Tips and Tricks for Beginners in Civilization VI

If you are new to Civilization VI we are going to help you win more games and get the most out of each civilization with a series of tips.

Tips and Tricks for Beginners in Civilization VI.

Tips and Tricks for Beginners in Civilization VITips and Tricks for Beginners in Civilization VI

In this Civilization VI guide we are going to make you better players, to win many more games and to know how to always get ahead of your rivals. In this 4X strategy game it will be necessary to use our turns and resources with maximum efficiency and start to gain an edge in scoring, science, culture or production. To do this, knowing the strengths of our civilization or making the most of the first phases of the game can be decisive.

  • Meet your leader and civilization
  • Resources and expansion
  • Interface and settings
  • Best civilizations for beginners

Meet your leader and civilization

Let’s start with the basics. The most important thing is to know the capabilities of your civilization and leader . All civilizations have passive abilities , present throughout the game. On the other hand, we will have exclusive units or certain buildings or districts (available at a certain time and after research). It is vital to read these characteristics and at the same time know if we are more interested in seeking a type of victory or strengthening our weaknesses.

Resources and expansion

Every game of Civilization VI is quite situational , depending on our environment and biomes, as well as nearby resources. As soon as we start our game we will appear in an area, usually adjacent to a river or coast. These will always be the safest areas to build a city. Also look for abundant resources and varied resources, there are several types: additional, strategic or luxury resources. They can give you food, production, science, culture or gold. Also, if we cannot access or improve the resource, the technology necessary for it will be displayed in red.

To a large extent, the wealth and power of your civilization will depend on the amount and type of resources you control, as well as buildings and wonders. To use a resource, it must be within your civilization’s borders, and you must build the appropriate improvement in that hex (Banana Farm, for example).

Remember that cities are built by settler units. If the settler is in a place where a city can be built, the “Build City” action button will appear. Click on it, and the settler will disappear and be replaced by the new city. Cities will grow faster if there is plenty of food in them, usually farms and plantations boost this.

Interface and settings

In this case we are talking about certain settings that can help you , not only in the game, but also in the overall performance of the game. It is a fact that on a standard or larger map, there comes a point where it can be tedious to wait for everyone’s turn in such a slow way. For this, automatic movement and combat are widely used by Civilization players. If you are new, enjoy these animations, but once you have been playing for a few hours, you will only be wasting time with these settings. You will find these settings in “game”.

Also within “Interface” you will see the option to “Show performances in ribbon viewer” , something you can activate or just by hovering over. This shows the performance of gold, production, science, culture, tourism, religion and so on for all the civilizations in the world. There are many settings as well, such as the animated passage of time, or the hour format, just touch and choose what you like best.

Best civilizations for beginners

If you are just starting out in Civilization, certain civilizations will help you more , even for some types of victories . To start, here are a couple:

  • Frederick Barbarossa as leader of Germany is a good choice, you will always have an extra district, as well as military and production power.
  • With Rome you will have trade routes, roads, accommodations and added growth, very balanced for everyone.
  • With Egypt we will always have gold, a resource that is never in excess and is very useful, if it is your style of play go with it,
  • If you are looking for a cultural or scientific victory, there is no one better than Pericles as a leader of Greece .

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