5 tips to share photos of your children online

Tips to share photos of your children online.Your kids are the cutest and funniest in the world, and the rest of the world deserves to be seen. But before you throw the next picture of junior with Nutella in her hair on Facebook, just read these 5 tips – for your children’s sake.

Tips to share photos of your children online

# 1 – Be a role model

As a parent, you are a natural role model for your children. It does not help that you are worried about the child’s life online if you do not show the way yourself. Both with your own behavior on social media and how you expose your child.

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# 2 – Talk about digital life

Smartphones and social media take up a lot of space for many of us, and perhaps we have not yet had time to talk about how life unfolds in the digital universe. Therefore, it may be a good idea to take a very general talk over dinner about what it means when sharing photos, videos and comments online.

Also read: What does Facebook have to do with your photos?

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# 3 – Respect the child’s embarrassment

Children have the right to privacy, and their boundaries of what they think are ok change over time. The picture from Shrovetide with the funny ears and tiger paint in the whole spice may be cute and fun right now, but does your child also think so in 2 years, where the picture is still online?

# 4 – Ask about law

Does your child think it’s ok for you to just post a picture of yourself on Instagram? Do as you would if you had taken a picture of a friend. Ask before posting the picture. Of course, very young children can not be asked, so here you should feel extra good about whether it is something the whole world should see – also in the future.

Also read: 8 tips to teach your child to commit on social media

# 5 – Consider who sees it

Many pictures are posted online to please grandparents and good friends. Maybe you can share them smarter and only with those who you think should see them? You can create an online photo album where only those you select have access.

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