How does faith save the heart and soul from pain and suffering?

By believing in God, a person’s heart is freed from all fears, his soul is freed from all sadness and pain, and he gains eternal joy and relief.

Everyone is proud of the honor and rank of the master to whom they belong. Here is how happy, contented and pleased a person would be if he connected with faith to Allah, the owner of infinite power, knowledge, will and wealth, and the owner of compassion and mercy , if he entered into His service with servitude, and if his death, which appeared to be executed, was turned into a discharge notice for him and all his wishes were fulfilled. It is obvious that he will be grateful.

The thing that scares people the most is death. Faith, on the other hand, makes death beloved by removing it from being nothingness and nothingness. Because for a believer, death is a discharge letter, a change of place, a displacement. It is the beginning and gateway to an eternal life. It is a flight from the troubles of the world to the gardens of heaven. It is a duty to enter the presence of Allah in order to receive the reward of the good deeds earned in the world. It is an invitation to go to heaven, the place of happiness. It is a reunion with all his beloved friends.

As a result , by believing in God, a person’s heart is freed from all those endless fears, his soul is freed from all sadness and pain, and he gains eternal joy and relief. Such a spiritual strength arises in his heart that a person can withstand every calamity and every event with that strength. No matter how bad and troubled his world is, he tolerates all kinds of troubles, tolerates them, and gives thanks with patience, because he sees his world as the waiting room of heaven. Thus, he can turn both this world and the afterlife into heaven.

If there is no faith, these worries will always leave his heart and soul in pain and suffering. Even though his world is seemingly paradise, the anxieties of death and eternal separation sear his heart and conscience. It makes him experience the torment of spiritual hell.

Is there any other way that can give people this consolation other than faith? The primary reason for the prevalence of suicide and drugs in societies that are technically and materially prosperous is the inability to connect to God with faith. The feeling of loneliness and desolation caused by not knowing Him makes people miserable and makes them lose sleep when they think about it.    

A Living Memory

Dentist Rauf explains:

“During the period of communism, when atheism and disbelief dominated, we were taught a lesson in denialism in Azerbaijan. Because of this education, we did not believe in God and the afterlife. But the anxiety that our lives would end and we would perish with death was eating us up. We came up with some solutions ourselves. One of them was sleeping one night and staying awake the next. As if we were extending our lives this way. This solution was out of desperation. But the feeling that there would be a real solution to this always prevailed in us. With this feeling, after the fall of communism, we went to western countries such as the Netherlands, England, Germany and France. We read the works of famous philosophers on this subject. But again we couldn’t find the answer we were looking for. “None of them could give us a satisfactory answer about death and the afterlife.”

“In the early 1990s, they introduced me to a guest from Turkey. I asked them whether there is eternal life. They read and explained the existence of the afterlife regarding resurrection after death from the Treatise of Al-Hashir. I was satisfied with what was read. Later, I took a faculty member friend of mine with them. “I was introduced to the topics related to the existence of heaven and hell.”

“When I returned home after the conversation, I received a phone call from my faculty friend. He said:

‘Rauf!, Rauf! Even if there is hell, there is eternal life. This saved me from the anxiety of extinction. For the first time I’ll be able to sleep comfortably tonight.’ 

It is only the light of faith that illuminates and comforts a person’s conscience. Faith gives great breadth to a person’s soul by illuminating his past and future.

An unbeliever, on the other hand, imagines the past as resembling a terrible, dark, huge cemetery. He sees the future as a dark, terrible grave that will rot him and everything and feed him to snakes and scorpions. This situation, which traps a person between two graves, makes him live a hellish life in despair, spiritually and conscience.

From the creation of the world, Hz. Its horizon expands from the time Adam was sent to the world, all the way to the apocalypse, heaven and hell. By informing us of eternal happiness, faith develops and perpetuates the seed-like abilities, wishes and desires in a person’s conscience.       

As a result , man is responsible for taking the good, beautiful and auspicious of everything with his will and leaving the bad, ugly and evil. This is the purpose of giving will to humans. In other words, the will is given to humans to obey Allah’s commands and avoid His prohibitions.

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