How to have a successful first date

We reveal the secrets to best face the first date with the person you like. Get rid of anxiety and it will be a success. If you feel like you’re suffering from first date anxiety, breathe! There is at least one other person who shares the same fear as you, and who knows, it might not be the one she is waiting for and preparing for her first date with you.

How to have a successful first datHow to have a successful first dat

Every meeting is different and the first is generally never the best, but it can be the push for an acquaintance, a friendship, a relationship or another series of appointments in which we learn to get to know each other and perhaps choose each other.

But let’s get to the point. What is a date?

A date is when the question ” Would you like to see each other later or tomorrow?” ”, She answers yes. And this “yes” begins to generate, whatever one’s age and gender, a series of doubts that will not be answered even after the appointment is over.

What to wear? What time do you leave home? What to say? What if there are no common interests? What if they don’t like me enough? What if I don’t like it enough? What if I end up with a lettuce leaf between my teeth or if I stumble while walking?

We have no answer to these questions, but we provide you with a series of useful tips to prevent terror from taking hold of you .

Tips for a perfect first date

Be yourself, yourself

Everyone has been telling you this forever, you’ve read it in books and on online blogs, you listen to it on TV and you’re already tired of hearing it repeated, yet it’s the only thing you can do and which, probably, you can also do Very well . It is much easier to be ourselves, with our uncertainties and our defects, rather than pretending to be someone else, surrounding ourselves with lies and half-truths that we would struggle to carry forward. That person is there to learn about you, not someone else.

Be sincere, in words and gestures . Express what you think and don’t be intimidated by judgment. Don’t you prefer the truth to a lie? If you are vegetarian or vegan, if you don’t like the sea and prefer the swimming pool, if you are afraid of horror films or you like pistachio ice cream more than hazelnut ice cream, mentioning it won’t ruin the date. In fact, it might even give you some more conversation starters.

Feel comfortable

Choose your clothes carefully, even without spending a fortune , not to impress the other person, but to feel comfortable in your own shoes . Avoid uncomfortable shoes, trousers that are too tight or too loose and t-shirts that don’t fit your size. Look for the best solution to focus on the moment and who you have in front of you, rather than being distracted by the discomfort of what you are wearing.


Ask questions and listen to the answers . Keep it general, study, music, interests . Confidence is built gradually, and sometimes it needs a little more time. Put your cell phone aside and tell yourself a story . Make yourself known, respecting your limits and respecting those of the other person.

You will see that the conversation will take its course and even the initial moments of silence and embarrassment will soon make room for something else, be it a comment on the food, the weather or the film you just saw.

Enjoy the moment

The first few times everything seems bigger than us and it is difficult to stop the anxiety and not start traveling with the mind. Try to focus on yourself and your sensations . Every experience, positive or not, will teach you something .

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