How To Fix Why won’t my laptop turn on

Why won’t my laptop turn on.Are you facing issues with your laptop not turning on? Discover common reasons and solutions to troubleshoot the problem effectively.

The worst thing about working as a freelancer is to find that your laptop won’t turn on and has stopped responding to commands altogether. And even when connected to a charger, no miracle happens and the screen doesn’t come to life. Of course, you can go through all the stages from denial to acceptance, but we’ll try to figure out the problem and figure out whether it’s time to take your laptop in for repairs. 

Reasons for failure

Usually, when a laptop does not turn on, the reason for this is some problems in the design. The cable has come loose, the contacts have become damaged, and so on. But sometimes it happens that problems with Windows and various errors within the system are to blame. Below we will analyze all the reasons for hardware failure and software errors, and then we will try to find solutions for them. 

Hardware failures


The most obvious thing that can happen to your device is a dead battery. Try plugging it into a power source via a charger and see what happens. If the laptop turns on, it means you either forgot to charge it or something happened to the battery and it needs to be replaced. 

To check what is the matter, pay attention to the charge indicator on the control panel. If the battery is not charging, or is missing altogether, then it is time to take the laptop to the service center, because you will not be able to save this part. Perhaps the resource is exhausted or the breakdown occurred due to a short circuit, in any case, you cannot do without repair.


If nothing happens after this, look at the laptop’s charging indicator – it should blink when power is supplied. If it does not blink, then it is worth checking the operation of the socket. Well, if the socket is OK, then the cause of the problem is the power supply, which is located on the cable. 

The sources of its breakdown can be different, from wire breakage due to bending, to burnout of internal components. Here, only replacing the charger can solve the problem. 

Charging socket

Another reason could be the charging port. If the light does not blink, but the power supply itself is OK and, for example, can charge another laptop, then the problem is in the socket. You cannot do anything on your own here. The maximum you can do is clean it with compressed air, but this may not always solve the problem. So we go to the service center. 

Start button

Another popular reason for breakdown is a faulty start button. There may be several reasons for this. The most common one is problems with the mechanism. 

If the button gets stuck and when pressed it “goes” into the case, you can try to carefully pry it up with a thin object, or return it to its original position by disassembling the structure and cleaning the case. It is definitely not worth pressing with all your might and pushing the button even further. This can only make the situation worse, to the point that the plastic will crack and you will damage the board underneath it.

This can also be caused by dust, problems with contacts, and cables that have come off as a result of a fall. If you know how to disassemble your laptop and fix this, you can do it yourself. Otherwise, go to a service center. 


It is also important to keep in mind that sometimes the cause of the failure is the connected equipment (mouse, webcam, etc.). Try disconnecting the devices one by one and see what happens. Perhaps this will fix the problem. 


When the indicators show proper operation, the cooler and keyboard backlight start when turned on, but the screen itself does not light up, then it is time to check its serviceability. We need to connect the laptop to any monitor and display the image on it. 

If everything is OK and the monitor shows the desktop, it’s time to fix the screen. The reasons for the breakdown can be different, from a simple backlight malfunction to a complex failure in the matrix and damage to the cable.


When the indicators show proper operation, the cooler and keyboard backlight start when turned on, but the screen itself does not light up, then it is time to check its serviceability. We need to connect the laptop to any monitor and display the image on it. 

If everything is OK and the monitor shows the desktop, it’s time to fix the screen. The reasons for the breakdown can be different, from a simple backlight malfunction to a complex failure in the matrix and damage to the cable.

Hard disk

The “heart” of any PC and laptop is the hard drive. And if it breaks down, it’s very bad. Especially in the case of laptops, because most often they have one SSD or HDD, on which all the information is written. And when something goes wrong with it, the user loses all the data ever saved on the device.

Only an experienced specialist can solve the problem, since file recovery is a long and complicated process. So if you get a Hard Disk Error, you should strain yourself and get to the service center as soon as possible, without trying to solve the problem yourself.  


Well, another common cause of a general hardware failure is banal overheating. Old thermal paste, dust in the case, faulty coolers, too much load, high temperatures around – all this leads to the laptop overheating, and its components begin to fail.

For example, it can turn off on its own, not turn on at all, launch videos and games with a big delay and lags, not launch programs and give various errors. Heating of the laptop itself is a normal thing, but if it is hot and painful for you to hold your hand over the case in the place where the processor is installed, then you need to let the device “cool down” and think about cleaning. 


BIOS itself stands for “basic input/output system”. It is a set of basic functions and programs that the system uses to work correctly with PC and laptop components. 

Accordingly, if the BIOS is covered, then this is very bad. A failure in its operation can happen due to various reasons, but in any case, the laptop will either not start at all, or will show errors that will at least help to understand what is happening. The best option for how to turn on the laptop and eliminate problems is a simple reset of the BIOS to factory settings . Well, if it does not help, then what do we do? That’s right, we go to the service center. 

Graphic driver

If the laptop does not turn on or is seriously malfunctioning to the point that the picture on the screen literally floats and breaks, then the reason for this may be not only a broken video card, but also a graphics driver. If the laptop turns off, then you can try to quickly update it to solve the problem. Well, and if it does not turn on, then you cannot do without the help of a specialist. 

System bootloader

Let’s say you started the laptop, and everything seemed to be fine, the brand logo appeared, the boot started and everything went fine, but then everything suddenly stalled, then something happened to the system bootloader. The reason for its failure could be viruses or other internal problems in the system.

If it crashes, you can try to start the device in safe mode. Other options for solving the problem may be a bootable flash drive or a complete reinstallation of Windows. But the latter is a completely radical option and should only be used if nothing else has helped.


Many of the problems described above can be avoided by their prevention and careful handling of the device. So, for stable operation of the components, it is necessary to regularly clean the device from dust and debris in the connectors and case to avoid blockage of ventilation and contacts. 

If the laptop is a gaming one or you often load it with heavy programs like video editors, use a cooling pad. It helps the internal ventilation system to circulate air and reduces the temperature by a few degrees. But don’t forget to clean its coolers to avoid collecting even more dust. 

To prevent power surges from killing your battery or power supply, use surge protectors or uninterruptible power supplies. And to avoid breaking screen cables or damaging it, lift the device only by the base, do not slam the lid, and use a protective bag or case to carry your laptop with you. And don’t throw it away, even if it’s just a sofa.

And, obviously, try not to eat or drink over the keyboard. Crumbs and liquids can cause keys to stick or cause more serious problems. 

Repair In service

If your case is covered by the warranty and the term has not yet expired, then repairs at the branded service will be free. But if the laptop is already old, then you can go to any center for equipment repair. 

You only need to explain what happened and answer clarifying questions. After that, specialists will conduct diagnostics, explain the cause of the breakdown and offer options for its solution.

On one’s own

Most failures can be solved independently if you have enough knowledge. For example, this can fix hardware failures such as battery life and overheating, or software errors. But with more complex problems, it is better to be careful and entrust the repair to a professional. 

We have analyzed the most popular reasons for laptop failure. Take care of your equipment and fix minor breakdowns in time to avoid larger ones and save money.

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