5 things you need to know before buying a wi-fi router

Things you need to know before buying a wi-fi router.The wi-fi router is indispensable in most homes and nothing can create frustrations like crunch with the wi-fi connection. Buy a wi-fi router that can reach into any room and is fast enough to cover both online meetings, streaming and internet surfing at the same time. Collaboration gives you 5 tips on what to remember before buying a wi-fi router.

5 things you need to know before buying a wi-fi router

Can the signal reach all rooms? 

The coverage of the Wi-fi router determines whether the signal can reach all rooms. In an apartment, the router’s signal should be able to reach all rooms, but it can be difficult in a large house with several floors. You can amplify the wi-fi router’s signal with a wi-fi extender or a wi-fi repeater located in the part of the house where the wi-fi router’s signal has the hardest coverage. You can also buy a wi-fi mesh system that consists of a main router and satellite modules that are placed in different places in the house.


Wi-fi is an abbreviation for wireless fidelity  or wireless network in Danish. The Wi-Fi router converts the Internet connection from the Internet socket in the home into a radio signal that can be used by your computer, tablet, mobile and other devices that require Internet.

Do you need 2 frequency bands?

Most newer wi-fi routers support the 2.4gHz and 5gHz frequencies. 2.4gHz has a long range but low speed, and 5gHz has a short range but high speed. When you have 2 frequencies, you can choose which of the 2 frequencies your router should use when the signal is sent to your wireless devices. 2.4gHz is the most commonly used frequency band, and your signal may be disturbed if your neighbors use the same signal. If you have problems with your signal, you can change the frequency band and maybe get a better signal.


Wi-fi is a registered trademark. Wi-fi is owned by the American organization Wi-Fi Alliance, which sets global standards for wi-fi so that wi-fi products can be compared across borders and manufacturers.

Should the wi-fi router have the option of wired connection? 

Some wi-fi routers have one or more Ethernet ports that allow you to connect to wired devices such as computers, TV boxes, and network printers. When you connect your devices to the wi-fi router with a network cable, you get the most out of your internet speed. Very little of the speed is lost because the signal is routed directly from the router to the device. The wired connection is especially smart if you or others in the household play online video games or need to transfer large amounts of data.


Position your wi-fi router high and free so that there is nothing to cover the signal. Avoid heat from e.g. radiators and electrical equipment such as speakers, switchboards, microwaves and wiring harnesses.

Do you need a guest network? 

You can get wi-fi routers that allow you to set up a guest network with a separate code. That way, you can give your guests access to the wi-fi connection without giving them access to the rest of your network and your connected devices. Some wi-fi routers offer an app that allows you to monitor and delete devices associated with your wi-fi connection.


This is the average speed for downloading a 5 GB movie in Denmark. This gives Denmark a 14th place out of 221 countries in a test of the countries’ average broadband speed. Liechtenstein is in 1st place with an average speed of 2 min. and 58 seconds.

Are you going to stream, hold video meetings and surf the internet? 

Choose a speed that suits your household consumption so you avoid a slow internet connection or, conversely, pay for something you do not use. If you are many in the same household who stream movies and TV, hold video meetings or play online games at the same time, a lot of the speed of your wi-fi router is required compared to if you are few who use the internet once in a while. Look for a wi-fi router with a speed of 50 to 100 Mbit / s, if you have many who need to be online at the same time.

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