White discharge in women: causes and treatment methods

If there is any suspicious change in the color, smell or consistency of the discharge, it is recommended not to postpone a visit to a gynecologist. You should not expect that everything will “go away on its own” or use dubious folk remedies. If treatment is not started on time, serious consequences can occur.

1. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs . They develop in the vagina (vaginitis, colpitis), cervix (cervicitis), mucous membrane of the uterine cavity (endometritis), fallopian tubes (salpingitis), pelvic peritoneum (pelvioperitonitis), ovaries (oophoritis). These diseases are accompanied by pain of various types – nagging, aching, acute, and in advanced cases – unbearable. Other symptoms are increased body temperature, weakness and fatigue, menstrual irregularities, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

2. Development of cancer . Pathological cervical and uterine discharge is often a warning about incipient cervical cancer and other neoplasms. A particularly dangerous signal is leucorrhoea with blood clots, spotting that is not associated with menstruation. They are signs of serious illness and require immediate medical attention.

3. Infertility . This diagnosis is widespread throughout the world and ranks third after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The reason for this is often advanced inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. If they are not treated in time, they become chronic and disrupt the functions of the cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries and the entire reproductive system. Fertilization of the egg in these cases is difficult and sometimes impossible (5).

Preventing unhealthy white discharge

Preventative recommendations are not that complicated.

  • Follow the rules of intimate hygiene. Wash your face daily with plain water. Each time you wash your face, put on clean underwear.
  • When washing or using toilet paper, do not make back-and-forth movements to avoid introducing an infection into the vagina.
  • Use barrier contraception as agreed with your partner.
  • Wear appropriately sized underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • Do not take antibiotics uncontrollably, beyond what your doctor has prescribed.

Maria Menshikova, gynecologist at Teledoctor24 , talks about what can and cannot be done to prevent gynecological diseases:

– Pharmacies sell a lot of drugs for all occasions, and sympathetic pharmacists will recommend the newest, most effective. But such self-medication is harmful. Any medications should be prescribed by a doctor based on your medical history.

You should never wash your vagina for any good purpose. Today this is one of the most common manipulations, leading to a decrease in the normal flora of the vagina and the colonization of it with pathogenic species.

By the way, complete epilation/depilation of the bikini area is also a factor that provokes inflammation. Pubic hair is important, it is a natural barrier that protects the body. Depilation is a traumatic procedure that can increase the risk of infection.

Which doctor should I contact with complaints?

If you notice discharge that is unusual in color or has an unpleasant odor, make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible. He will prescribe the necessary tests and studies.

Explanation of the gynecologist

Gynecologist Maria Menshikova:

– Vaginal discharge – leucorrhoea – accompanies a woman from the beginning of the formation of menstrual function until the onset of postmenopause. The word “leucorrhoea” itself speaks about what normal discharge should look like. Light, almost transparent, odorless and free of foreign impurities, which do not interfere with life.

Immediately after menstruation there are few of them, during the period of ovulation the number increases, they become more sticky and stretchy. By the way, at a time when science had not reached today’s technological heights, the body’s ovulation peak was determined by the stretching of mucus. Then the leucorrhoea becomes less sticky, but “thickens”, remaining light, and its quantity increases. This is the work of progesterone: everything is ready for the implantation of a fertilized egg. If pregnancy has occurred, the amount of discharge may remain increased; this is normal. Well, if it hasn’t arrived, then a new menstrual cycle begins and everything repeats. This is what the picture looks like for a healthy woman.

Questions and answers

Let’s answer the remaining questions about white vaginal discharge.

How to distinguish normal discharge from dangerous ones?

If itching, burning occurs, the amount of discharge increases sharply and their character changes – this is a likely manifestation of the inflammatory process in the vagina, and possibly in the higher organs of the female genital area.

Why does white discharge appear after menstruation?

Changes in discharge are associated with the influence of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Immediately after menstruation, there is no discharge in the vagina, or it is scanty and transparent. Further, closer to the middle of the cycle, during the period of ovulation, the discharge becomes profuse, slimy, viscous, and becomes visually similar to egg white. At the same time, for many women, discharge during the period of ovulation becomes especially abundant, which even requires a change of underwear. In the second phase of the cycle, closer to menstruation, the discharge becomes whiter and may remain profuse. So the cycle repeats monthly.

How often should you visit a gynecologist?

You should visit a gynecologist at least once a year. Even if nothing bothers you, it is better not to postpone your visit. Timely examination is the best disease prevention.

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