10 Signs Your Ex Is Going To Kill You

Discover Signs Your Ex Is Going To Kill You.Recognize the critical signs your ex may be dangerous, including escalating threats, stalking, and violent behavior.Even though the relationship has ended, it doesn’t mean that the love has completely disappeared. Not a few even still hope to get back with their ex because they still love them or can’t forget the sweet memories when they were together.

If your ex doesn’t care about you anymore, the first thing he shows is his indifferent attitude towards you. When you try to contact him or send him a message via social media, he tends to ignore it and doesn’t want to reply. He also never pays attention to you anymore even though you pass by him.

Signs Your Ex Is Going To Kill You.

Signs Your Ex Is Going To Kill You.Signs Your Ex Is Going To Kill You.

 The first is that a person has an unreliable type of attachment, which is embedded in the parental family. Such people can perceive a breakup as the end of life.  At the moment of a breakup, they unconsciously become a helpless baby who literally will not survive without a mother (her role is played by a partner).

You or your ex-partner do not respect each other’s boundaries.

Sometimes people after a breakup continue to behave as if there are no boundaries between them. And they allow themselves to publicly make comments to each other, for example, about the style of clothing. They comment on the new hairstyle, hair color or even the new partner of the ex. They can publicly advise to take up sports or go to a nutritionist to get in shape.

These situations can be disarming, shocking, and painful. So the main goal is to convey to your ex that this is not right with you. Don’t get into an argument or start being rude in response. Clearly defining and protecting your boundaries often helps.

You experience negative emotions even when thinking about your ex.

It happens that a couple breaks up, but the endless drama continues in the relationship . Every meeting, even a casual one, turns into mutual accusations with reproaches or barbs. Then one or both of them get into a bad mood. And any memory of the past causes a stream of negative emotions and even tears. As a result, one or both experience stress, which sometimes recedes, then returns again.

It may seem to you that in your thoughts you are constantly continuing an endless argument with your ex-partner. You are trying to prove something to him, explain something, evoke a certain reaction that would suit you. But since there is no interlocutor, he cannot react as you would like. And the mental conversation, dying down for a while, then resumes. But again it does not bring relief.

You feel guilty for trying to start a new relationship.

Perhaps the previous stage was overshadowed by jealousy and you had to prove that there was no reason for it. And now you habitually reject attempts to get closer to you, because the internal ban has not yet been lifted.

It is possible that feelings for your ex-partner are still alive. Therefore, you perceive new acquaintances as a betrayal. Moreover, it may seem to you that you are betraying not the other person, but yourself – your own feelings, aspirations and dreams. And the thought flashes: what if a miracle happens and the past returns? In this case, an attempt to enter into a new romantic relationship for you is the final blow to the old one. The collapse of a dream that you are causing with your own hands.

Your ex doesn’t choose you because there’s something wrong with you.

The way to make peace with yourself is to stop blaming the circumstances and accept everything as God’s will. There is nothing wrong with you, believe me he chose someone else not because that person is better or worse than you. Stop comparing and find your happiness that is no longer with him.

 Get Angry When You Get Close to New People

It is normal if after breaking up with your ex you are close to someone new. However, for an ex who still can’t move on from you, he thinks this is not normal. He will be angry with you even though you are no longer in a relationship.

In a romantic relationship, breaking up is a natural thing. Breaking up can be caused by no longer being compatible, the presence of a third person, not being approved by the family or other things that make the relationship unable to continue.

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