10 Questions to Ask to See if Someone is Real Online

Learn the essential questions to ask to determine if someone is real online. Verify identities and protect yourself from online scams with these tips.To get to know someone better, you may need to do several things, including asking them specific things. However, not all questions can be asked carelessly, because there is a possibility that it could offend them.

If you receive a phone call that turns out to be a scam, there are times when all you have to do is ask one question to detect it and they may even hang up on you.There are many scams that can reach us on our mobile phones , but the most common and annoying are phone call scams . The typical ones in which a supposed salesman makes you an offer you can’t refuse for any service (telephone, electricity and gas supply, etc.

In most cases it is easy to detect that it is a scam, but the problem comes when it is a scam so well done that it generates doubts about its veracity . In these situations, I always choose to ask a series of questions that end up clearing up my doubts depending on the answer.

Questions to Ask to See if Someone is Real Online.

Questions to Ask to See if Someone is Real OnlineQuestions to Ask to See if Someone is Real Online

Questions can reveal how a person views and handles their mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, but how they deal with them varies. This can reflect their true character, whether they are reflective, vengeful, angry, patient, big-hearted, and so on.

1.”Can you say my full name?”

In most cases, scams are random. They take a number at random or from an anonymous list and start calling indiscriminately. That is why it is essential not to give our name beforehand . It is one thing when we call customer service and another when they call us, since they have the obligation to know it. Sometimes they do know your name, but not your last name, which is already a bad sign.

2.If I am already a customer, can you confirm my ID?

This is a question aimed at calls in which they claim to be from a company of which we are already clients . For example, from our telephone company. As I said before when referring to the name, it is normal that when we call these call centers we have to identify ourselves, but not when it is the other way around.

Here, it’s a bit the same as before. If they don’t know the ID and they say they are a company that should have it, that’s bad. Otherwise, it’s less common for them to have our ID, but if they do, I wouldn’t recommend giving them complete trust either.

3.Can I think about it and contact you myself later?

Generally, these types of scams offer a service with a lucrative temporary offer. However, when it is a call of trust, it is never an offer that must be accepted at that moment . There may be a period of a few days or even hours, but it should never be temporary.

4.Can you give me a phone number where I can call you later?

Without giving up the excuse of saving time, asking for a phone number is also an interesting way to find out if it is a scam. If they refuse, we already know, and if they offer you one, you will have to investigate later .

You may be told to call the same number that they are calling you from or maybe they will give you another one. The point is that you should not accept it as true, but rather look for information about that number and even consult the real company . If you have been called by, say, Iberdrola, it is advisable to contact this company to ask them if that number is theirs and if what they offered in that call you received was real.

A stranger calls you, sends you a text message, emails you, or sends you a link in a messenger. Whoever he introduces himself as – a bank employee, a police officer, a store employee, or your millionaire cousin from Zimbabwe.

Fraudsters try to evoke strong emotions in you – to scare or to please. This is how they confuse and dull the vigilance of a potential victim. For example, they say: “Your online bank has been hacked!” so that you, confused and worried, fulfill any requests and give out any information, just to save money.

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