Spinach: benefits and harm for the human body

A smoothie is a thick drink made from a mixture of berries, vegetables or fruits. This is a great healthy snack idea that requires only a kitchen knife and a blender.

2. Spinach side dish

Not everyone knows, but spinach can act as an excellent side dish for meat or fish. Experiment if you are tired of the eternal choice between rice, buckwheat and pasta.

3. Spinach cream soup

A simple dish that many children and adults love. This soup has a very delicate texture and does not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.


Buying high-quality spinach is not always easy: there is a possibility of getting stale greens. Here are some tips to help you choose a good product.

1. Pay attention to the color

The color of fresh spinach is usually very bright. A juicy green color is the main sign of a high vitamin C content. It also indicates that the spinach did not lie in a warehouse for a long time, but came to the counter directly from the garden.

There should also be no yellow or brown spots on the leaves. They may be a result of the greens being damaged by insects or having been treated with pest control chemicals. It is better not to eat such leaves.

2. Smell the spinach.

This life hack is relevant for all products. If you notice an unpleasant odor coming from spinach, do not take it – most likely, the vegetable has been lying on the shelf for several days.

3. Touch the leaves

Place the tip of a spinach leaf between two fingers and squeeze it lightly. If you feel a slight crunch, then the vegetable is fresh and was recently picked from the garden.

4. Check the thickness of the stem

If the spinach stem is too wide, it means the greens are overripe and will taste bitter.

5. Talk to the seller

If you choose spinach at the market or in a special vegetable store, check with the seller in what conditions the greens were grown and how the leaves were processed. This is important because spinach is highly susceptible to pesticides (4).

How and when to pick grown spinach

Typically, this vegetable does not require much effort from the gardener when growing and allows you to enjoy the harvest even with minimal care. It is possible to collect 2-3 harvests per year. 

Spinach yields vary depending on the variety and time of planting. It reaches its maximum in spring and early autumn. The first juicy and healthy leaves can be collected 3-4 weeks after planting. However, the exact time of ripening depends on various factors, the most important of which are the plant variety and weather conditions.

How to properly harvest grown spinach

1. You need to harvest spinach in the morning or evening.

2. Prepare your tools. You will need sharp scissors or a knife and a basket or container to collect the harvest.

3. Cut the leaves carefully, at ground level, being careful not to damage the roots. If you want to harvest for further cultivation, leave small stems. Do not remove more than half the leaves from any one plant. 

4. It is best to harvest spinach regularly to encourage new leaf growth.

5. If the harvest is final, then cut off the rosettes at the root. 

How to properly store spinach

Spinach is best consumed within 12 hours of purchase as it spoils quickly. However, it can also be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than +5 degrees for no more than 3–5 days. After this time, the process of rotting begins and the spinach becomes unhealthy. 

To keep greens fresh longer, you don’t need to wash them before storing – just put them in a bag and put them in the refrigerator.

Spinach can also be frozen. In this form it can be stored for up to four months. 

Questions and answers

Together with nutritionist Ekaterina Nesvit, we answer the most common questions about spinach. 

Can spinach be eaten raw?

Spinach can be consumed both fresh (in salads, smoothies) and cooked (in omelettes, sauces, soups, main courses). Heat treatment (sautéing, stewing, steaming) reduces the amount of oxalates and also promotes better “release” of carotenoids – useful organic pigments.

In any form, spinach is best consumed with fat for better absorption.

Can you eat spinach every day? In what quantity?

You should eat no more than 100 g of fresh spinach daily and no more than 150 g of heat-treated spinach.

Which is healthier: spinach or arugula?

Spinach and arugula differ in microelement composition. Arugula contains more vitamin C and vitamin B5, and spinach wins in all other respects. It is better to combine both of these types of greens in a complete, balanced diet.

Does spinach retain its benefits when frozen?

If shock freezing technology is used for harvesting, spinach almost completely retains its beneficial properties. 

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