How To Use Android Phone as Hearing Aid

Discover how to use your Android phone as a hearing aid and regain control over your ability to engage with the world around you.

If you are one of those who wonder how to use an Android phone as a hearing aid or sound amplifier , this article will surely be of great use to you. Not in vain, at El Androide Feliz we understand that there are many situations that require facilitating accessibility.

Not only is it possible to help deaf people, but also to make it easier for those who are older or have hearing difficulties to enjoy their smartphone. If this is your case, don’t worry! There are a lot of possibilities at your disposal. We will tell you about them.

How To Use Android Phone as Hearing Aid.

The truth is that, although we tell you how to use an Android phone as a hearing aid , this is not intended to be a substitute for the help offered by an ENT or hearing specialist.

That being said, there are several options that can help you hear better on Android natively, understand more of the conversations that occur both inside your phone and around you, and, of course, rely more on your headphones as an indispensable accessory. Here are some examples:

  • You can activate accessibility mode  from the Android settings menu, which will allow you to enjoy a lot of different possibilities. From volume control to live listening, which makes listening easier if, for example, you put on headphones (even in a noisy environment).
  • To use your phone as a hearing aid, go to “ Accessibility -> Sound Amplifier ” and tap on “ Open Sound Amplifier ”. Once inside, select the type of audio you want to amplify. In this case, “ Phone Microphone ”.
  • Remember that for the sound amplifier to work, you need to have headphones connected.
  • You can also activate the “ Sound Amplifier Shortcut ” option . This will add a new icon (shaped like a person) to the bottom navigation bar of your phone. This way, you can activate the amplifier at any time by simply pressing this new button.

If you want a visual cue to lean in, there are also real-time simultaneous transcriptions courtesy of Google, such as subtitles or direct transcription to text, so you can better follow the conversation heard in a video or review it if you’ve missed something.

Of course, your Android also allows you to activate special vibration modes , so you never miss a call. You will receive an alert directly on your headphones, reducing your dependence on the terminal.

It is important to understand that Google has given more and more importance to accessibility in recent years.

Not in vain, there are many people who encounter difficulties in their daily lives who appreciate this little help. If we think about the elderly or users of a certain age, these details are appreciated.

In fact, if you already use a hearing aid to hear better in your daily life, Android allows you to connect the hearing aid to your phone via Bluetooth pairing. To do this, go to “Accessibility -> Hearing Aids” and tap on “Pair new device”

How to use your Android as a sound amplifier or transcriber

Luckily, we also have answers if you’re wondering how to use your Android as an amplifier , or rather as a smart assistant to improve your user experience.

Specifically, you have applications available for people with hearing difficulties , or for those who simply find it difficult to follow a conversation. Some very useful examples that will allow you these advantages are:

  • Ava : This app promises subtitles for everyone, and it delivers. It will allow you to follow conversations with live subtitles, while also better managing the volume settings on your phone to make it easier to understand. Keep in mind that this is a free service, but only for personal use.
  • Another good app that does something similar is RogerVoice , which was developed to help people with hearing problems. It also generates subtitles in real time, and will allow you to increase your volume performance through accessibility mode and fully customized control.
  • Do you have difficulty hearing? Sound Amplifier is the best solution. We are no longer talking about subtitles here, but about the speaker playing at 110% power. A real treat, especially for those who find it difficult to hear.

An Android based on accessibility

As you can see, as an operating system, Android is increasingly focused on accessibility . Not only do you have the native volume controls, but there are a multitude of applications designed to help.

Whether you’re looking for how to use an Android phone as a hearing aid or want to improve your user experience, you’re covered. And, truth be told, it’s something that makes us at The Happy Android wholeheartedly happy. A better world for everyone thanks to technology!

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