How to Get Your Life Together in One Day

Learn how to get your life together in just one day with these practical tips and strategies. Start fresh and organized today!Everyone is given the same amount of time in a day, which is 24 hours. However, why do we often say that we don’t have time? It all depends on how we manage our daily time. To optimize the time we have, we must be smart in time management and priorities.

How to Get Your Life Together in One Day

How to Get Your Life Together in One DayHow to Get Your Life Together in One Day

There are many ways we can change towards a better life.Everyone has their own style when it comes to managing their daily time. Some prioritize, while others have a good schedule. 

1. Determine the scale of priorities

This one is the simplest tip when managing time. We can set priority scales based on deadlines or obligations. For example, for the main job, we must set the top one to be done first. The rest we can do at another time.

2. Sleep at least 6-8 hours

The minimum adult standard is to sleep for 6 hours. We must maintain our physical health so that we can do various activities and complete work. With enough rest, of course we will be more enthusiastic to do something.

3. Create a To-Do-List

This method is also the most basic way for us to do. This To-Do-List can be a priority scale or a daily routine that you usually do. After you have finished your work you can check the To-Do-List box .

4. Set Deadlines for Every Job

Deadlines can spur our enthusiasm when doing work. With deadlines we can estimate which work we should complete first. Of course, the closer the deadline of a job is, the more we should prioritize that work first.

5. Avoid Multitasking

Maybe for some people it is even recommended to optimize our time we must be able to multitask. However, in reality when multitasking often makes us not focus on a particular job. The many jobs done at the same time make the results of the tasks not optimal.

6. Limit Distractions

Surely you often do work suddenly scrolling – scrolling social media, even without you realizing, you have wasted quite a long time. Where in that time span you can use to optimize your work. The most appropriate way to reduce this risk is to turn off all notifications that have nothing to do with your work.

7. Focus

Still connected to the previous point, your level of focus is determined by how often you waste time when doing a particular job. Some ways that we can do to increase focus are by doing work according to the To-Do-List order and avoiding multitasking. In addition, also turning off all notifications that have nothing to do with work.

8. Make Work Fun

What’s the point of working if we don’t enjoy it? One way to manage your daily time is to make your daily work enjoyable. For example, you can decorate your workspace with things that make you excited to work.

9. Self Reward Method

To make you more enthusiastic about doing any task or job you can use the self-reward method . This method is a form of appreciation for yourself after completing a job.

This self-reward does not need to be something fancy, an example of a simple form of appreciation that we can do is by listening to a song after finishing work or simply watching Youtube for 15-20 minutes after your task is finished. After that, you can go back to continuing your work.

10. Finish Work Early

By finishing work early you can finish other work. Of course it will be more relieved when you have finished your task earlier than the specified time. Moreover, the work is the main work with a relatively short deadline.

11. Optimizing the Weekend

When the weekend comes, you have to maximize it well. For example, you can rest all day after working for a full week. Or go on a short vacation to refresh yourself from all the work you have done.

Love yourself

Not a few people think that loving yourself or  self-love  is a selfish act and shows indifference to others. In fact, loving yourself and being selfish are 2 different things .

Loving yourself does not mean that you want to win alone, but rather respect and love yourself, so that you can feel enough with yourself, regardless of all the shortcomings you have. In addition, this attitude will make it easier for you to achieve your dreams and have  healthy relationships with others. The attitude of loving yourself is also important to have to get  good self – esteem 

Continue to explore and learn the aspects that are important to you, turning the information into skills. Having gone through the path of a student, you will be able to find a personality and a professional in yourself, to act in accordance with your own competencies. This will bring you satisfaction and joy.

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