In recent years, Minecraft has continued to surprise players with new biomes and various improvements, allowing you to explore the vast expanses of this cubic world with even greater interest. One of the most striking innovations was the cherry blossom biome. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to find a cherry blossom in Minecraft, what commands will help you quickly find yourself in an amazing grove, and what treasures this beautiful biome hides.
How do I know where a biome is?
First, open the chat or console by pressing the T key (in the English layout) or E (in the Russian layout). When the console line appears in front of you, you will be able to enter various messages and commands. Enter the command ” /locate biome minecraft:cherry_grove ” there to get the exact coordinates of the nearest cherry biome.
How do I know where a biome is?
First, open the chat or console by pressing the T key (in the English layout) or E (in the Russian layout). When the console line appears in front of you, you will be able to enter various messages and commands. Enter the command ” /locate biome minecraft:cherry_grove ” there to get the exact coordinates of the nearest cherry biome.
As soon as you see the coordinates, write them down or remember them. In different versions of the game, the command may work slightly differently, but the general principle remains the same: Minecraft itself will determine the nearest point of biome appearance and tell you where to go. If you’re lucky, the grove will be very close to you, and the journey will not take much time.
How to get to the cherry biome?
Once you have the coordinates of the cherry blossom, you have a couple of ways to get there. Let’s take a closer look at them.
This is a risky but the fastest method. You need to enter a command like ” /tp XYZ ” or ” /teleport XYZ “, where X , Y and Z are the coordinates of the biome found. Often a ready-made teleportation command is displayed in the chat, just click on the coordinates that you get after executing the command ” /locate biome minecraft:cherry_grove “, and it will automatically appear in your console. Then confirm the action, and you are already in the cherry forest.
The main problem with teleportation is that you can get stuck in the ground or blocks, since the coordinates sometimes point to a lower level than the actual surface. This is especially dangerous in survival mode, since you risk dying in the blocks. To avoid such troubles, take a pickaxe and a shovel with you to dig to the surface, or change the Y coordinate in advance to a slightly higher value than the command gives. This guarantees that you will end up above the ground.
On foot
If you want to enjoy a full hike, it is better to go to the cherry grove on foot. Once you have learned the coordinates of the biome, press F3 to open an additional menu where you can see the current position of the character under the item “XYZ”. By comparing your coordinates with the desired ones, you will step by step approach the desired place.
Some players prefer to combine the methods: first teleport to a safe point nearby, and then walk the rest of the way. If maximum realism is important to you, refuse the teleport altogether and get to the cherry blossoms solely on your own.
What is in the cherry biome
Cherry groves in Minecraft are picturesque pastures covered with lush grass, where cute pink petals are scattered everywhere. In addition to the usual flowers, such as dandelions and poppies, in these places there is a special pink pollen, which gives each clearing an enchanting atmosphere of eternal spring. The main pride of the biome is, of course, the bright pink cherry trees, which generously shower the ground with petals, forming an almost continuous carpet.
In addition, it is not uncommon to find emerald deposits underground. If you are lucky, you can dig up a whole supply of the precious ore. The grass in cherry groves is usually a lighter lime color.Mobs are mostly sheep, pigs and sometimes rabbits, which add coziness and serenity to this place. Bee nests can often be seen on cherry trees. If you are a fan of beekeeping in Minecraft, this is a great chance to replenish your apiary and collect some honey.
An important feature of cherry trees is their unique wood of a delicate pink shade, which can be used in construction. Slabs, steps and doors made of such wood give buildings a fairytale look. Thanks to this, the biome becomes a real find for fans of creative construction.
Cherry blossoms in Minecraft are a real decoration of the game universe, adding delicate shades and a special sense of coziness to the usual cubic landscape. We hope that this article helped you figure out where to look for cherry blossoms and how to get there safely. We wish you a pleasant journey through the world of Minecraft..