20 Fun Facts About Cell Phones You Might Not Believe

 Discover fascinating Fun Facts About Cell Phones, from their evolution to their impact on society and the environment. Learn something new about these essential device

Modern man is unable to imagine life without a smartphone, although only 12-15 years ago the coveted handset was, perhaps, only for the rich or businessmen. We suggest delving a little deeper into history and learning 25 facts you didn’t know about phones.

Mobile phones for many people have become not just a means of communication, but also an integral part of life. With the help of smartphones, we can call family and friends in any corner of the world, learn a lot of new and useful information, get an answer to our question within a few seconds, moreover, we watch movies, listen to music and even earn money from our phones. The smartphone market is full of models for every taste and budget and provides gadgets for various customer needs. 

20 Fun Facts About Phones That Will Surprise You.

Fun Facts About cell PhonesFun Facts About cell Phones

You probably haven’t even thought about the fact that many of your phones are much more powerful than the computer that took astronauts to the moon.

2. Did you know that your mobile phone has 18 times more germs than your toilet flush handle?

3. If your friend is very afraid of being left without a phone in his hands, think about it… What if he has nemophobia.

4. A moment of history. It was in 1973 that the very first call was made from a mobile phone.

5. The first text message was sent back in 1992.

6. The first phone released for general sale cost (attention!) about 4 thousand dollars.

7. There are more phones on our planet Earth than people.

8. In Japan, most mobile phones are waterproof because their owners love to take a shower with their phones.

9. A ton of smartphones that were thrown into a landfill contain several times more gold than 60 tons of gold ore.

10. In 2011, a boy from Norway was able to escape from a ferocious wolf attack by turning on heavy metal music on his phone.

11.According to the Guinness Book of Records, the world’s strongest phone is the Sonim XP3300 Force. It survived a fall from a height of 25.6 meters, retaining its appearance and functionality.

12. There are more people on Earth who have a cell phone than people who have their own toilet.

13.  Most users connect to the Internet through portable devices rather than PCs or laptops.

14. Representatives of the Bristol Robotics laboratory have found an unusual way to charge a smartphone battery using ordinary urine.

 15.The biggest fans of mobile phones are the Japanese. They use technology even in the shower, so devices with waterproof casings are widespread here.

16.90% of mobile phones are manufactured in China. This country practically has a monopoly on the manufacture of these devices.

17. There are 3.3 billion active mobile phones on the market. Almost 1 for every 2 inhabitants of the planet. In some countries, such as Luxembourg, this figure increases, with 1.6 mobile phones per person.

18. There are illnesses related to mobile phone use. “Nomophobia” is the irrational fear of leaving home without your smartphone, “ringxiety” is the feeling you have when you think you hear your phone ringing when it hasn’t actually done so, and “phubbing” is the case of those who ignore everything around them to concentrate on their mobile phone.

19. 80% of smartphones run on Android. 13. 33% of people lose or break their phone. 14. 40% of smartphone thefts take place between noon and 5pm. 15. 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of being received.

20. 90% of text messages are read within 3 minutes of being received

Who invented voice messages?

Scott Jones was a talented engineer who once thought about how to facilitate communication between people at a distance. Like many great inventors, the idea came to him suddenly – during his lunch break. 

At a time when mobile phones were not yet widespread and available everywhere, communication over distance was limited to calls in big cities. For Jones, this was unacceptable, and that is when he decided to create a voice messaging system. 

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