How to Summon the Wall of Flesh in Terraria

How to summon the Wall of Flesh in Terraria with this step-by-step guide. Defeat this formidable boss and trigger Hardmode in the game.The Wall of Flesh is a massive, highly destructive boss that serves as the final pre-Hardmode boss in Terraria. It is a massive wall that spans the entire length of the underworld and is one of the toughest challenges in the game. Defeating the Wall of Flesh will trigger Hardmode, unleashing a whole new set of challenges and enemies for you to face.

How to Summon the Wall of Flesh in Terraria.

How to Summon the Wall of Flesh in TerrariaHow to Summon the Wall of Flesh in Terraria

Unlike most bosses, the Wall of Flesh will not have a summoning item that we will have to craft as such, but we will have two ways to make it appear. The first is to eliminate some voodoo demons that we find in the underworld, until they release the guide’s voodoo doll, which we will have to throw into the lava for the Wall of Flesh to appear.

The other option, in case you don’t want to look for these enemies, is to create a habitable house and have the guide arrive at the base. Once he teleports, you can remove the floor so that he falls and summons the final boss.

How to defeat the Wall of Flesh and what rewards it gives us.

As we always recommend, and in this case it was not going to be any different, the ideal thing will be to create a battlefield where you have enough space to move and the boss does not reach you, or at least not during the entire duel. This is a bit of a personal preference and you can create it wherever you like and in the size you think is necessary, as if you have to make an arena from one end of the map to the other.

The Wall of Flesh is the boss with the most health in Terraria’s normal mode, so you’ll need to be prepared to face it. It will have three main attacks:

  • Eyes : As you drain the eyes, they will fire laser beams more frequently.
  • Mouth : If you get too close to her, she will do considerable damage to you. She will also be summoning leeches throughout the fight.
  • Starving : These will be tied to the wall of flesh, although from time to time they will break free to surround you and try to harm you.

The key is to keep moving and use ranged weapons , such as the mini-shark, the magic sword and many other similar weapons. Also, it is recommended that you carry regenerative potions and even place bonfires on the battlefield. As a reward , he can leave you the following items:To summon the Wall of Flesh in Terraria, you will need to acquire a Guide Voodoo Doll. This item is dropped by Voodoo Demons, which can be found in the underworld

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