How to Overcome Coulrophobia

Since ancient times, going to the circus seemed like a real holiday for children: acrobats, tightrope walkers, wild animal tamers, fire swallowers, magicians and… clowns. Artists with unnaturally white makeup, a red nose, a tousled shock of hair and a costume with exaggerated shapes. It would seem, what could be scary about this ridiculous image? However, recently the fear of clowns has been gaining momentum. And not only among children, but also adults.

Even McDonald’s has ditched its famous mascot Ronald McDonald to avoid scaring little customers. Of course, pop culture has increased the fear of clowns, but is that the only reason?

What is coulrophobia?

How to Overcome CoulrophobiaHow to Overcome Coulrophobia

Coulrophobia, or fear of clowns, is a surprisingly common phenomenon, although it would seem that the purpose of clowns is the exact opposite – to make people laugh, not to make them cry. Interestingly, for a long time there was no consensus in the scientific community whether to consider this a phobia or not, and only in the middle of the 20th century was coulrophobia officially recognized. However, the term is not included in the current list of the WHO International Classification of Diseases.

According to a survey by British scientists, in which 987 people aged 18 to 77 from different countries took part, more than half (53.5%) admitted that they are afraid of clowns.

So why do clowns terrify so many people? Often it’s because of their grotesque and distorted facial features. The white makeup, bright red nose, and unnaturally wide smile can seem sinister, especially to children who tend to take everything literally.

Back in 1970, Japanese scientist, engineer and roboticist Masahiro Mori put forward a hypothesis in one of his articles that a robot, puppet, doll or any other humanoid object causes fear and hostility in people (while animation or an insufficiently reliable copy of a person, on the contrary, causes sympathy). He called this phenomenon the “uncanny valley” effect. Masahiro Mori’s ideas are clearly visible in the cult anime “Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex”, where the main antagonist was a cyborg named Puppeteer. Moreover, pediophobia (fear of dolls, mannequins, puppets) has much in common with coulrophobia: it also occurs not only in children, but also in adults.  

Clowns’ faces are also reminiscent of humans, but distorted enough to be uncomfortable. Some people who prefer controlled situations may find them unsettling and distrustful, as clowns behave unpredictably and their makeup and masks hide their true emotions and intentions .

In pop culture, the fear of clowns has become especially widespread. One of the most famous examples is the clown Pennywise from Stephen King’s “It”. By the way, the prototype of the antihero was a real serial killer clown (though he did not commit his murders in makeup). According to the plot, this creepy clown, feeding on the fears of children, became the embodiment of coulrophobia for many generations. Also, we cannot fail to mention Twisty from the series “American Horror Story: Freak Show”, who added fuel to the fire, creating another sinister image.

Interestingly, coulrophobia is not always related to direct experience or trauma. Many people who have never encountered real clowns may experience this fear due to the influence of media and popular culture. Viral videos and “horror stories” about clowns on the Internet only increase this phobia. It is enough to recall the recent viral meme about the angry clown Ronald McDonald from the fast food chain McDonald’s. Notably, in 2016, the company decided to abandon its mascot, as pranksters began dressing up as a clown and scaring random passersby.

How to get rid of fear of clowns?

If you are experiencing coulrophobia, don’t despair. Like any other phobia, it can be treated and managed. Here are some practical tips to help you cope with this fear. The first step to overcoming a phobia is to acknowledge that you have it. Understanding that your fear is rational (in the context of how you feel) and that you are not alone can already help ease the situation. Discussing your fears with friends or family can often help relieve tension.

Gradual desensitization. This technique involves gradually exposing yourself to the source of fear. Start by looking at pictures of less frightening clowns or cartoons of them, for example. Gradually increase the intensity: videos of real clowns, then attending events where they are present. Do this slowly and only when you feel ready.

Cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT has proven to be effective in treating a variety of phobias, including coulrophobia. A therapist will help you understand your negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and rational ones. This can significantly reduce your fear levels.

Meditation and relaxation. Stress and anxiety can make phobias worse. Meditation, deep breathing, and yoga techniques can help you relax and reduce overall tension. Try starting with short sessions and gradually increasing their duration.

Studying Clowns. Understanding the history and culture of clowns can change your perception. Learn about how and why clowns came into being, their role in the circus and theater. Knowledge can destroy the mystique of fear.

Try to look at clowns from a different perspective. Humor can be a powerful tool in combating phobia. Find funny videos or comedy scenes with clowns that don’t make you afraid, but rather make you laugh.

Professional help. If your phobia is interfering with your daily life, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist or psychologist can offer you a personalized treatment plan that will be most effective for you.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that coulrophobia is not just a whim or a caprice. It is a serious fear that many people face. But, like any other phobia, it can be overcome. Do not be afraid to seek help and work on yourself – after all, life without fear is much brighter and more joyful.

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