10 Signs of A Bad Trainer At Work

Learn how to identify the signs of a bad trainer at work and take action to improve your training experience. Don’t let a bad trainer hinder your professional growth!A sports club’s signature T-shirt doesn’t guarantee that you’re dealing with a real pro. We’ll tell you what warning signs should alert you.

You Must Know;Signs of A Bad Trainer At Work.

Signs of A Bad Trainer At Work.Signs of A Bad Trainer At Work.

You hire an expert who knows how to achieve the best results in the shortest time. If your mentor is far from being in perfect shape, consider choosing another specialist. If the trainer himself could not build the body of his dreams, it is not a fact that you will be able to do so. The exception is when experienced professionals are recovering from injuries or other health problems. Ideally, the trainer should be a clear example, and not just a sports theorist.

Humiliates and shames (even as a joke).

In the modern world, people already experience a lot of stress about their appearance and physical fitness. And the job of a good trainer is to introduce you to the world of fitness so that you feel calm and comfortable in the gym. Beginners are already awkward taking their first steps in sports in front of strangers, and a trainer’s attempts to shame you for your results or figure are completely inappropriate. This type of motivation should make you doubt the professionalism of the mentor.

The “Secret” Workout Program

A training course requires a well-thought-out program tailored to your needs. Impromptu training is appropriate for a trial meeting, but not in the long term. If a trainer does not voice plans for the future, this is already a bad sign. But if he refuses to explain the essence of the program and cannot provide it in writing even after a direct request, you have fallen into the hands of an incompetent specialist.

Indifference to nutrition and advertising of dietary supplements.

You should definitely be wary if dietary advice is limited to the phrase “you can do anything”. But at the same time, persistent recommendations with offers to buy certain food supplements are no better. The trainer is obliged to provide scientifically based information on rational balanced nutrition. At the same time, he cannot replace a nutritionist if he does not have the appropriate medical education or recommend a therapeutic diet.

Phone in hands

We can all get bored and distracted at work sometimes. But if your trainer regularly answers messages and takes calls right during a workout, that’s not normal. It’s not just that you paid for their attention to the process — this approach is simply unsafe. A trainer should supervise the exercises so that you don’t risk getting injured due to technique errors while they’re busy texting their friends.


Okay, let’s not be prudes and admit that you can find your destiny even in the gym among the coaching staff. But if the coach allows himself to flirt and make slippery hints without any response from you, you should not tolerate such behavior. In the end, even if you have started a conversation that goes beyond training, you should still change the coach. In the process, it is important to think about the technique of performing exercises, and not about how to look better in the eyes of a romantic partner.

Active conversations

Nutrition, home workouts, sportswear, and gadgets are great topics for conversation between sets. However, it is important to realize that you came to develop your body, not your oratory skills. If talking takes more time than exercising, the service of a personal trainer becomes a waste of time and money. Not to mention cases when it comes to gossip. Did you discuss your girlfriends with your teacher in school? Let the mentor spend time with your training instead of idle chatter.


Makes you work through the pain

While there is nothing wrong with feeling your muscles burn during a workout, sharp pain means you should stop immediately and figure out the cause. If a trainer forces you to exercise through pain, he or she is hardly a professional. A true expert understands that there may be an injury that further activity can only aggravate.

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