How to Summon and Defeat the Eye of Cthulhu in Terraria

We show you how you can summon and defeat the Eye of Cthulhu in Terraria, one of the first bosses we will face.After getting through the first couple of hours of exploring the world of Terraria , it would be ideal to start knowing how to summon certain bosses to defeat them and thus continue with the progression of the game. That is why, in this guide we tell you what you need to do so and how you can defeat the Eye of Cthulhu easily, taking into account that you have practically just started your adventure.

How to summon the Eye of Cthulhu in Terraria

Although there is no progression as such in Terraria, the Eye of Cthulhu is the ideal second boss to continue our adventure after defeating the Slime King, since apart from the fact that its movements are not at all complicated if you have already mastered your battle arena, its life bar does not rise much beyond the previous boss.



Necessary materials

Suspicious Looking EyeSuspicious Looking Eye

Suspicious Looking Eye

x6 Lenses

Also, we won’t need many materials to summon it, and these are very easy to get. Once you have them, you will have to go to one of the crimson or demonic altars that are underground, depending on what you have been given or have chosen in your world. When you find one, simply interact with it and create the Suspicious-Looking Eye .

How to defeat the Eye of Cthulhu and what rewards it gives us

Now that you have the Suspicious Looking Eye, the ideal thing to do is to create a battlefield where you have enough space to move around and the boss can’t reach you, or at least not for the entire duel. This is a bit of a personal choice and you can create it wherever you like and in whatever size you think is necessary.

Defeating the Eye of Cthulhu is quite simple, since as we have mentioned before, it doesn’t have many moves . These will be to follow you and try to attack you throughout the fight, attract enemies, which in this case will be Cthulhu’s servants and in its second phase … more of the same, really. The only thing that changes is that it will be a little closer to you.

The key to defeating him will be to not stand still at any time, thus taking advantage of all the space in the arena. Also, use ranged weapons to make it easier and to keep more distance from him, although he is quite fast . As a reward, he can leave you the following items:




Cthulhu Eye MaskCthulhu Eye Mask

Cthulhu Eye Mask


Eye of Cthulhu TrophyEye of Cthulhu Trophy

Eye of Cthulhu Trophy


Minor Healing PotionMinor Healing Potion

Minor Healing Potion


Corrupted SeedsCorrupted Seeds

Corrupted Seeds or Crimson Seeds


Demonic MineralDemonic Mineral

Demonic or Crimson Ore


Infamous ArrowInfamous Arrow

Infamous Arrow





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