My Daughter Doesn’t Love Me Anymore;What Should I Do?

Dealing with a situation where a parent feels like their daughter doesn’t love them anymore can be challenging. Here are some steps.

When a Daughter feels that he or she does not love his or her mother or father, this is often a very destabilizing experience for the family. It is a painful and complex process to manage, which damages the self-esteem of the parent and can predispose the person to develop anxiety or mood disorders. Once the idea of ​​“ I feel that my child does not love me ” has taken hold in the person’s head, it gives rise to thoughts that appear again and again… Psychologically wearing down anyone.

It is not easy to deal with rejection from children. Whether it is because they are in a certain stage of development or going through difficult times, or even due to pure insecurity or internal issues of the parents, the fact is that not receiving the affection that is expected from children can be something very complex to assimilate.

My Daughter Doesn’t Love Me Anymore;What Should I Do?

Many daughters, caught between their mother’s need for attention and her absence, report being unable to set boundaries in their adult relationships. A good number of unloved daughters report having trouble maintaining close female friendships, which are complicated by trust issues (“How do I know she’s really my friend?”), being unable to say “no” (“Somehow I always end up being a doormat, doing too much, and usually ending up disappointed in the end”), or wanting to have a relationship so intense that the other person pulls away.

Showing affection is a unique experience for each individual and the ways to do it vary from one to another. Here are some suggestions to foster affection between mother and child.

1. Create an atmosphere

Foster an environment where mother and child are comfortable expressing their emotions. Acceptance is key to a strong emotional connection.

2. Open dialogue

Establish open communication in which you listen carefully and show interest in what your child has to say. 

3. Quality time

Participate in activities that you both enjoy to foster emotional connection, such as playing together. 

4. Emotional expression model

Show affection openly towards your child from an early age so that he or she learns by observing your behavior.

5. Reinforce positive behavior

When there is positive behavior, it is convenient to reinforce it to encourage it.

6. Express your own affection

Express your affection and love for your child on a regular basis. Communicate your feelings clearly. 

7. Work on empathy

Help develop empathy towards others and foster understanding of emotions. 

8. Offer security and support

Create an environment of safety and support as children tend to show affection when they feel in a safe environment.

9. Celebrate achievements

Celebrate your children’s achievements and efforts so that they feel pride and appreciation for their dedication. 

It is key to be patient throughout the process and respect each child’s time, but by fostering a loving environment they will feel comfortable expressing themselves.

When to seek psychological therapy?

Psychotherapy sessions have proven to be very effective in restoring good family dynamics and strengthening relationships between family members. These problems can be addressed both from child and adolescent psychology and from family therapy . If you find yourself in this situation and are looking for solutions, you can contact us. At Psicólogo Plus we are experts in psychological treatment in addressing this type of situation.

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