10 Healthy Computer Habits You Must Know

Improve your well-being and productivity with these 10 healthy computer habits. From taking breaks to investing in ergonomic accessories, find out how to stay healthy while using your computer.Millions of people spend hours every day at their PCs and laptops without thinking about the health consequences. Back and neck pain, vision problems, fatigue are just a small part of what you can face in the long term. In this article, we will tell you how to avoid most of the problems.

The relevance of the problem

In the modern world, computers have become a part of everyday life. We use them for work, study, communication, entertainment and much more. With the development of technology and the popularity of remote work, screen time is only increasing. Many people spend 8 hours a day at the computer, and some even more.

According to a 2023 study by DataReportal, the average internet user spends about 6 hours and 40 minutes a day online, much of which is spent using computers and laptops. In Russia, adults spend 4 to 7 hours a day in front of a screen, with the figure higher among young people and office workers.

This lifestyle of sitting for long periods of time and being physically inactive can have negative effects on your health. The main problems are:

  • Vision;
  • Musculoskeletal system;
  • Cardiovascular system;
  • Metabolism;
  • Mental health.

These problems are not inevitable. Proper organization of the workplace, regular breaks and physical activity will help maintain health and well-being. Let’s look at these problems in more detail, and then at ways to combat them.

The Impact of Sitting at a Computer for a Long Time on Health 

Long periods of time at the computer have a negative effect on the body. What suffers?


  • Dry eye syndrome:  When working at a screen, we blink much less often – 3-4 times a minute instead of the usual 15-20. This causes dryness, burning and redness of the eyes. Research shows that up to 90% of people who work at a computer for more than three hours a day experience these symptoms;
  • Eye strain (asthenopia):  Constantly focusing on the screen and flickering causes strain on the eye muscles, leading to blurred vision, headaches, and fatigue. About half of computer users suffer from asthenopia;
  • Myopia:  Spending long hours staring at a screen is especially dangerous for children and adolescents. By 2050, WHO predicts that half of the world’s population will suffer from myopia, and one of the reasons is increased screen time.

Musculoskeletal system.

  • Back and neck pain:  Poor posture and prolonged sitting put stress on the spine. This causes pain, tension and can lead to osteochondrosis or scoliosis. According to statistics, 80% of people have experienced back pain at least once in their lives;

Back Problems Due to Bad Posture in sitting on computerBack Problems Due to Bad Posture in sitting on computer

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:  Constant use of a mouse and keyboard increases the strain on the wrists, which can put pressure on nerves. This causes pain, numbness, and weakness in the hands. Carpal tunnel syndrome affects up to 3% of the population, especially among heavy computer users;
  • Other problems:  Sitting for long periods of time can cause discomfort in the shoulders, elbows, and hips, and can lead to flat feet.

Cardiovascular system

  • Slow circulation:  Sitting for long periods of time impairs blood flow, increasing the risk of varicose veins and thrombosis;
  • Deep vein thrombosis:  Low mobility increases the risk of blood clots. If a clot travels to the lungs, it can cause thromboembolism, a life-threatening condition. Sitting for long periods of time increases the risk of thrombosis by 2-3 times;
  • Other risks:  A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease and other heart diseases.

Other problems

  • Headaches:  Muscle tension and eye strain can cause both tension headaches and migraines;
  • Sleep disturbances: Blue light from screens suppresses melatonin production, which can lead to insomnia and trouble falling asleep;
  • Slow Metabolism: A sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain, insulin resistance and the risk of type 2 diabetes;
  • Mental health:  Social media and long hours of screen time increase stress, anxiety and can lead to depression and internet addiction.

Organization of the workplace

Proper organization of the workplace plays a decisive role in maintaining health and increasing productivity. Let’s consider the main aspects:


Ergonomics is the science of optimizing human interaction with the environment, in this case, with the workplace. Compliance with ergonomic principles allows reducing the load on the musculoskeletal system, eyes and other body systems.

  • Desk:  The ideal desk height is one where your elbows, bent at a 90-degree angle, are level with the tabletop or slightly lower. When sitting, your shoulders should be relaxed and your forearms should rest comfortably on the table. The standard desk height is usually 75 cm, but it is better to use a height-adjustable desk to adapt it to your individual height;
  • Chair:  The chair should provide good back support, especially for the lower back. It is important that the chair has adjustable seat height, seat depth, and backrest angle. Your feet should be flat on the floor, with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. If your feet do not reach the floor, you should use a footrest;
  • Example:  If you are 180 cm tall, a standard 75 cm high desk may be too low for you. In this case, it is better to use a height-adjustable desk and raise it to 80-85 cm.

Monitor position

  • Distance:  The monitor should be at arm’s length (approximately 50-70 cm). This distance helps avoid eye and neck strain;
  • Height:  The top edge of the screen should be at eye level or slightly lower. This ensures a natural position for the head and neck. It is not recommended to look up at the monitor, as this creates additional strain on the cervical spine;
  • Example:  If you are using a large monitor (27 inches or more), the distance to it should be increased.

Correct position of the keyboard and mouse

  • Keyboard:  The keyboard should be positioned directly in front of the user, 10-15 cm from the edge of the desk. Elbows should be bent at a 90-degree angle, and wrists should be in a neutral position, without bending;
  • Mouse:  The mouse should be placed next to the keyboard, at the same level as it. When using the mouse, the hand should be relaxed and the wrist should be in a neutral position;
  • Example:  Using an ergonomic keyboard and mouse in a vertical position can reduce the strain on your wrists and prevent the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Wrist support

  • To prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, it is recommended to use wrist rests under the keyboard and mouse. They ensure the correct position of the wrists and reduce pressure on the median nerve;
  • Example:  Gel wrist rests adapt well to the shape of the hand and provide comfortable support.


Proper lighting in your work area is important to prevent eye strain and improve productivity.

  • Sufficient lighting of the workplace:  The workplace should be well lit. It is best to use natural light, but if it is not enough, artificial lighting should be used;
  • Avoiding glare on the screen: Glare on the screen can cause discomfort and fatigue to the eyes. To prevent this, avoid direct sunlight on the screen and use matte protective films for the monitor;
  • Using a desk lamp:  The desk lamp should provide uniform illumination of the work surface without creating glare on the screen or blinding the user. It is recommended to use lamps with warm white light;
  • Example:  Place your desk lamp to the left (for right-handed people) or right (for left-handed people) of your monitor so that the light falls from the side and does not create shadows.


Comfortable indoor conditions are also important for health and productivity.

  • Regular ventilation of the room:  Regular ventilation of the room ensures the supply of fresh air and the removal of carbon dioxide. It is recommended to ventilate the room every 1-2 hours for 10-15 minutes;
  • Optimal air temperature and humidity : The optimal air temperature in the room is 20-25 degrees Celsius, and humidity is 40-60%. Too dry air can cause dry eyes and mucous membranes, and too high a temperature can cause drowsiness and fatigue;
  • Example: Use a humidifier during the winter when indoor air becomes dry due to heating.

Following these simple rules will help you create an ergonomic and comfortable workplace, which will have a positive effect on your health and performance. But that’s not all. It is important to force yourself to do exercises and, as strange as it may seem, not to forget about rest.

Practical tips and exercises 

Taking regular breaks, exercising your eyes and body, and eating right are key to staying healthy while working at a computer for long periods of time.

Regular breaks

Let’s look at what you can do during regular breaks, as well as how to arrange them.

The 20-20-20 Rule

This simple and effective rule helps reduce eye strain. Every 20 minutes, take your eyes off the screen and look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This allows your eye muscles to relax and prevents eye fatigue.

Short warm-ups every 30-60 minutes

Get up from the table, walk around the room, do some simple exercises for your neck, shoulders and back. This will improve blood circulation, relieve muscle tension and prevent congestion.

Longer breaks every hour

It is recommended to take a 10-15 minute break every hour. During this time, you can drink a cup of tea, do a full warm-up, chat with colleagues, or just take a break from the screen.

Pomodoro Technique

This time management technique involves working in cycles of 25 minutes of work, then a 5 minute break. After 4 cycles, take a longer break (15-20 minutes). This technique helps maintain concentration and prevents fatigue.

Eye exercises

The following exercises will help reduce eye strain and prevent vision problems.

Eye exercises

  • Eye movements:  Make circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise, move your eyes up and down, left and right, diagonally.
  • Focusing on Near and Far Objects:  Look at a near object (like your fingertip), then look at a distant object outside the window. Repeat several times.
  • “Drawing” with your eyes:  Imagine that you are drawing different shapes with your eyes (circles, squares, eights).


Consciously blink more often to lubricate your eyes and prevent dry eye syndrome.


Close your eyes with your palms so that they do not touch your eyeballs. Relax and sit in this position for a few minutes. This helps relieve eye strain and improve blood circulation.

Physical exercise

You shouldn’t forget about physical exercise either.

Exercises for the neck and back.

Exercises for the neck and back on computerExercises for the neck and back on computer

  • Head tilts and turns: Perform slow head tilts forward and backward, left and right, and head turns;
  • Shoulder Circles:  Move your shoulders forward and backward in circles;
  • Back Stretch: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward slightly and reach your hands toward the floor.

Exercises for hands and wrists

  • Clenching and unclenching your fists:  Clench and unclench your fists several times;
  • Wrist Rotation:  Rotate your wrists clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • Wrist Stretch:  Extend your arm forward, bend your wrist down and hold for a few seconds. Repeat for the other arm.

Walking in the fresh air

Regular walks in the fresh air improve blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen, relieve stress and improve overall well-being.

Nutrition and drinking regime

Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet. Vitamins A, C, E, lutein, and zeaxanthin are especially important for vision.

Also maintain your body’s water balance. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Lack of fluid can lead to poor vision, headaches, and decreased performance.

Prevention and recommendations from specialists

Taking care of your health when working at a computer is not only about following ergonomic rules and doing exercises, but also regular prevention. An important step is to visit an ophthalmologist at least once a year, even if there are no complaints. The ophthalmologist will check your vision, measure your intraocular pressure and identify possible problems at an early stage. If symptoms such as frequent headaches, back or neck pain, or numbness in the hands appear, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner or neurologist. The specialist will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe treatment, if necessary. 

In some cases, such as increased sensitivity of the eyes to light or the need for vision correction for close-up work, an ophthalmologist may recommend the use of special computer glasses. These glasses have a special coating that blocks the blue light emitted by the screen and reduces eye strain.

It is important to remember that timely consultation with a specialist and adherence to preventive measures will help maintain health and avoid serious problems in the future.

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