Fallout: London: All Side Quests Walkthrough

All additional missions of the game in our guide are divided into chapters depending on where exactly you can take the tasks (in which of the regions). In total, there are 5 regions in the game – Lambeth, Camden, Westminster, Islington and Hackney.


Close the gaps

In the establishment called “The Swan and Mitre” (which you will have to visit as part of the corresponding story quest), talk to Sid, who is in the central part of the hall. If you manage to pass the charisma check (level 4), you will receive a small amount of experience points. Accept his request for help. Sid tasks you with finding 3-4 books in the Churchill Library, located on the opposite side of the pub. Enter the library building and go down to the lower floor. Here you will see a closed door on the right and a corridor with two toilets on the left. Go into the nearest open toilet, where a ghoul will fall on you from the ceiling. In the sink you will find a key that opens access to the forbidden books section. With this key, you will be able to open the previously closed door, but keep in mind that when approaching it you will be met by another ghoul. In the room behind the door you can find several books with unique titles, but you will not need them.

Go up to the top floor and eliminate the ghoul. Hack the drawer on the nightstand to get the rifle. On the far table where the terminal is, there is a key to the right wing of the Churchill Library. Go back to the bottom floor and open the door indicated by the marker. Clear the library of four ghouls. You need books with unique titles. One of them can be found on the shelf next to the cooking station on the first floor. Then go up to the top floor, go along the left side and find a shelf in the corner with another book (author Larry Crocker). Go to the right and find a red book related to radiation on the table with a computer. This should update the task!

To find an additional book, climb up the broken slabs again. On the second floor, next to the crack in the floor, look for a cabinet with an overturned cardboard box. Remove the box to find the book. Return to Sid to complete the quest. We continue the walkthrough of all additional tasks of the game Fallout London on the StopGame.Ru website.

Sid’s Memories

This task is activated automatically once you complete Cid’s previous side quest, “Tighten Up Your Tails.” Approach him and he will show you a piece of paper with the initial text. You can praise his work or point out the mistakes. After that, the task will update and you will have to wait until Cid finishes writing the next passage. Do other activities until the objective changes. Then return to the pub and talk to Cid again. He will present a new text. Praise him or point out the mistakes, and again you will have to wait a little. The third time you return to Cid, he will show you his text again. You will be asked to pause and wait until the quest updates. Keep returning to Cid every time the task updates. Continue this process about 4-5 times and you will complete the task.

Upper retainer

In the Swan and Mitre pub, find Ian Wint, who is located in the main room. After that, head south, where you have already been, and go to Bromley’s hardware store (DIY). Here you will face a group of 6-7 bullies who will attack you at the same time, so be prepared for a serious fight. After clearing the first room, head to the warehouse, where you will have to face the last bully, supported by a turret. Try to lure him into areas without turrets for a more convenient fight. When all the bullies are defeated, the task will update and you will be asked to return to Ian. Return to the Swan and Mitre, talk to Ian and receive 50 tickets and a weapon as a reward.

Meeting in Millwall

Talk to Nelson the Blind, after which he will ask you to help Yvette. Agree to start the quest. Exit the pub, open the map and teleport to Greenwich Station. Prepare for the Cold Case quest, which will take you to Millwall. The main difficulty of this quest is getting to Millwall. I recommend first completing the storyline with Archie, who will become your companion. This will allow you to approach Millwall from the west, which is much safer. If you decide to go earlier, you will be directed to an underground passage with high radiation, which is best avoided. Cross the bridge by paying the bandits or passing a charisma check. Alternatively, you can use the Tower Bridge, but be aware that strong opponents may be waiting for you there.

After crossing the bridge, follow the coastline east until you reach Canary Wharf. You’ll know you’ve entered this area when you see a base of the 5th Column faction, which will be neutral towards you. Continue along the river and you’ll soon come across a dock with some hooligans. The next stop is Dog Island, where the Syndicate resides (on the south side of the river). This is Millwall, which will also be part of the main story mission “Cold Case” when you’re looking for Lazarus. Millwall can be unstable, so save regularly. Once you enter the building, the problems should subside. Talk to Yvette about various topics, complete a few checks to earn extra experience points, and then eliminate all the Syndicate Dogs. After that, head back to Greenwich Station and enter the Rogues’ hideout. Talk to Yvette to get about 500 experience points and complete the quest, opening a new “Welcome to the Vagabonds”. We continue the passage of all additional quests of the game Fallout London on the StopGame.Ru website.

Welcome to the Vagabonds

After completing the quest “Meeting in Millwall”, the next task will be automatically activated. Return to the Swan and Mitre pub and talk to Sebastian. You will then be able to talk to three Rogue officers to choose rewards: armor or grenades, a pistol or a lead pipe, medicine or chemicals. Listen to Nelson, who will tell you about the captain of the Syndicate Dogs. Prepare for the next stage, as all the Syndicate Dogs on Dog Island will become hostile. You will need to kill one of the captains, who is a serious opponent. Return to the Millwall area and find the HMS warship. To the west of it, you will see the Syndicate Dogs, and among them will be the Syndicate Sniffer – an enemy in a black suit with a hat and an automatic weapon. Defeat the Sniffer, loot his body to get the badge and show it to Sebastian. For this you will receive experience points, a Vagabond cap and complete the task.

Direct action

To continue the quest, you will have to complete three missions from the Vagabond lieutenants: “Prison Break”, “Train Work” and “Arms Race”. After completing all three tasks, the mission will end, and Sebastian will offer to return to the Vagabonds in a few days.

Prison Break. Talk to Johnny in the Swan and Mitre Pub to start this quest. Head to the HMS Dredge on Dog Island, marked with a marker. Eliminate some enemies outside, destroy the turret and hack the door to get inside. Kill all the Syndicate guards, find the stairs in the far hallway and go up. Talk to the captive Larry and try to unlock the cells via the terminal. You need to get the password. Go to the captain’s bridge, kill the enemies, use the terminal and reset the password to the cells. Return to Larry and talk to him. After that, return to Johnny and report the task complete. You will receive 500 experience points.

Working on the Train . Talk to Winston at the Swan and Mitre Pub to start this quest. You will also be given a Spy Pistol with a Silencer. Head north to Dog Island and go down to the indicated bunker. Run through the tunnel where you will be attacked by a ceiling turret. At the end of the tunnel, open the door by interacting with the panel on the left. You will be attacked by a robot, and inside there is a turret and several white rats. Use the terminal at the bottom and decide whether to blow up the train or reroute it to the Vagabonds. Climb the steps, call the right elevator and remove the chains. Inside the train, decide how to proceed: destroy it by planting explosives or reroute it by interacting with the control panel. Return to Winston for your reward. You will receive 500 experience points and 3 stimpacks. We continue the walkthrough of all the additional quests of the game Fallout London on the StopGame.Ru website.

Arms Race. Talk to Anthony at the Swan & Mitre Pub to start this quest. You will be given a bomb. Move a little further down Dog Island to the marker where you will find a woman named Valentina. Talk to her. At this point, you should have copper, plastic, and a schematic. If not, explore the area or buy the necessary items from merchants. Talk to Valentina and follow her. She will give you an access card to the Syndicate warehouse. Use the card on the card reader to the left of the blocked door. Go inside, clear the hallway, and remove the chain blocking the back entrance to let the Drifters into the warehouse. Plant the bomb and return to Anthony at the Swan & Mitre Pub. You will receive 500 experience points and a new rifle.

There are no more heroes

In the quest “Charybdis” I explained how to find the four-legged companion. The meeting with Churchill will take place near the factory where they make food. Enter the factory to start the quest. Move to the right wing, go to the common area with the conveyors, go upstairs, enter the control room and exit through the door on the right. This will lead you to the source of the noise. Go downstairs, wait for Allen to finish his speech and talk to Harvin, the owner of the factory, who is standing above. Follow him to the next office and talk to him again. If you succeed in passing the Perception check (5), you will receive experience points. By passing the Intelligence (5) or Charisma (7) check, Harvin will appoint the worker as a regional manager, and his salary will depend on sales, which will lead to the end of the strike. In this case, you will receive 150 tickets and 480 experience points. If you fail the checks, you will have to use force. If you accept Harvin’s offer, follow him to the locker room and talk to Allen. Harvin will offer 100 tickets, but Allen will try to bribe you. I recommend agreeing and killing Harvin, as his corpse will give you the Factory Key (to open some locked doors) and the ability to collect supplies. Allen will also allow you to take dog food from a nearby crate. After either of these decisions, the quest will be completed.

Revenge, thy name is Wrath

The next task on the list will be from the Rogue faction, which will be given to you by Sebastian Gaunt. After completing the previous mission, you will have to spend some time doing other things in the game world – about 6-7 in-game days. Then go to the Swan and Mitre pub, where you will have to meet Sebastian to receive a new task (it will automatically appear in your PDA). Talk to Sebastian and find out from him the names of three Syndicate members who need to be eliminated. You will be given an access card to the club. Open the map and head to the place marked with a marker. This will probably be the military boat HMS Dredge. Go down to the south to the building and talk to Meg. To successfully complete it, you will need special clothes (like Winston) or a high level of charisma (6), which can be increased using cheats. We continue the walkthrough of all the additional tasks of the game Fallout London on the StopGame.Ru website.

Enter the building, go up to the floor and wait for the door to open. Discuss the situation with James, and then meet Winston. You have two options: chase Winston away by choosing one of two phrases, or give him James. In the first case, you will have to kill Winston by any means, and in the second – just go outside to update the task.

Head northwest to Lexi. As before, you’ll need the right clothes or a Charisma check (6). Enter the Syndicate factory, clear out the enemies, and head up to the top floor. Eliminate Sinclair. An additional objective will appear – burn Sinclair’s body. Hold down the E key (or the button to pick up objects) and go down to the basement to the furnace. Place the body on the grate above the hot magma and pull the lever to remove the grate. Then head to Westminster, where you haven’t been yet. Find the passage to the new location, interact with the hatch, go through the tunnel, and open the red flap on the pipe. Follow the marker further until you find a ladder leading outside. Keep moving until you meet the military guarding the entrance to Westminster. Talk to the guard, who won’t let you through, as your name is not on the list.

This barrier can be bypassed by completing the main story quest. Complete the quest “Heavenly/Angel Killer” by visiting Hackney and Islington. After that, the storyline will update, and you will be able to enter the main gates of Westminster. For the quest “Angel Killer”, complete the Ferryman and Archie’s quests, save Lazarus in Millwall and help the residents of St. Paul’s Cathedral. After that, help the military at the Imperial War Museum who are planning to seize the Bank of England. You will be given a gas mask and you will be able to enter Islington. After completing the quest “Angel Killer”, go to the Westminster Gate near Trafalgar Square and talk to the guard at the checkpoint. He will let you through the gate. Once you are in Westminster, enter the indicated building and talk to Tisi. If you don’t have the right clothes, you’ll have to not only use charisma, but also give a bribe.

Otherwise, leave your weapon at the entrance. Go to the back room and talk to Peter. Tell him what Johnny said and he will agree to leave. If you have charisma (9), you will be able to convince the nobles to cooperate with the Vagabonds and break ties with the Syndicate. When you complete all three tasks, return to main London, visit the Swan and Mitre pub and complete the quest with a conversation with Sebastian. He will summarize your work. Regardless of how you completed the tasks, Sebastian will scold you, try to fire you, but eventually the next task “Black” will begin. We continue the walkthrough of all additional tasks of the game Fallout London on the StopGame.Ru website.


The next side quest from the Rogue gang will begin immediately after completing the previous quest. Enter the Swan and Mitre pub and talk to Yvette. Open your inventory and find Nielsen’s note in the Miscellaneous section. Read it, then go up to the second floor and enter the indicated room. Listen to the message on the radio, then go back downstairs and, if desired, talk to Sebastian. Then go outside. Your task is to stop Thomas Black’s train. Eliminate all enemies and move north to the indicated station. Enter the building, eliminate opponents and find a hole in the wall to the right of the two elevators. Use the panel to open the double doors, go through the left door and go down the stairs. Continue moving around the station, following the marker, and enter the train.

Move through the train cars, eliminating the Syndicate men. This is a great place to use grenades. Almost all the doors open from panels on both sides, so it won’t be difficult. At the very end, you will meet Nelson, who will confess to everything. You will have to choose: either accept Black’s offer or refuse. If you choose the first option, kill Nelson and clear out Black’s base. If you agree to the offer, you will have to complete another task. I chose the third path and chose the first phrase twice, convincing Nelson that it is possible to make peace between the Rogues and the Syndicate. After that, leave the station and go to the Syndicate headquarters. Enter the elevator and go up. Talk to Black. If you chose to reconcile the Syndicate and the Rogues, you will be given a final choice – kill Black and his men or agree with him and try to overthrow Sebastian Gaunt. In the second case, the task will end here. Personally, I didn’t like Sebastian, so this option makes sense, especially considering that he could help stop the gang war.

Breaking the vicious circle

The next task is connected with the quest chain of the Vagabonds and the Syndicate. Go outside and go to the Swan and Mitre pub. Wait for Sebastian and Anthony to enter the pub and follow them. Talk to everyone and tell the truth about Black wanting you to take Sebastian’s place. Give all your arguments. You will receive the support of Anthony, Winston and Johnny if you have previously completed the side quests of Ian Wint and Sid, and in other quests the Vagabond lieutenants supported them (for example, they did not blow up the train, but delivered it to the Vagabonds; they allowed Winston to deal with the Syndicate lieutenant on his own, etc.). Sebastian will be persistent, and you will have to fight him one on one on the street. Do not go far from the place where the Vagabond leaders are standing, as immediately after killing Sebastian, a dialogue will begin. If you do not stay put, the quest may freeze. After the dialogue, the objective will update. Return to the Swan and Mitre pub, go up to the second floor and radio Nelson to inform Black that the mission is complete. If done correctly, you will receive the following ending to the war between the Vagabonds and the Syndicate: “Thanks to your efforts, the Vagabonds and the Syndicate of Dog Island are no longer at war. You receive double experience for successfully passing speech checks. We continue to walk through all the additional quests of the game Fallout London on the StopGame.Ru website.

Finally some answers?

The following side quest is available on the game’s main map and can be completed simultaneously with the main story or the optional Gang War quest for the Drifters. After passing through the marked tunnels on the way to Westminster Gate, move along the embankment and talk to Sybil, who is admiring the statue. Agree to help the woman. Go to Lawrence at the indicated location. There are two options: you can either convince him and get the desired item for Sybil, or fail the checks, and then Lawrence will tell you where to find all the ingredients. If you pass the strength check (9), Lawrence will immediately give you the kit. If you choose the other option, but then use charisma (9), Lawrence will trust you, and you will be able to buy the crafting ingredients for 100 tickets. If you fail the charisma check, you can use perception (up to level 9) to buy the ingredients for 100 tickets. For the 4th level of luck you will receive a discount and will be able to buy ingredients for 80 tickets.

To avoid checks, choose the second option (not strength) when talking to Lawrence, then the first, first, third. In this case, you will have to look for the ingredients yourself, without markers on the map. I advise you to pass at least some of the checks and buy the drug or ingredients from Lawrence (you just need to deliver them to Sybil). Even if you do not get the drug, return to Sybil and try to convince her to give up the chemicals. To do this, pass a charisma check (7). You can skip the second charisma check. Choose the first phrase and say that this sounds abnormal (the third phrase). Specify the first phrase (do not say that in a past life you were a centipede). Choose the second phrase to make Sybil continue talking. Say that she did great and does not need chemicals (the first phrase). Return to Lawrence and tell her that the woman overcame her addiction. The quest will be completed.


Talk to Johnny at the Swan and Mitre Pub to receive this side quest from the Drifters. Then head to the HMS Dredge, a naval vessel located in the center of Dog Island and marked with a marker. Destroy a few enemies and a turret outside, then hack the door and head inside. Inside the vessel, eliminate all the Syndicate guards. Find the stairs in the far hallway and head up. Talk to Larry, who is being held captive, and try to use the terminal nearby. If your attempts to unlock the cells are unsuccessful, you will need the password. Go outside, go up to the captain’s bridge, kill a few enemies, and use the terminal to reset the password for the cells. Return to the ship and use the terminal again. Talk to Larry and return to Johnny to report the quest complete. You will receive 500 experience points as a result.

Work on the train

Talk to Winston at the Swan and Mitre Pub to start this side quest from the Rogues. You will also receive the Silenced Spy Pistol. Head north on Dog Island and go down to the marked bunker. In the tunnel ahead, you will be attacked by a ceiling turret. At the very end of the tunnel, there is a door. To open it, interact with the panel to the left of the door. Inside, you will be attacked by a robot and a turret. There will be several white rats at the top. On the lower level, interact with the terminal, after which you will have to choose what to do – blow up the train or reroute it to the Rogues. Climb the stairs and call the right elevator. Climb up, remove the chains and eliminate all the Syndicate representatives. Once inside the train, decide what to do – blow up (plant explosives in the middle of the car, in the marked place) or reroute (go to the driver’s cabin and interact with the control panel). Return to Winston at the Swan and Mitre Pub to receive your reward. This will net you around 500 XP and 3 Stimpaks.

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