If you have a Chromecast with Google TV , you’re lucky to be able to pack an entire TV operating system into one small-sized gadget. Although in the end this is still an Android TV launcher and, as such, requires the same maintenance on many occasions. And what happens with the space occupied by the cache is proof of this.
We will tell you in a little more detail what it means to have many files in the cache and, of course, how you can empty it. And it is that this process of deleting files from the cache can be a very important benefit in order to have more free space and even optimize the system.
What Google TV stores in the cache and what is it for
Plain and simple, the files stored in the cache serve to optimize the performance of the applications. It sounds contradictory with respect to what we mentioned earlier, but you will soon see that it is not. It turns out that apps tend to fill the device’s memory with temporary files that should serve to make the content load faster.
In essence, having apps occupy memory cache with these files is beneficial because it saves load times. However, it has a downside when these files get ‘out of control’. And it is that, although individually they cannot have much weight, together they can end the free space of the Chromecast.
How to free up space on Android TV and Chromecast with Google TV: the five most effective methods
Similarly, your Chromecast with Google TV may begin to store files that are not really necessary for the proper performance of the apps and consequently end up slowing it down. Hence, it is counterproductive and eventually the cache must be emptied.
And this is important to clarify, since it is not necessary to establish an exact period to empty this memory. All part of the experience that we are obtaining and if we notice that performance is starting to be bad. In the same way, if we have almost no storage space, it is almost an obligatory stop to empty the cache of the apps.
Clear the cache on Chromecast with Google TV, step by step
Luckily, it is not necessary to activate the Google TV developer settings or anything similar, since we will find the process in the normal settings of the device, being the process that is followed in Android mobiles and in televisions with pure Android TV. Therefore, you have to follow these steps to empty the cache of the apps:
- Open the Chromecast with Google TV settings.
- Go to the ‘Applications’ section.
- Select the app in question that you want to delete its cache.
- Click on ‘Clear cache’.
It should be said that this process will not delete any essential data from the app such as the login. It will just delete those mentioned temporary files.
In Xataka Android | Android TV, an in-depth guide: best tricks and apps to get the most out of it