What to do with Wedding Ring after Divorce

Wondering what to do with your wedding ring after divorce? Check out these options, from keeping it as a keepsake to selling or donating it.

Unfortunately, more than half of marriages end in divorce. To be more precise, according to 2019 data, the percentage of divorces from the number of marriages in the Russian Federation reached 51%. If your union has suffered this fate, do not be upset. This happens often. And the question also often arises – what to do with the wedding ring after a divorce?

Rings after a divorce are not just memories of a bad or good life in marriage. But also real money. You can keep them after a divorce as a memory of happy moments, you can throw them away in a fit of nerves because of malice towards your spouse, or you can bring them to our pawnshop and get good money.

What to do with Wedding Ring after DivorceWhat to do with Wedding Ring after Divorce

Let’s take a quick look at what you can do with your engagement ring: 

“We’re getting a divorce now, but he’ll come back later.” Or “I’ll give it to the kids and remember how good it was for us.” Most likely, in a year or two the ring will get lost somewhere or will simply be forgotten. 

Give it to your ex-wife /husband.

“He left/dumped me – so let him take everything. I don’t need anything from him/her.” Don’t go to extremes, because the ring is real money. 

Throw it away. This method will help relieve tension after a divorce, express anger. And then?

Put it up for auction.

You need to find where to go, where to register the jewelry, wait for your buyer. And the likelihood that the jewelry will be sold is small. At auctions, in most cases, they look for unique items. Is it possible to sell your jewelry if it is not like that? Most likely, yes, but the wait may be long.


Anger at your spouse requires you to get rid of the ring, but good memories say: “Maybe I should keep it?” So what to do? You can pawn the jewelry. On the one hand, you get rid of the hated item, on the other, you get money. In this case, you can buy the ring back (suddenly you change your mind, make peace).

Hand over to a pawnshop.

Any precious metal and stone is real money. And you can get it on the day of your request, from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Everything depends on the uniqueness of the product, its complexity of execution.

Can you wear the item after a breakup or the death of your spouse? No one forbids you. Some people leave it on their finger as a memory, others continue to wear it as a sign of loyalty to their other half or a tribute to tradition. Everyone decides for themselves where to put the jewelry after a divorce. But if you decide to get rid of the jewelry, it is better to get the maximum benefit from it.

Charity is a great way to get rid of a ring you don’t need anymore.

Why charity is a good option :

  • you will help people, and due to this they will send you their positive emotions;
  • due to such a step, the ring can become not just a symbol of a broken marriage, but a thing that helped people, why not cleanse your energy, the energy of the ring and your past;
  • if you give away something old, something new will always come in its place. In other words, if you give away an old wedding ring, you can expect a new one to come in its place.

Signs about rings vary from country to country, so you need to be very careful in this matter if you are traveling abroad.

Another reason why people are not ready to part with their old wedding ring is style . The fashion for designer jewelry leads to the fact that the wedding ring continues to be worn as an expensive accessory, without paying attention to its origin. Social norms. Paying attention to which finger the ring is worn is, unfortunately, still a common tradition when applying for a job, concluding a deal, and even when meeting someone.

Often, those who want to maintain their social status and do not want to provoke unnecessary questions do not take off the ring after a divorce. Some companies do not welcome the decision to get divorced. For this reason, a ring on the wedding finger is sometimes worn by those who are not married or have never been married. Usually, for such purposes, they buy a simple ring similar to a wedding ring, or wear a ring that they like on the ring finger.

If a woman or a man wants to keep their wedding ring, the best way to do it is to wear it on the left hand on the ring finger . Such traditions and signs are relevant only for Slavic peoples and in Russia. In America and Europe, young people who are married, on the contrary, wear rings on the left hand, and after a divorce – on the right.

What to do with an engagement ring after a breakup

Women often ask themselves whether it is necessary to return an engagement ring after breaking up with a man. In the past, the tradition was that the failed chosen one could keep the ring for herself. It was usually quite expensive and, even when breaking up, the young man considered himself obliged to provide for the failed bride at least partially. The chosen one had the right to sell or pawn the ring in case of urgent need, but it was forbidden to give it as a gift.

Today, the situation has turned a little to the other side of the coin. Women have already stood on their feet, trumpeting their independence, wealth, and prosperity through all the megaphones, so the tradition of keeping the ring after the engagement has changed. If a couple breaks up, modern ladies return the ring as a sign that the relationship is no longer there and there is no point in even thinking about continuing the relationship. Is this right or not?

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