5 stupid questions about eggs.

Why do they eat eggs for breakfast, why do many people refuse the yolk, is it possible to drink raw quail eggs without fear of salmonellosis? And other naive but vital questions about eggs.

 stupid questions about eggs. Gastroenterologist answers stupid questions about eggs. Gastroenterologist answers

  1. Are homemade eggs healthier than store-bought eggs? 

It is believed that homemade eggs are healthier than regular store eggs. And this is quite logical: chickens on free grazing feel clearly better than factory-laying hens, which spend their short lives in cages, practically not seeing the sun. All this, of course, affects the quality of eggs.

Homemade eggs are a natural product with a bright taste and rich aroma, high in calories and satisfying. The best of them do not contain antibiotics or other additives, but here everything depends, of course, on the will of the chicken owner.

However, by buying homemade eggs from unverified farmers, a person can become infected, for example, with salmonellosis or helminthiasis. To prevent the spread of diseases, the shells must undergo certain processing. That is why domestic eggs must be washed with special care.

  1. Why do they eat eggs for breakfast? 

Eggs cooked according to your favorite recipe are truly an example of an excellent breakfast. Eat them in the morning to feel refreshed and energized all day long with healthy fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. And also for the brain to function properly. Eggs are essentially food for the mind due to their high choline content.

At the same time, a healthy person can eat eggs every day, even though they do contain a lot of cholesterol. The cholesterol found in eggs is not thought to raise a person’s cholesterol levels the way some other foods, such as those high in trans fats and saturated fats, do.

Of course, if you eat them in moderation – no more than 7 pieces per week.

This diet, doctors believe, does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact, it is believed that this level of egg consumption may even help prevent certain types of stroke and a serious eye disease that leads to blindness (macular degeneration).

Eggs are best digested if you boil them a little, so soft-boiled eggs, in a bag or poached eggs are especially useful. Heat treatment is important, but don’t leave the pan on the stove for too long, this will preserve more amino acids and vitamins.

  1. Are white eggs healthier than brown eggs?

Many people look for white eggs on store shelves because they believe they are tastier and healthier. But this is an absolute myth.

Shell color is not an indicator of quality, taste or nutrients, it depends only on the breed of chicken. Hens with white feathers will lay white eggs, hens with tan feathers will lay brown eggs.

  1. Are quail eggs healthier than chicken eggs?

This is mostly a marketing ploy. The eggs of any bird have approximately the same composition, they mainly consist of fats and protein. At the same time, there is more than enough cholesterol in quail eggs: twice as much as in chicken eggs. True, they also contain lecithin, which prevents cholesterol from settling on the walls of blood vessels.

If we take the vitamin and mineral composition, both representatives have advantages.

Chicken eggs contain vitamin D and fluoride, quail eggs contain vitamins B1, B2, PP.

Quails have a high body temperature – 42° and they suffer from salmonellosis less often, although a temperature above 50° is still required to kill the dangerous salmonella bacterium. Therefore, you should not drink these small speckled eggs raw, like chicken eggs.

  1. When losing weight, many people do not eat the yolk – are they doing it right?

In pursuit of slimness and muscle growth, many people prefer exclusively egg whites: for example, they eat not a regular omelet for breakfast, but an egg white one. This is explained by the fact that egg white has much less calories (in fact, three times!), contains almost no fat and carbohydrates (less than 1%) and is at the same time rich in protein.

All this is true, but you need to understand that it is the yolk of a chicken egg that is the main source of vitamins and minerals; it contains all the fats and almost half the protein that, in principle, is in the egg. This is the most valuable product on our table, which should not be abandoned.

The benefits of yolk are invaluable: it is largely responsible for the production of steroid hormones – testosterone, estrogen, cortisol. Yolk is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve vascular function and reduce the risk of blood clots. It also contains a lot of vitamin D, which also supports bone health and prevents the development of osteoporosis

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