t always have the energy to read them all. But what if you need to contact a large organization for employment or partnership, so that it doesn’t get lost among thousands of others? In correspondence with a stranger, just one mistake can ruin the first impression, ruining all your efforts. We’ll tell you how to compose a letter that will definitely get a response.

A letter that “sells”

Before writing an email, put aside what you know about yourself or the product you want to sell. Think about what you first pay attention to when you go to a website, watch the news, or choose something in a store.

Most often, if the addressee is silent, the reason is that:

– there are too many letters;

– lacks exclusivity: he is regularly sent similar offers of goods and services;

– he has no free time;

– he was put off by the flattery, impudence or incompetence of the wording.

At the same time, the sender spends a lot of effort and resources on studying the company and composing the perfect letter, but does not notice the obvious. For example, a person is absolutely sure of his uniqueness, so he does not even consider the possibility of refusal, and therefore does not see the whole picture, especially the recipient’s requests. Instead of concentrating on what the employer, client or partner wants, the sender focuses on telling his own success story, essentially ignoring the interlocutor or not taking into account his requests. In this regard, it is important to offer something that your competitors do not have. Thus, the key to a successful deal is to offer services that the addressee cannot refuse.

Greetings and self-introduction

An address without a greeting sounds too rude. Avoid unnecessary pathos and solemnity. It is enough to write “Good afternoon/ Hello/ Good evening”. No familiarities like “Hello, how are you?” Don’t forget to address the person by name and give yours. Explain that you are open to communication and cooperation, but without pressure.

Design in a single format

The formatting of the letter is also important. Follow the rules of punctuation, don’t be lazy in writing proper names with a capital letter. Make sure that the text is written in one font, in a single format. To make the letter easy to read, it should have enough “air”, so divide the text into paragraphs. Do not use CAPSLOCK or emoticons in business correspondence, so as not to look aggressive or infantile.

Briefly outline the essence of the request

Ideally, formulate your request in the subject line. For example, an offer of cooperation or purchase of goods. At the beginning of the letter, duplicate the request you are making in one or two sentences. No need to get carried away with listing all the bonuses. It is better to add about your readiness to discuss all the services in more detail or attach them as a separate file or link so that the letter does not look overloaded. Leave only the most important.

Establish an emotional connection

In order for the recipient to single out your letter from hundreds of others, it is important for them to know your motives. When applying for a job or asking about partnership, tell them about your positive experience of interacting with the company. For example, “I regularly buy things in your online store because I like the quality of the fabrics, design and delivery speed, and you also have an excellent bonus system for regular customers.” The main thing is not to try to pressure the person using manipulations like “Are you interested yet?” or “Do any of the topics suit you?”

Practice digital etiquette

“Nothing is so cheap and so highly valued as politeness,” said Miguel de Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote. Before sending a letter, check the recipient’s name and address, as well as their work schedule. Do not send a letter at night, it is disrespectful to a person’s personal space. Do not use CAPSLOCK or emoticons in business correspondence, so as not to appear aggressive or infantile. Do not forget to check the letter for errors, leave contacts and links to resources, and say goodbye “I hope for further cooperation.”

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