How to Quickly Raise Low Blood Pressure

Discover effective ways to quickly raise low blood pressure and alleviate symptoms. Learn about simple tips to improve your blood pressure levels.

“If every morning awakening is accompanied by a loss of strength, dizziness and blurry spots before the eyes, it is not due to overwork or lack of sleep. This is how hypotension – a drop in blood pressure – makes itself known. What to do when you need to quickly raise it to normal?”

Signs of low blood pressure

Hypotension is a syndrome in which there is a regular or periodic decrease in blood pressure below normal values. It occurs either as an independent disease or as a symptom of other pathologies.

Important! In an adult, normal blood pressure is approximately 120/80 mmHg, while values ​​below 90/60 mmHg are considered hypotension.

Low blood pressure is not life-threatening, but it still causes damage to health and well-being. At the first signs of problems, the body begins to give various signals:

  • severe fatigue even with normal sleep and physical activity;
  • feeling like you’re about to faint;
  • darkening and “flies” before the eyes;
  • pale skin;
  • headaches in the occipital region, which intensify with movement;
  • increased levels of irritability, feelings of fear and anxiety.

Low blood pressure: causes

Low blood pressure never just happens. Various factors can play a major role in its occurrence:

  • genetic predisposition. In some people, low blood pressure may be a hereditary trait;
  • malnutrition. Lack of vitamins (especially B12 and folic acid), as well as minerals (iron, magnesium) contributes to the development of hypotension;
  • dehydration. Fluid loss due to high fever, intense physical activity or diarrhea leads to a decrease in blood volume and, accordingly, to a decrease in pressure;
  • hormonal changes. Low blood pressure is often associated with thyroid disease, adrenal disease, or conditions such as pregnancy;
  • nervous disorders. Various neurological problems, including autonomic dysfunction, can lead to a permanent decrease in pressure;
  • medications. Some medications, such as diuretics, antidepressants, and cold remedies, can cause low blood pressure as a side effect.

Usually in such cases they advise to get a good night’s sleep, drink coffee, take a contrast shower. However, practice shows that all this is useless (and if it helps, then for a very short time).

It is better not to self-medicate and immediately consult a doctor. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you need to raise your blood pressure urgently here and now, I recommend one express method.

Acupressure – an assistant in the fight against low blood pressure

Therapeutic point massage was invented in ancient China. It is believed that the human hand, like a map, reflects our entire body. For example, the thumb is responsible for the head and neck. Accordingly, if you act on it, you can accelerate blood circulation in the head.

Many people are skeptical about this method, but there are many people who it has really helped improve their health.

The technique itself is performed very quickly and takes only 5-7 minutes. You need to do the following:

  1. Take your thumb.
  2. We are looking for the lower phalanx from the back side.
  3. Massage it intensively in the direction of the nail (3-5 minutes).
  4. We repeat all this on the other hand.

Such seemingly simple actions activate energy points and help you feel a surge of strength and stabilize your well-being.

Nutritional recommendations

If you constantly face problems with blood pressure, you have the opportunity to improve your condition by changing your diet. Add foods rich in important vitamins to your diet.

  • Potassium: beans, apricots, spinach, bananas, potatoes. This will help you normalize the sodium level in your body.
  • Magnesium: seeds, nuts, oatmeal, buckwheat. This will help relax blood vessels.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: fish, seafood, oils, avocado. Thanks to such food you will strengthen the cardiovascular system.

In addition, be sure to pay attention to:

  • garlic – dilates blood vessels;
  • beetroot – reduces blood pressure;
  • Pomegranate – contains antioxidants.

And, of course, all this needs to be reinforced with several useful habits:

  • water balance. Drink enough liquid (1.5-2 liters of water per day);
  • Include regular exercise in your routine. It helps strengthen your cardiovascular system;
  • Try to minimize stress. Rest more, get enough sleep, be less nervous.

If the pressure drops frequently and sharply, you should start massaging the neck-collar zone and feet. It stimulates blood flow, which increases blood pressure. Massaging these zones also helps to relax the muscles and stabilize the cardiovascular system.

Each case is individual, and the best way to normalize blood pressure is to understand its causes, listening to your body. So, instead of diving into the endless abyss of pills, it is safer to contact a specialist who will help you get high-quality and long-term results.

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