The Last of Us 2 Guide – How to Find All Trading Cards

Trading cards in The Last of Us 2 are the main collectibles that contain comical references to the game’s developers. They are scattered throughout the game world, and finding each one can be a challenge. Luckily, we’ve compiled detailed information about the location of each trading card below.



1. Seismicayla

When you follow Jesse, you’ll eventually go through a selection gate. Keep going down the path on the left, and then move around the wooden veranda of the blue building on your left. There’ll be a cork board hanging on the wall. There’s a card on it.

2. Keene Twins

After getting the sandwich and before leaving the bar, turn left and go to the end of the room. Look to the left to find the card lying on a barrel.


3. Tesseracter

After you leave the observation post with Dina, you will find yourself on a suburban street with several houses available for study. Among them will be a blue building. Go inside and look for the next card on the shelf of the closet.


4. Laurent Faucalt, CEO SPARK Trading Card

At some point while exploring the library, you’ll come across a children’s section where there’s a stuffed giraffe that Ellie can interact with. Look at the giraffe in the back left of the area to find a new item.

Seattle Day 1


5. Motivator

At the very beginning, ride forward until you see cars, but before you reach the highway. There is a bus stop on the right. Jump off your horse and examine the walls of the stop to find the item.

6. Starfire Kids

Once you get on the highway, look for a mobile home on the left. Inside, look for the notice board.

7. Chessmaster

Once you pass through the wall in the quarantine zone, move forward until you enter inside. Look to the left to find a ladder. Climb up and examine the table.

8. Oozer

Once you connect the cable to open the gate, you can pick it up again and throw it on the FEDRA trailer, next to the generator. You can then use the cable as a rope to climb up to the roof of the building and grab the item.

City center

This chapter is connected to a large open area that you can explore. If you feel that you don’t understand what is going on, refer to the map.

9. Doctor Uckmann

Intersection of 6th and Marion Streets

There’s a ladder behind the back of the broken wall. Climb up and throw a brick through the window to get outside. Head up and open the suitcases. There’ll be extras and a card.

10. Flo

Gate 2 (Madison Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues)

Go south from the courthouse and get through the fence at Gate 2. There’s a safe in the back. Open it with the code 0451 and get a card with more supplies.

11. The Word

5th and Marion Street (Music Store)

Inside the music store where Ellie can play the guitar, look in the drawer behind the salesman’s counter on the lower floor.

12. Big Blue

5th and Spring Knight (Coffee Shop)

You’ll need to break a window to get into the coffee shop, but once you’re inside, check the box in the back corner to get a card.

13. Know It All

Hotel “Severena”

Once you’ve crossed the open area and reached the Severena Hotel, head up the stairs to gain access to the hotel rooms. There’s an artifact in the second bedroom (inside the dresser drawer) and a card in the nightstand.

Eastbrook School

14. Cardio

When you leave the school and jump to the neighboring apartment building, follow the overturned couch (on the right after entering) and get to the bedroom. Look for the card inside the drawer of the nightstand.

Capitoline Temple

The location is not as big as the city center, but there are several buildings with different items. Remember: when you see a two-story bagel shop, it means you are near the exit from the location.

15. Kinnard, Esq.

Complex Apartments

Check two apartments in the apartment complex with a drained swimming pool visible when leaving the house. After apartment 6, you can get to apartment 3. There is a card at the end of the table by the sofa.

16. Rockafella

Orange Apartments

Soon you will reach the hotel parking lot. There are several rooms to search here. One of them is locked. To get there, go to the next room and climb through the window. There will be another window here that you can climb through to find yourself in a locked room. Inside, on the floor by the trash can, is a card.

17. Doctor Stem


There’s a bunch of infected behind the locked door at the back of the bookstore. Once you get in there and clear the room, check the table by the doorway you came in through. Closer to the bathroom. There’s a card there.

18. Sergeant Frost


Once you’ve killed the enemies in the supermarket, head to the back. Check the lockers to find the collectible. The two-story bagel shop has an exit from the location.

19. Candelabra

Liquor store

Once you get through the gate, look in the building behind where the clicker exploded. There’s a display case in the back corner with boxes and a card.

20. Bizarrebra

Commission shop

Just past the gym, there’s another storefront you can go into. Across the street. On the left side, there’s a shelf with Children’s written on it. There’s a card there.

Channel 13

21. Kimimela

After you pass the outside of the building, enter another set of office spaces. Go left of the door to find the card on the office desk.


22. The Imp

When you enter the subway cars, keep moving until you see a red-lit door on the right. It leads you through the story. But first, go past the door, next to the destroyed car. Down under it, to your right, there is a collectible. Right among the trash.

23. Dr. Daniela Star

After your first encounter with the shamblers, you’ll see an area with a locked cage. To the right of it, there’s a table under which you can crawl to a hole. You’ll end up inside the cage. Next to the computer, on the table, is a card.

24. Bastet

Continue forward until you reach another area with destroyed train cars and flooded tracks. Go right through the first train car, then crawl into the gap between two cars. Turn left and find a place where you can crawl under a train car and end up inside it. There you will find a suitcase with a card.


25. Mortem

Head forward from the entrance through the bar to the glass case behind it. Break the one on the right and examine the bottom to find the collectible.

26. Beyond

Climb the stairs to the balcony and then follow the corridor on the second floor towards the barricade to find the collectible in front of it.

Birthday present

27. Nighthawk

In the large hall “Giants of the Earth”, examine the niche on the right next to the bathroom to get a card.

28. Saura

After crossing the water, when moving to the next building, turn right at the moose statue. There is an item under the nearby bench.

Seattle Day 2


29. Wachumero

Once you enter the area, do a 180 and head back the way Ellie came. You’ll be able to jump onto the bed of the truck. Break the back window and grab the card.

30. Sahir the Sorcerer

Caroline Paper Co.

When you pass the truck at the end of the area, you’ll see some storefronts. First, turn left and go through the bushes to find a place where the street has collapsed. Go through there and climb up the other side to find yourself in a stationery store. Go to the very end and examine the boxes to get a card.

31. Naledi the Youthful

Bicycle shop

After passing through the next section, you will find yourself in the garage of a bike shop. There is a workbench ahead. To the right is a bicycle with a card located in the spokes of the rear wheel.

32. Brainstorm

Boris’s House

Eventually, you’ll jump over the fence and into an open house. There’s a playground in the yard. Go around the back of the house to find the card on the windowsill.

33. Reverb


The next area is swarming with Wolves patrolling. In the two-story house at the end of the street where the shooter is, there is a new card under the bedroom bed.

Found strings

34. Austringer

After getting off the horses, you’ll climb onto a van and its trailer. You can’t move any further along the road. Go down the hole and into the back of the fallen car. There’s a card on the back seat.


35. Randy Styles

Enter the shop behind the checkpoint. There is a collectible card on the right wall at the back of the shop.

36. Shift

Conference hall

Opposite the bar and next to the store is a building with a Feel Her Love sign. You’ll get a new journal entry there. Use the stairs in the elevator shaft to get to the second floor, then use the rope to get past the locked door. Break the window and part of the glass awning so you can throw the rope. Go outside, climb up, and swing to the window or a nearby ledge. Go to the couch inside to get the card.

37. Star Sign

Continue along Route 5 until you reach a gate that can’t be opened. There’s a panel truck across the road. Climb up and use it to reach the second floor of the building. Break the window and climb inside to find the artifact. Go through the brown door to find a bedroom with a safe. Open the drawer in the nightstand and take the item.

38. Arch- Enemy

Conference center

Once you pass through the gate, you’ll be back in the convention center. This time, you’ll be in the lobby. Drop down to the floor below, use the scaffolding, and look for a locked gray-green door at the front of the building, next to more scaffolding. To get inside, look for the tall windows at the back of the room, to the left of the door. Break them and climb in. Check the file cabinet drawers to get the card.

39. Doppelganger

Garden Suites

After passing through the park, you will find yourself in another apartment building. At the top of the stairs, go around the corner and look under the table to get the card.

40. Bhat M’ Andarr


Go through the Merci building, jump into the pool and get out on the other side of the road. Find the pharmacy on the left side as you move forward. Next to the door, on the shelf on the left is a card.

Seattle Day 3

The way to the oceanarium

41. Esquire

Back in the theater, go to the curtain to go backstage. But don’t go there. Instead, turn left, check the boxes by the mannequins and take the item.

42. Torment

Once you leave here, continue forward until the path leads into the store. You’ll open a door to the back hallways of the building. Look for a doorway on the right. It’s blocked. But you can crawl through to find a workbench. On the other side of the room is a trading card.

43. Tanager


When you drop down into the bookstore, continue down into the flooded areas. Look under the platform you jump down from. There are shelves with a card there.

44. Tattoo

After a few encounters with Wolves and moving through the department store, you’ll come across a covered bridge. You’ll then fall into a room where Ellie will say “the place is destroyed.” Before you clear the debris out of the way and clear the doorway, look for a wooden shelf with a trading card (below).

The Flooded City

45. Seff- L’ ho’ pahd

After getting the boat, you will leave the mall and travel until you reach a dead end. After getting off the boat to find a way out, you will find yourself on the top floor. Jump into the hole that will lead to a sunken area with a safe. Before you leave here, look in the safe to the right of the cage area. There is a card in the drawer at the back.

46. ​​Khazakh

Once you’ve finished the fight with the driftwood, lift the gate to enter the next area. Once there, look at the shelf on the right to pick up the card.

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