How to activate The Sims 2 cheats on PC

If you’ve decided to try out the second installment of The Sims after its arrival on PC, it will be very useful to know some tips and tricks to make your life much easier, since despite being somewhat old, the game offers a wide variety of options , which we will teach you in this guide.

How to activate The Sims 2 cheats on PC.

How to activate The Sims 2 cheats on PCHow to activate The Sims 2 cheats on PC

In order to activate the console and add the cheats or commands, we will have to press a series of keys at the same time ( Ctrl + Shift + C ). We also remind you that you will have to enter the code boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat bar and select Enter to be able to start using them.

All the cheats and commands in The Sims 2

Money and Health Tricks

  • Kaching: Adds 1,000 simoleons to family funds
  • Motherlode: Adds 50,000 Simoleons to Family Funds
  • familyFunds (family name/household name) (amount): With this cheat you can set the exact funds for any family. Adding a + or – in front of the amount will add or subtract simoleons to the existing funds.
  • money (amount): With this cheat you can set the exact funds for the loaded family. If you add a + or a – in front of the amount, you will add or subtract simoleons to the already existing funds.
  • maxMotives: Maxes out the needs of all Sims on the lot.
  • motiveDecay {on/off}: Enables or disables decay of needs on the lot.

Growth and Pregnancy Tricks

  • aging {on/off}: Allows you to enable or disable aging in the household.
  • boolProp disablePuppyKittenAging {true/false}: When set to true, disables aging for puppies and kittens. Adult pets are not affected.
  • agesimscheat {on/off}: Turns the growth cheat on or off. Clicking on a Sim will bring up the “Age Sim” menu allowing you to easily select their age.
  • forceTwins: Forces the birth of twins when the selected Sim is pregnant.

Suction and Control Tricks

  • AspirationLevel (0-5): Selects the Sim’s aspiration level. 0 is aspiration failure, 5 is platinum level. Intermediate numbers are supported
  • lockAspiration {on/off}: If used with on , the aspiration level is locked and does not increase or decrease.
  • aspirationPoints (amount): Adds the indicated aspiration points to the selected Sim.
  • setHour (0 – 23): Allows you to instantly change the game time.
  • boolProp petActionCancel {true/false}: Setting this to true allows you to cancel interactions for pets, roommates, and Sims invited on vacation.
  • boolProp controlPets {true/false}: Setting this to true allows you to take full control of pets, roommates, and Sims invited on vacation.
  • boolProp petsFreeWill {true/false}: Setting this to false disables free will for pets, roommates, and Sims invited on vacation.
  • addneighborToFamilyCheat {on/off}: Adds an interaction to non-controllable Sims to add them to the household.
  • intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims (number): With this cheat you can increase the number of Sims you can invite to a lot (for example, for a party) and the number of Sims that can appear on a community lot.
  • intProp censorgridsize (number): Sets the size of the pixels used to censor Sims when they are naked. 0 removes censorship. Note: only works in games that do not have the College Patch installed.
  • StretchSkeleton (number with decimals 0.0 – ??): Fun cheat that allows you to enlarge or shrink your Sims’ skeleton. 1.0 is the default size. Changes are not saved and Sims return to normal size when you reload the lot.
  • bugJarTimeDecay {on/off}: If you use this cheat with off, it prevents butterflies or fireflies trapped in a jar from dying.
  • unlockCareerRewards: Unlock all career rewards.
  • faceBlendLimits {on/off}: Turns facial blending limitations on or off. Setting off disables the normal corrections the game makes when two parents have very different facial structures.
  • floatProp tvVolume (0.0 – 1.0): Sets the volume of the TV. The default setting is 0.2

Building Tricks

  • moveObjects {on/off}: Allows placement of objects in positions not normally allowed, also allows you to edit the sidewalk and place objects and floors at the lot boundaries. You can also use it to move Sims.
  • boolProp snapObjectsToGrid {true/false}: Setting this cheat to false allows you to place objects without having to snap them to the grid. It doesn’t work well when placing carpets, doors, or windows.
  • boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation {true/false}: Allows you to rotate objects 45º, use the . (period) and , (comma) keys to perform the rotation
  • boolProp lotTerrainPaints {true/false}: If set to false , this cheat hides the terrain paint on the lot. It doesn’t remove the paint, it just hides it.
  • boolProp lotWater {true/false}: Removes water from lots. Does not affect pools
  • boolProp lockTiles {true/false}: If you set this to false , you can edit the sidewalk/road floor in addition to placing tiles on the edge of the lot. The same result is achieved with the moveObjects on cheat.
  • boolProp constrainFloorElevation {true/false}: The most advanced build mode trick, when set to false it allows you to change the elevation of walls, floors and foundations. We recommend watching specific tutorials on this trick, as it has many uses.
  • setHighestAllowedLevel (5 – 16): Allows you to set the maximum number of floors you can build. The maximum is 16, if you go over that level the game may crash unexpectedly.
  • setQuarterTilePlacement {on/off}: This cheat allows you to place objects between multiple grid squares. To do this, press Control + F. Don’t use it to place objects like tables and chairs, they won’t work. To turn it off, press Control + F again.
  • changeLotClassification (low/middle/high): Changes the lot’s classification. This algorithm is based on the value of the lot and surrounding lots to give it a low, medium, or high level. The trick has never seemed to work quite right.
  • clearLotClassValue: Removes any classification from the loaded lot and sets it to the correct classification assigned by the game.
  • changeLotZoning (type): Changes the lot type. Possible values ​​are:
  • residential : residential
  • community : community
  • greek : brotherhood
  • dorm : university residence
  • secretsociety : secret society
  • apartmentbase : apartment
  • secretwitchlot : witch’s lot
  • hotel : hotel
  • boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled {true/false} : If set to false , this cheat unlocks all tools that are not normally available in dorms. It also enables buy/build mode on lots where it is not available, but changes will not be saved.
  • boolProp aptBaseLotSpecificToolsDisabled {true/false}: If set to false , allows you to use the normally blocked tools on an empty apartment lot. You must switch from build to buy mode (or vice versa) for the changes to take effect.
  • boolProp aptSubLotSpecificToolsDisabled {true/false}: If set to false , allows you to use tools normally blocked on an occupied apartment lot. You must switch from build to buy mode (or vice versa) for the changes to take effect.
  • apartmentBuildBuyRestrictions {on/off}: Enables or disables tools normally restricted on an apartment lot.
  • deleteAllFences: Removes all fences from the lot in build mode.
  • deleteAllWalls: Deletes all walls on the lot in build mode.
  • deleteAllHalfWalls: Removes all half-walls from the lot in build mode.
  • deleteAllAwnings: Removes all awnings from the lot in build mode.
  • deleteAllObjects (doors/windows/stairs): Deletes the specified objects in build mode.
  • boolProp showCatalogEPFlags {true/false}: With the true option , shows in the catalog which expansion or accessory pack each object is.

Tricks for the Neighborhood

  • boolProp lotTerrainLighting {true/false}: Turns lot lighting on or off when hovered over.
  • boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel {true/false}: Enables or disables the display of bridges in the neighborhood (if any)
  • boolProp displayLotImposters {true/false}: Show or hide buildings in the neighborhood.
  • boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater {true/false}: Show or hide the water in the neighborhood.
  • boolProp displayNeighborhoodFlora {true/false}: Show or hide the flora in the neighborhood (does not affect the flora of the lots themselves)
  • boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoads {true/false}: Show or hide the roads in the neighborhood.
  • boolProp displayNeighborhoodProps {true/false}: Show or hide the decorative objects in the neighborhood.
  • boolprop nhoodWaterReflection {true/false}: Enables or disables water reflections in the hood.
  • boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled {true/false}: Enables or disables the camera drifting in neighborhood view without player intervention.
  • boolProp carsCompact {true/false}: Adjusts the level of detail in the cars seen in the neighborhood.
  • boolProp carsOnRight {true/false}: Setting this to false causes cars to drive on the left. This only affects the neighborhood view, not the behavior of vehicles in-game.
  • boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename {true/false}: Enable this cheat to have the lot file name appear when hovering over it.
  • deleteAllCharacters {true/false}: Deletes all Sims from the neighborhood.
  • changeNeighborhoodType (type): Changes the open neighborhood to one of another type. The possible neighborhood types are:
  1. primary : normal neighborhood
  2. university : university
  3. downtown : urban center
  4. suburb : commercial district
  5. asia : holiday district in Asia
  6. mountains : holiday district in the mountains
  7. tropics : tropical holiday neighborhood
  • boolProp dontMergeNHFlora {true/false}: When false , displays more objects/plants from the neighborhood when a lot is loaded.
  • uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease (1 – 120 ): Allows you to adjust the display of the far terrain of the neighborhood with a loaded lot.

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