Theme on the Treaties of Rome: outline for a theme or short essay on the European Union with introduction, development and conclusion as well as food for thought and documents.
Essay on the Treaties of Rome
The signing of the Treaties of Rome was a fundamental event in the history of the European Union and its anniversary was celebrated with great solemnity in 2017; this is an indication of the importance given to this stage of recent history.
Theme on Europe and the Treaties of Rome: initial reflection
What do we know about this Europe that has historically always been at war and is today united amidst many contradictions? The historical-political path is very interesting and has recently seen one of its most important stages on March 25, 2017 , on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Treaties of Rome . For the latest generations, it is easy to imagine a Europe in harmony, where one can move freely and where one feels almost at home everywhere. Yet things have not always been this way… we just need to reflect more carefully on some fundamental passages to understand that what we are experiencing today in the old continent is the result of a difficult process, with many contradictory aspects and many objectives still to be achieved.
Theme on Europe and the Treaties of Rome: food for thought and research on the internet
On 25 March 1957 in Rome , the Eternal City, a new, first truly united Europe was designed . At the Campidoglio, in the Hall of the Horatii and Curiatii of the Palazzo dei Conservatori, six countries of the Old Continent signed the Treaty establishing the Economic Community (EEC) and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC, or Euratom). The signatory states were Italy, France, West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. It was an epochal and transitional moment, which laid the foundations for the birth of the European Union , achieved in 1992 with the Treaty of Maastricht , and subsequently perfected with the Treaty of Lisbon in 2007 for which today the same Treaty of Rome, the object of celebration – and commentary here – has taken on the name of TFEU, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union .
To understand the importance of those days, and why today it is so important not only to celebrate them formally, but to try to draw lifeblood from them for the future, it is necessary to go back to that 25th March 1957 , and understand how we got there: after two world wars , it had become clear to the European states that there was a need to push towards union, and not towards separation at all costs, which until then had been exalted by those nationalisms that had brought so much pain and backwardness to Italy, Germany, Spain, and then again later to Portugal, Greece and so on.
There had already been the experiment of the League of Nations , born after the Great War , which however had failed in its main objective : to maintain peace and avoid the outbreak of a conflict between its participants, exactly the opposite of what happened with the Second World War . Thus, now the States had begun to understand something fundamental, and something more than in the past: and that is that peace cannot be based exclusively on the mutual recognition of political freedom and dignity , if these do not find support in the equally fundamental economic bases of the individual countries.
Thus, the conditions for a peaceful and lasting development were developed starting from common interests: the change was substantial since it moved from an attitude of domination and mutual annihilation to one of collaboration and cooperation .
And the achievement of these goals became all the more significant the more it was considered that the entire process of European integration had to necessarily pass through the conclusion of the centuries-old hostilities between the two countries for which all the bloodiest wars of the last centuries had broken out: France and Germany . In short, it was necessary, in the space of a few years, to transform 400 years of “Franco-German hostility” – which had manifested itself since the ancient Thirty Years’ War, passing through the Unification achieved by Germany in 1871, the subsequent French “revanchism” and the monstrous impositions on defeated Germany following the First World War, with the consequent Nazi invasion and establishment of the puppet government of Vichy – into “Franco-German friendship”.
How to make an outline for an essay on Europe and the Treaties of Rome
As an outline for your essay on the anniversary of the Treaties of Rome , useful for the 2017 final exams, I can recommend the usual and traditional, even if scholastic, one.
- Introduction .
- Presentation of the topic .
- Discussion of articles and elaboration of the topic .
- Conclusions .
Writing a text for an essay on Europe and the Treaties of Rome
Depending on your taste, you can choose to refer to a particular event related to the topic , or literally “merge” the introduction and the presentation of the topic. Also choose the style you use carefully: if you proceed with short sentences, you will emphasize the more emotional aspect; with longer periods, instead, you will focus on the reasoning.
Presentation of the topic
Choose carefully how to present your thesis on the topic. The important thing is to make the reader understand how you will talk about the Treaties of Rome : since it is an important and difficult topic , you must necessarily document yourself well . Choose a precise line, so as not to fall into a mere listing of different visions. Create dynamism in your theme or in your essay.
Topic processing
Within the articles cited, you can find many ways to correctly interpret the phenomenon : remember to cite them correctly, that is, avoiding very long citations that weigh down your paper and take away space for your reflection. Once you have framed the phenomenon from many points of view, propose solutions that make sense: that is, that are feasible.
You are now at the conclusions. Reread your text carefully. Have you managed to create an essay that says something interesting ? Also recheck the way you used the documents. Also check the spelling carefully. Good, hand it in.