All Districts and Their Bonuses in Civilization VI

Urban Center Aircraft Capacity: 1 (when Flight is discovered) N/A Founding a city Palace, Granary, Monument, Ancient Walls, Water Mill, Medieval Walls, Renaissance Walls, Sewerage None (provides adjacency bonuses to other districts) Sacred Place +1 Great Prophet point per turn +2 to Faith Astrology (Technology) Shrine, Temple, Wat, Pagoda, Cathedral, Gurdwara, Meeting House, Mosque, Synagogue Faith bonus if built next to: Natural Wonders, Mountains, Forests (per two plots), Other Districts (per 2 districts) Campus +1 Great Scientist point per turn +2 Science Writing (Technology) Library, University, Research Laboratory Science bonus if built next to: Mountains, Jungle (per 2 tiles), Other Districts (per 2 districts) Camp +1 Great General point per turn +1 to Culture, +1 to Production Bronze Work (Technology); cannot be next to a Center Barracks, Armory, Stable, Military Academy N/A Port +1 Grand Admiral point per turn +2 to Gold, +1 to Science Celestial Navigation (Technology); must be on a plot with Coast or Lake Lighthouse, Shipyard, Seaport Gold Bonus if built next to: Coastal Resources, Other Districts (per 2 districts) Commercial +1 Great Merchant point per turn +4 to Gold Currency (Technology) Market, Bank, Stock Market Gold Bonus if built next to: Rivers, Ports, Other Districts (for every 2 districts) Aqueduct Provides fresh water. + Accommodations N/A Engineering (Technology); requires City Center; Fresh Water / Mountain tiles N/A N/A Theater +1 point per turn for: Great Writer, Great Artist, Great Musician +2 to Culture Drama and Poetry (Beginning) Amphitheater, Art Museum, Archaeological Museum, Broadcasting Center Culture bonus if built next to: Wonders, Other Districts (for every 2 districts) Leisure complex +1 to Services N/A Games and Entertainment (Beginning) Arena, Stadium, Zoo N/A Industrial Zone +1 Great Engineer point per turn +2 to Production Learning (Technology) Workshop, Factory, Power Plant Production bonus if built next to: Mines, Quarry, Other Districts (for every 2 districts) Aerodrome Aircraft Capacity: 4 N/A Flight (Technology) Airport, Hangar, Units: Biplane, Bomber, Fighter Plane, Jet Bomber, Jet Fighter Plane N/A Residential Area +4 to accommodation N/A Urbanization (Beginning) N/A N/A Booking Up to +3 Accommodation N/A Mysticism (Beginning) Grove and Sanctuary N/A
(Cannot be adjacent to the city center) Spaceport Requirement for Scientific Victory N/A Rocketry (Technolog

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